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Everything posted by merlin

  1. Pardew is running to form - takes over a new club, does well for a while, then it all goes to ratsh--. Naturally, he cannot do worse than he did at SJP because he has a Chairman who has allowed him to buy some players whereas the idiot who eventually takes over at SJP will have next to no say in the players he ends up with and with Ashley's record, is more likely to see what decent players he has sold from under him when it suits the trio running the club. Past history tells you that Pardew has ALWAYS blown it wherever he has managed and Palace will be no different - it will just take a year or two to happen. People ought to forget about this guy - we have far more pressing problems to think about and the future doesn't look any better than the last 2 years of mediocre to awful performances.
  2. I wouldn't say that Janmaat has been that good tbh. He's had his moments going forward, but has looked a bit vulnerable defensively, and I wouldn't say he's top four material. EVERY defender is made to look vulnerable in Newcastle's team....he will be much better in a better side - wait and see.
  3. There was speculation that they would try to gazump us for him last summer and I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if he does leave - too good for nonentities like NUFC.
  4. Season was over as soon as Pardew wasn't sacked in the summer. Then it died even more with Carver appointed manager until the summer. It's all fair to give him abuse for this season and even last, but let's not forget what he did for this club during 2-3 seasons. If I woke up everyday knowing I'd have to play next to Steven Taylor or Mike Williamson and have Carver managing me, I'd be getting sent off every game until they just gave me vacation so I could enjoy my money. It's obviously unprofessional what he has done/is doing, but at the same time I just can't blame him, our club is total shambles, he's been done for over 18months and yet he's here captaining the side and playing every game because we're a piece of s***. Also, him being s*** helps us towards not appointing Carver at the summer. Agreed - Colo has been a fine defender for the club but he has been declining now for a couple of years ; his reading of the game is still OK but his legs are not getting him to where he needs to be. He has also suffered by being placed alongside mediocre or Championship-level CB partners. We all know this - a club with NUFC's support run by anything like a knowledgeable or ambitious owner would have provided the cash to replace him 2 years ago...as long as he can stand Ashley will consider him good enough NOT to have to spend on a replacement - that is the thinking at the small-time outfit that was once a proud name in English football and is now a complete waste of space. If Carver is made permanent manager in the summer, relegation is a certainty and Ashley will be happy to dump the club when he has finally ruined it totally.
  5. merlin

    Papiss Cissé

    Now this could come back to haunt Carver - and the club - big time. Although Cisse is a poor leader of the line with little decent pace & control, he does have the knack of getting half-chance goals...something nobody else(even Perez)in this squad can do. It will be very interesting to see where the club lies in the Pl after the 7 game suspension - spitting is totally unacceptable but costing the club its PL place by retaliation is much more costly...
  6. Agreed - this game probably has the same appeal as voting at the next election....like watching paint dry, as with most Newcastle games now.
  7. merlin

    John Carver

    Will it be better in the Championship? Under Ashley, probably yes - even this crowd should manage to be regular Top 6 in the Championship and as everyone knows, the only aim under Ashley is to finish Top 10 and get knocked out of the Cups... That is how far NUFC have fallen.
  8. You may think so but I thought he was crap - as usual. He may have scored the goal - and God be thanked for that - but his general play and control is amateurish. He also lacks pace and is now just a poacher who I would sell if we had a club run by a professional instead of a greedy tight-fisted Market trader who won't pay market rate for a decent CF. You obviously weren't following the club when we had Shearer up front or even David Kelly, let alone Supermac. With Mandoon here, like. Cisse played perfectly well yesterday. We all know he's not Shearer or Supermac but I couldn't care less if he keeps scoring a goal every 85 minutes or whatever his rate it. Neither should you. I know what I care about - what YOU think it should be, is not a consideration..by the way, did YOU actually see Macdonald play for us..?
  9. merlin

