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Everything posted by merlin

  1. I'm sure we were told he gets a good cut from any transfer fee that we receive. There is little doubt that Pardew will get a bonus if a player is sold for a profit - its quite common in football and Clough had a similar arrangement but at least with him you knew he wouldn't sell if the player was a key part of the team. Apparently KK also had this deal - I remember John Anderson cutting off some guy on his phone-in the week before KK resigned in 1997 because the guy asked if KK had got a bonus from the sale of Darren Huckerby although we all trusted KK in that he also wouldn't sell a player unless he had someone else in mind. With Pardew, he doesn't give a stuff and anyone could go for all he cares if he gets a kick-back from it.
  2. I wouldn't, I can't stand anything about him or our association with him. The day he goes will be a good one for me. This - I never wanted him at the club and all those(mainly southern journalists and ignorant fans)who defend him do so because they know that under Pardew, we will never be a threat to their top sides.
  3. Perez is a far better player than Cisse - he works harder, is more mobile and has far more skill on the ball. If he adds the ability to finish as consistently as he looks capable of, he will be worth a great deal of money. Even at his young age, he has far more vision than Cisse, witness his great defence splitting pass to Sissoko last Saturday. For Ronaldo's benefit, I will also add that if he continues to progress he will be a far better all-round striker than Bellamy too - he is already more skilful on the ball and a less selfish forward. Far too early to call him a great, but then, I never accepted Bellamy as a great either...!
  4. No wonder NUFC is in such a state if you believe that Bellamy was a symbol of the club's greatness - the only wonder is that you actually want Pardew out. As for you stupid comment about my view, that reflects more on you than it does on me - you can lick Bellamy's boots if you want but there are plenty that won't, including me ; his comment about the club was typical of him...small minded, wrong and petty. If I had my way, he would never be allowed back into SJP unless he was an opposition player. With his views about our club and fans he would have been an ideal signing for the current regime, and the likes of you would have licked his boots.
  5. Bellamy is a jumped-up ignorant worm - had a decent spell at NUFC under SBR but has always been a trouble-maker and stirrer. Not worth a tuppeny toss... A 'decent spell'. He was very arguably our best player for the 3 seasons we finished in our highest positions since Keegan. In your view, maybe - he missed easy chances and he was the main beneficiary of Shearer's ability to take the pressure and lead the line. All Bellamy did was pick up the pieces - and he never, ever, achieved the same success with another club. Your main point is horrendously wrong as others have mentioned. Shearer didn't manage a single good season after Bellamy left. Shearer benefited from Bellamy tremendously (and vice versa). Also his career after us was pretty successful tbf. When we where on our way to mediocrity and relegation Bellamy had his most prolific scoring season the following year (17 in 32), won a couple cups, got his home club promoted to the PL for the first time ever, scored and assisted in a CL QF victory at the Nou Camp. Never, ever amounted to much after? Laughable. You might be laughing - I don't find Bellamy remotely amusing...and if you think he would have had anything like the modicum of success he had at NUFC without Shearer taking the target man role, then you are living in dreamland.
  6. Bellamy is a jumped-up ignorant worm - had a decent spell at NUFC under SBR but has always been a trouble-maker and stirrer. Not worth a tuppeny toss... A 'decent spell'. He was very arguably our best player for the 3 seasons we finished in our highest positions since Keegan. In your view, maybe - he missed easy chances and he was the main beneficiary of Shearer's ability to take the pressure and lead the line. All Bellamy did was pick up the pieces - and he never, ever, achieved the same success with another club.
  7. Bellamy is a jumped-up ignorant worm - had a decent spell at NUFC under SBR but has always been a trouble-maker and stirrer. Not worth a tuppeny toss...
  8. merlin

    Rolando Aarons

    Ameobi was our worst player on Sunday - at fault for giving away possession many times and for the break-down of many attacking moves.
  9. All the stooges coming out of the woodwork because we have had a few good results which are largely down to Pardew having to select players like Cabella & Perez as well as Abeid last week. Just wait until Williamson is back in the side again and Pardew drops Perez for Cisse and puts Sissoko back on the wing.... As I said last week, cream always rises to the top and dross eventually finds its own level..
  10. Good post and quite correct - Janmaat and Cabella look good on the right, but Ameobi was desperate on the left....lost possession more times than I could count and ruined some good build-ups.
  11. Janmaat had a great game and is finding his feet in the PL - if he continues in this vein he will be a major asset to the club and going forward, is certainly one of the best RBs we have had. 2 crosses today just begged for someone to get on the end of them and the one for Colo's rare goal was a peach. Both Janmaat and Perez are the main reasons for Pardew's escape from the bullet - disappointing in that sense but they are going to be great signings for the club. They are both what we would call 'Keegan players' and I don't doubt KK would have signed both of them given the option.
  12. Perez impressed me the first time I saw him because he clearly has talent and is comfortable on the ball. He has impressed me even more now because he allies his skill to hard work - a player of his stature and build would find a lone/main striker role difficult regardless of his age, but for a player of 21 who has just come into the PL, Perez stuck to the task manfully and the WBA defence were never comfortable when he had the ball. The goal was a sublime piece of finishing and would have been a credit to a top international striker, but also brilliant was the athletic volley which forced their keeper into a brilliant save....would have been the goal of the week. Pardew owes his current survival to the efforts of mainly new players and in particular, to Perez whose goals have got the club out of a mess and saved Pardew's skin - how long it lasts is up for question but Ashley must be rubbing his hands with glee at the thought of how much Perez will be worth at the end of the season if he gets anything like 15 goals...a ten-fold increase in what he cost is on the cards.....
  13. Ask the fans of W Ham, Charlton and Southampton if they would have him back as manager - you'll not be happy at their answers...
  14. Its just a pity KK wasn't managing this team and especially Sissoko - he would get Sissoko playing as he can most match days, not just the odd flash of what he can do. Sissoko would be one of the best midfielders in the PL if he was managed by the likes of Keegan. He has a great engine and can finish if he concentrates as well as no little skill on the ball. Wasted under Pardew and we will see him blossom at another club in the not too distant future.
  15. As cream always rises to the top, so dross always finds its own level even if it is suspended at a higher strata for a while. Pardew will inevitably be the centre of controversy and questions about his suitability as a PL manager once things start going wrong again - as they will. His record at other clubs is all you need to look at to know that and he has had a temporary stay of execution because he was obliged to pick several young players either by injury or for the League Cup game - it worked out better than he expected so he lives to fight another few months. Abeid was probably NUFC's best player yesterday - why hasn't he been in the first team before now ? That tells you all you need to know about Pardew's judgment of a player.
  16. merlin

