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Everything posted by merlin

  1. The reason for the reaction is that Allardyce's comments could adversely affect our result at Anfield, and maybe even SJP - I couldn't give a stuff what he thinks - he's entitled to his opinion - but it is unprofessional if it causes another top side to be really on their metal when they play us. Also, these comments are so petty that they could have been made by our last Chairman.....
  2. That should be the motto of EVERY successful club - can you imagine Wenger allowing Martins(or anyone else)being an automatic choice ?
  3. This is exactly the right comment on this stupid intervention by Allardyce - I am absolutely stunned that he should have entered into such a ludicrous situation as to provoke a comparison between himself and Benitez, for regardless of his intentions, that is what he has done, and , by association, beween Liverpool and ourselves... There are many similarities between the two cities/clubs, but success is not one of them - if NUFC had won even half of what Benitez has done with Liverpool,or half of what Liverpool have achieved in the past 20 years we would have been jumping through hoops and claiming we were in the elite now, etc etc. The old saying about Glass Houses, stones and throwing comes to mind - all Allardyce has succeeded in doing is to draw enormous pressure on to both himself and the Club(us), and probably ensured that we get a humiliating defeat when we go to Anfield ; Benitez will have them well wound up for that one, and their squad is already light-years ahead of ours - time to get back to basics Big Sam ; AND to say NOWT.
  4. I'll be astonished if that happens - apart from the Wigan game(and West Ham have far better players than Wigan), we haven't looked like 'pasting' ANYBODY - the team hasn't got enough raw pace to do that. If we win 1-0, it will be as best that can be expected, and if they score first, we will have a mountain to climb....
  5. Cappello and Hiddink are better for me. Totally agree - Hiddink is the best around.
  6. If I was a betting man, I would def go for this - the split with Abramovitch has been coming for ages, and Jol will have to get good results in the next few games or he will be out... As for those advocating Mourinho for Allardyce, I can't see this as a runner at all - maybe if Big Sam had been at the Club for a year or so, possibly, but even Ashley must see what a cleft stick the club is in over sacking managers ; we are the laughing stock of the Prem as far as that's concerned - even if Ashley wanted him, I reckon Mourinho would still go to Spurs if offered the chance(London & all that...).
  7. I agree with much of this. We have got many years of 'soft touch' to remove from the opposition's association with Newcastle United, and unfortunately, we have both the Transfer Window to contend with as well as a completely new regime off the pitch ; in this situation it is impossible to do everything quickly, a)because the players aren't available to us and b) because it takes time for the guys at the top to have total confidence in the abilities of the manager - esp as they didn't appoint him... People are underestimating just how far this club has fallen in 4 years - for a club of our size and potential, it is almost the equivalent of Leeds Utd's disaster, for we qualified for the CL 2 years' running. There has been HUGE damage done to the club's reputation all around Europe, and players who we need and could have competed for 5 years ago will no longer be interested - even if Ashley was prepared to give Allardyce a big budget. It is going to take time to sort it all out, and the unavailability of Barton in particular has drastically affected our effectiveness in supporting the forwards from midfield ; of the other players who are out, I have doubts as to Emre's future with the club(AND his usefulness) - Duff WOULD be a huge bonus IF he were to be the player he was at Blackburn, but I have a bad feeling that those days are over... As to any doubts over the manager, I think its far too soon to be condemning him yet - he is going to need time, maybe up to 3 years...having said that, there remain some awkward questions about some of his decisions ; the introduction of Faye was non-productive at Derby, and this player looks too much like many others we have albeit even slower. You could interchange him for Butt or Geremi and you wouldn't notice the difference, when what we needed was some creativity brought into the side - OK, Faye was going to help keep Derby at bay, but he wasn't going to hurt them.... Perhaps Troisi should have been introduced - it was a late stage in the game, so he wouldn't have had to cope too much with Derby's aggression as they were tiring by then, and he does at least try to play the forward pass & kep possession. If there is a criticism of Allardyce, it is that he can be too cautious at a stage of the match when we need some positive qualities in the midfield.. I didn't like the appointment of Geremi as captain at the time, and nothing since has changed my mind - he is playing far too cautiously, and it looks to me as if the responsibilty is on his mind all the time - I would actually have preferred Barton to be given the job for a number of reasons, not least the fact that he will have to behave more responsibly. The defeat was disappointing in the extreme, but it was the manner of it rather than the resuly which caused the alarm bells to ring with me ; we've all seen odd-goal defeats where the result has been undeserved, where the beaten team has hit the bar, forced the keeper into great saves, and missed loads of chances - this was NOT one of those games, and we went down without a whimper, but I said all this after the match on another thread ; the lack of creativity IS a major problem, but to lose to such a poor side so easily is very worrying. If we get a similar performance in the next AWAY game - never mind against West Ham - the alarm bells WILL start ringing, but we would be wrong now to expect anything better than a Top 10 placing this season.
  8. Well less than 50% of the MPC are actually government appointed. So whats your take on Barclays securing a £2bn emergency loan within the past month? Should we all be taking money out of Barclays also? I don't TOTALLY trust ANY Bank, but Barclays did not have anywhere near the amount of exposure to Mortgages that NR have - 80% of NRs assets are in House Loans, which means that when there is the threat of a fall in house prices -like now - their assets are worth less than their liabilities.. And as for the Govt 'guaranteeing' ANY Banking organisation, that reminds me of Major trying to prop up the pound in the ERM back in 1992 - you can't buck the Market, and if people took Darling at his word, the Govt would be bust in no time - if punters pulled all their money out of ALL banks, the Govt would fall as there is NO way they could meet the guarantees - more Fairy Stories anyone...!!?? They haven't guaranteed all banks. They've guaranteed Northern Rock. So if you've got your money with someone else, get f****** queuing. At least that gave me a smile - they actually stated that they would guarantee ALL Banks' customers,,, I won't be queueing - my money is NOT in the UK, I'm pleased to say....
  9. It was nailed on we were going to lose today. We ALWAYS lose these matches. If that's the case, we might as well go back to having Shepherd as Chairman and Roeder or Souness as manager - nothing like having high standards...!
  10. If there is nothing Harper could of done for a shot from way out I think it is time to recall Shay, Harper had NO chance with the goal - it was a waste of time him trying to dive for it and he knew it - it was in the top corner, hit well & swerved. Miller should have been closed down & wasn't - end of story. Harper was not to blame for our defeat in any way.
  11. As this game was at 3am our time, I recorded it and watched this morning. This was a huge disappointment, not just from the result point of view(Miller hit a great strike out of the blue and when those go in, they look great), but from the fact that we never really created 1 real chance apart from Rozehnal's shot which should have been a goal. However, he IS a defender, and the fact that we are relying on defenders to score if forwards don't is a huge indictment of the midfielders. We all know Ameobi's limitations, and those who constantly slag off Viduka can now surely see why Allardyce wanted him - his presence up front is more worrying for defenders than Ameobi will ever be - but Viduka is not the total answer. Owen can only be really effective when he is in the box, and how often did THAT happen? Our attacks are pedestrian - when the ball is played out of defence, it is either hit long(which is hopeless for small forwards)or played in a slow laborious build-up which allows defenders to get back to cover the forwards. The midfield are slow to close up with the forwards when the ball goes into the opposition box, so the forwards are always outnumbered - the return of Barton MAY help with this, but as we all know, we lack a skilled midfield creator, and this will have a serious effect on our season as a whole. Whilst we don't look as if we will get overrun, we could(and should) have lost by 2 clear goals - Howard had a real chance with a header late on which should have been 2-0. I always wondered how we would do if we went behind, and this game gave us the answer - badly. Against a team like Arsenal(who looked by far the season's best team so far last Saturday), we would have lost heavily as they would have punished us as we tried to save the game. I reckon this game was a wake-up call for all of us - whilst we created real chances against Wigan, we did not do so in any quantity in the other matches, so this is a real concern. Consider the difference in our chance creation in this match to Villa's against Man City - Villa should have got something out of the game after creating several good chances, but we did not and that is worrying. We know we lack pace in the forwards, and that was rubbed home clearly last night. It looks as if we will struggle in games where the opposition score first, and whilst I never expected an easy win or a walk-over, we should be getting wins against these type of sides if we want European football next season. Altogether a massive let-down which highlights how much work(and money)is needed to make us anything like a real Top 5 contender.
  12. Well less than 50% of the MPC are actually government appointed. So whats your take on Barclays securing a £2bn emergency loan within the past month? Should we all be taking money out of Barclays also? I don't TOTALLY trust ANY Bank, but Barclays did not have anywhere near the amount of exposure to Mortgages that NR have - 80% of NRs assets are in House Loans, which means that when there is the threat of a fall in house prices -like now - their assets are worth less than their liabilities.. And as for the Govt 'guaranteeing' ANY Banking organisation, that reminds me of Major trying to prop up the pound in the ERM back in 1992 - you can't buck the Market, and if people took Darling at his word, the Govt would be bust in no time - if punters pulled all their money out of ALL banks, the Govt would fall as there is NO way they could meet the guarantees - more Fairy Stories anyone...!!??