    Alan Shearer

    The 0-1 result at SJP against Man U was the main reason for our failing to win the 95/96 title. We had absolutely murdered Man U in the first half - if it had been a boxing match the ref would have stopped it but we failed to get a goal despite numerous chances(Schmeichel played the game of his life). Had just ONE gone in before HT I am convinced that we would have beaten them comfortably and they would have collapsed after it. Our one moment of concentration failure from that corner, which enabled Cantona to score lifted them from the depths of despair. They knew they had a chance after that and their experience under Ferguson was crucial. Even then, we blew it at Anfield when we should have won and again at Blackburn.....we needed more 'Big Time' players for the following season and we signed Shearer but that was basically it and he missed several games through injury so we finished second again after KK walked in Jan 97. We will never get as close to winning the PL as we did then unless something miraculous happens off the field.
  17. merlin

    Alan Shearer

    Partly true - Shearer certainly WASN'T past his best when he arrived in July 1996 as he was only 25 at the time...he had had a bad injury(cruciate)whilst a Blackburn, but it was the injury he suffered at Everton pre-season in 1997 which did for his pace although he was still a formidable striker and target man. We WERE lacking a bit in defence which probably cost us the 95-96 PL title but it was loss of nerve as much as anything else and loss of concentration in 2 vital games.
  18. This - totally. Just a talking shop paying lip service to interest in supporters' concerns. The fact that Moncur is 'Club Ambassador' indicates the depth of his a--e licking to the regime....wonder why Beardsley doesn't get a similar post...!?
  19. At least 'horrible Don't Revie sold us Terry Hibbitt cheap, like. Quite true and one of the best value-for-money buys that NUFC ever made - Leeds were ruthlessly professional to the point of cynicism in the late 60's-70's but they had some great players. Nevertheless, we did have a fair record against them at SJP and a 1-0 win late in 72-73 cost them the title. We beat them a few times in some great games.
  20. Eh… Ellis was in charge for years and they hated him. He was, but even under Ellis they won the Littlewoods Cup and even, I think, the European Cup at the start of the 80s.... We are noticeably absent from any likelihood of winning trophies under Ashley, even though he leaves Ellis dead for financial wealth.
  21. Nothing to enthuse about in this match...worst possible result in terms of Pardew's survival, he has probably wangled himself another month in charge now and all courtesy of one of the worst performers we have had in the past 2 years, Obertan. Every dog has his day and yesterday was Obertans, long overdue after a string of mediocre performances that still have Pardew singing his praises. Took the goal well, credit where its due. How Leicester contrived to miss some gilt edged chances is a mystery but Colo and Cisse were also guilty in that dept. Perez shows great promise but give Pardew another few weeks and he'll knock that out of him...unless Dummett was injured, I couldn't see the point of subbing him for Haidara at that stage of the game but its Pardew we are dealing with here. The club is in a rut of long-term mediocrity which the majority of supporters seem to have accepted - not going anywhere and will be there to make up PL numbers until it finally goes down. Its coming to something when an A-League game between Western Sydney and their Sydney FC derby rivals is more exciting(FC won 3-2 after being 2-0 down)and had a better atmosphere than watching an NUFC game at SJP, but that is how I felt about the 2 games yesterday. There IS life after NUFC.. at least, until Pardew and Ashley depart...!
  22. An untalented, sycophantic donkey.... Not worth commenting further...if it wasn't for P45Due, he would be playing in a Championship/Lge 1 team.
  23. Waddle is and always has been, a Mackem fan. He was quite happy to use NUFC to get him on to the rung of the professional ladder when playing for Tow Law, but debunked for Spurs as soon as he could. Decent player but his heart was NEVER in NUFC....comes over as thick as a door-stop too. Even when people were raving about him, I always thought that Beardsley was the better player and so it proved - pity they both turned out to be stool-pigeons for the owner and manager, but then, what can you expect from 2 players who thought they had bettered themselves by going to other clubs and bought into the MSM and Southern view that NUFC is just a second-rate club and the fans should be happy with their lot. Heaven preserve us from pontificating former players who want to foist the benefit of their vast experience on to us - why don't they just disappear into football retiree-land..?
  24. merlin

    Papiss Cissé

    Cisse is an instinctive striker and his performances during the past 2 seasons were poor because initially, he and Ba were at odds over the central striking role instead of supporting each other and then because Pardew played him as a target man when Ba left. Cisse is NOT a target man, he cannot hold the ball up well enough and his pace over any more than a few yards is lacking. He has got goals in the last two games because he was in a position to ghost into the area and the second one yesterday was a great cross from Ameobi, one he probably couldn't repeat if you asked him to. I still think Cisse will find it tough when we play better sides who mark him tightly unless he has Riviere to take some of the pressure off from defenders. A better manager would utilise his talents far better than Pardew but Cisse himself has just ensured we will not get the chance to find that out for many weeks, maybe even months.
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