  13. So none of this is the fault of reckless borrowing by 'I-want-it-now' chavs and reckless lending by NR..!!?? AND - there is a strong feeling that the BOE wanted to let them stew in order to warn off other greedy banks, but Greedy Gordon and his stool-pigeon Darling put pressure on the BOE to lend them the money to stop it all coming out and creating pressure on over-blown house prices...after all, we can't have the REAL basis of the UK's Economy challenged, can we!!?? The BOE is NOT independent - the members of the MPC are Political appointments....... Amazing what the threat of a lost Pension will achieve..!!
  14. Northern Rock is going to be sold off - Lloyds TSB has already made first enquiries about a bid. This Financial Credit crunch has been coming for a long time - lending money to people who can't repay it may make the Govt popular as House prices rise, but that is coming to an end faster than the Titanic sunk. House prices have already started to fall in the UK(down 6000 pounds av last month)and the rises in Interest Rates have not even begun to hit home properly yet. Lenders are raising borrowing costs independently of the BOE as they seek to cover their own higher costs of borrowing in the Market. Life is going to get a lot tougher now - Inflation is rising(cost of Oil going up steadily)so the Main Banks like the Fed, ECB & BOE have to be careful about lowering Rates too much, so anyone with a load on their Credit Card should do themselves a favour - get RID of the debt NOW.. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and people who have invested unwisely in property are going to get their fingers burnt ; property is always a decent LONG term buy, but the rises of the past 5 - 10 years are unsustainable - if you don't believe me, try Alan Greenspan ; he has just said the same thing. Its just like shares - if you've bought at the Top of the Market, you are the worst-hit when it turns(as it ALWAYS does.).
  15. Ferdinand is definitely over-rated. Agree totally - if Woodgate had not had so many injuries, he would have been preferred to Ferdinand in the England team ; far better defender in my opinion.
  16. Schmeichel is the best in recent years - Banks was the best I've ever seen, and tons better than Given or any other modern keeper ; keepers got less protection in Banks' day, and you had to be tough to command the box. As for reflexes, well, you've all presumably seen the save from Pele in the Mexico WC, and I've seen him do that at SJP for Stoke in league matches - the all-time British great in my opinion, but there were other good ones like Shilton etc. There isn't a really outstanding goalkeeper in any International side right now.
  17. I always used to go to Wembley when Brazil came to play - it's an education to see these guys in action live and every time was different. Remember one visit in May 1992 when we got quite close to the pitch and the amazing close control/immediate passing of the Brazilians was magic to watch - they can even trap and control a ball coming slightly behind them by using the back of their heels....! Also, a side benefit was the female supporters - probably some of the most stunning women in the world live in Brazil....!! As for following England, I naturally want them to win, but its not like being at SJP - the best I can remember for atmosphere was against the French in early 1969(we were WC holders then), and we beat them 5-0, and also against the Scots in 1971 & 1975 - we won 3-1 and 5-1 respectively, and it was great to shut them up after all the ant-English stuff before & during the match, PLUS the fact that they relished p------g in the stadium NEXT to the toilets....they were all arguing with each other & gesticulating at each other out of bus windows on the North Circular afterwards !!
  18. I'm sure that's exactly what the long-suffering Leeds fans are worried about......
  19. Taylor is a young defender with some decent attributes - no more, no less. As to the rights & wrongs of the situation, if either he or his father are comparing his situation to that of Milner or N'Zogbia, then I don't think its as clear cut as that ; there is a similarity in their ages, but in my opinion, both Milner and Zog have illustrated more potential in that they both have the basic skills necessary for their positions - Taylor lacks the pace to be a really top centre-half, and this was shown up all too clearly against Mido at Boro. Yes, he has a good physique, decent temperament and can tackle - he actually looked less exposed at RB against Wigan than he sometimes does at CB, when he resorts to giving away silly fouls in dangerous positions... Some of this can be eliminated by experience etc., but you can not increase pace when a player reaches his age - IF he is being paid significantly less than the two young players mentioned, then yes, he does deserve an increase, but if you are comparing him to the central defenders we now have on the books, it is obvious to most of us that he is going to be third choice behind Roz & Capaca, and even Beye challenges him for the RB position, so it is going to be a while before he becomes a first team regular. The crux of the whole question is whether Sam rates him or not - if he doesn't, we may well see him leave - this sort of thing happens in football when a new manager comes in and I remember the furore when Lee sold Supermac to Arsenal; as long as the club/team is going in the right direction, you have to back the managers judgment - SJH allowed KK to scrap the Reserves in 1996, which is something I think I would have objected to.....
  20. merlin

    Do We Need Faye?

    Since when did you see Ameobi get half as involved in a game as Smith does ? Even if he's having a bad one, Smith never hides and gives 100% - I can't recall Ameobi ever tackling back like Smith does consistently. All teams need players now who can play in a number of positions and even if they aren't brilliant, 100% effort is better than one flash of skill every blue moon...
  21. Absolutely disgusting for a governing body of any sport to single out one individual from one nation. If the directive was in general to watch out for players using their arms and then show examples of many players from many countries doing it then fine but to specifically pick out an individual borders on cheating and giving one team an unfair advantage. I think this goes on with Refs all the time - I made this point after the Villa game, when Viduka got no protection from Laursen's challenges whatsoever, and some one on this site accused me of being mad..! I have no doubt that Refs SOMETIMES have an agenda, whether it is personal, or dictated from above - ask Brian Glanville(used to be Sunday Times football chief reporter) about the Lobo - Solti case involving Juventus and Derby Co back in 1973...Lobo, the ref for the second game at Derby, was approached by Solti, a 'fixer' and promised big money to give Juve a pen - he informed the Portuguese FA about it(he was Portuguese)and UEFA held a so-called Enquiry afterwards(the game finished goal-less, and Lobo even awarded Derby a pen which they missed). After Lobo gave his evidence, he was later removed from the FIFA panel of Refs for the WC in 1974,,,, and, nothing happened........allegedly......according to Brian Glanville. Draw your own conclusions.
  22. You mean like Maric, Marcelino, Dyer, Goma etc etc...?? These all proved to be GREAT club servants, didn't they?......NOT!! And what about his alienation of Rob Lee and Shearer ? What about the fact that he was so arrogant that our best midfielder, Hamman, fell out with him and demanded a transfer..?? My comments were for the reason he was appointed, I thought that was pretty obvious tbh. He attracted big name players such as Gianfranco Zola, Gianluca Vialli, Roberto Di Matteo, Gustavo Poyet, Frank Leboeuf etc. So why do you think he signed such turkeys for NUFC then.? Could it be that his Chelsea signings were arranged by a better scouting system, and that maybe he didn't bother to look at signings himself..?? OR - would there be another reason !! 'Persuasive' Players' Agents, perhaps, esp with his NUFC signings....
  23. merlin

    Steve Harper

    Are some of you that THICK...There is a difference between wanting to play games and HAVE TO play games OR ELSE I SPIT THE DUMMY...Do you think Harper has been happy not playing Do you think before you write ? He wasn't fuc*ing world class back then...There was nothing to separate Harper and Given back then from performance point of view...Harper was doing amazingly in the cup games...Maybe you weren't supporting NUFC back then so you don't know... Given is not a charity neither is Harper, but Harper is a team player....How many of you were slagging Belamy for threatening to hand in a transfer request when news were circulating about Rooney coming to NUFC ? How many were angry at Shearer when there were rumours that he will not accept being on the bench even though SBR wanted that... No one is undroppable and no one is above the NUFC...Apply this to everyone not just to whoever individual player you dislike from the squad... Correct.
  24. merlin

    Steve Harper

    I have thought for a while that the Mail in particular has it in for us, and has used every opportunity to stir rumours. Nevertheless, if it turns out that Given IS creating waves because he's not an automatic choice, I stand by what I said earlier - if he doesn't accept that ALL the squad face competition for places in the new regime. I would list him immediately. Giving way to his demands would send exactly the wrong message to the other players and we would be right back in the scenario we faced with SBR in his latter years - indiscipline in the Dressing Room a la' Dyer etc. If we want to be a top Club, no player can be bigger than Newcastle United - that's why I thought that Shearer being in on the interview for Robson's replacement(according to what seems to have happened with Allardyce the first time) was so wrong.
  25. Wait until we play them before jumping to conclusions about the result - we have a notably bad record against teams like this and esp after they've just had a pasting..... I just hope Sam instills more professionalism into the side than we have displayed when playing similar sides in the past....!
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