    Epic NUFC photos

    It will take at least a hundred years from then for it to happen again. It won't happen again unless a Man C type takeover happens....and nobody is interested. The only Championship NUFC are going to be winning is the league they will be relegated to sooner or later....now THAT could take until 2027..
  10. de Boer has done exactly the right thing by NOT joining NUFC...he has a decent CV and that would be ruined working under the SJP regime. Hard to see anybody half-decent taking the job and any talk of Koeman is too funny even to think about - NUFC is a poisoned chalice for an ambitious manager.
  11. I like Abeid but I think Carver has told him to stay just in front of the back 4 - he is far more effective in a more attacking role but then, with Williamson as a CB(and Colo's legs going)no wonder Carver daren't move him further forward....
  12. You may think so but I thought he was crap - as usual. He may have scored the goal - and God be thanked for that - but his general play and control is amateurish. He also lacks pace and is now just a poacher who I would sell if we had a club run by a professional instead of a greedy tight-fisted Market trader who won't pay market rate for a decent CF. You obviously weren't following the club when we had Shearer up front or even David Kelly, let alone Supermac.
  13. Saw an edited 1 hour replay of this game today ; absolute rubbish for most of that. Villa the better side for at least most of the first half and the lack of a plan, disjointed play and, at times, school-boy standard of control by most of the side was appalling to watch. Colo probably our best player although Janmaat might have shaded it because he was creating the most danger to Villa with crosses into the box that were intelligent rather than a hoof. Unlike some I was far from impressed with Cisse's control and laying-off - as ever, he was able to get on the end of one of Janmaat's crosses and poke it in for our goal but that was about as much danger as he created from the highlights I saw. Perez continues to look dangerous once he comes on but our Alien French winger once again gave a first rate impression of a chicken with its head cut off, or sometimes, a rabbit caught in headlights...he freezes whenever he is presented with a penalty area and made sure everyone had to sweat until the final minute of injury time instead of killing Villa off. The club were VERY fortunate to get the 3 points and far tougher tests than this will ensure a miserable and dragged-out end to the season. How anyone would pay Ashley to watch this dross is beyond my comprehension - rather them than me.
  14. For heaven's sake - is that overpaid, under-talented Irishman still waffling on about NUFC and trying to justify his publicly-paid existence on a channel funded by Licence payers..? How anyone can have any credence with Anderson's opinions I don't know. Turn the bu---r off..!!!
  15. For me, the jury is still out on Carr. Yes, he HAS managed, but not at a very high level and that is not my main area of concern about him. That arises in his brief of finding young players with real potential that can do a good job at NUFC and then be sold on - this is NOT what we would expect at an ambitious club the size of NUFC but that is what Ashley has briefed him to do. If you look at the players he has recommended some have been a success(not that many)and some have not but we do not really know if the club has missed some really good players recommended by Carr, because they refused to pay the market rate for a top youngster. If that IS the case, then Carr is allowing Ashley's miserly attitude to affect his job because his recommendations have not been acted upon. The other problem is that Pardew's lousy management may have been responsible for players not reaching their potential - Sissoko could be a far more effective player under a decent manager for example so that also has to be taken into account and MYM seems to be fitting in at Roma. The likely situation is that Carr is getting well paid for a man of his age, has very little pressure on him because he knows Ashley will not act on many of his recommendations so just takes the money and enjoys the foreign trips, all on expenses of course. As long as he keeps putting names forward(even if he knows Ashley won't pay the likely fee) he is in an ideal situation for a retiree and is therefore not going to rock the boat.
  16. see, this is what gets me so about our owner-- if only he would just wake up to the idea that there's something that gives joy to life besides ₤₤₤ he'd be having newcastle families naming their children after him! he needs a 'come-to-jesus' moment or something... beyond frustrating... You are crediting Ashley with the emotions of an NUFC fan - don't be silly.....
  17. merlin

    John Carver

    Only financial pressure will get rid of Ashley and the PL deal with Sky has ensured he will be there for a few years yet. Also, the idiots that keep putting money in his pocket by buying STs/attending matches as well as merchandise from Sports Direct are just as responsible and that isn't going to end any time soon. The club is almost finished as a respected entity in football and has little future under this regime.
  18. merlin

    John Carver

    The local media are in Ashley's pocket - I don't know why anyone either reads it or buys it. If they back the regime they are an enemy - full stop.
  19. Hangings also too good for those f*ckwits at the Premier League and Football Association who think that fatso is a fit and proper owner. The PL and FA couldn't give 2 stuffs about NUFC...there are plenty of clubs in the PL who will be quite happy to see Ashley remain as NUFC owner because there will then be no chance of the club challenging for either silverware or Top 6. Sky couldn't care less either - they have(or once owned)shares in Man U and Sunderland. As long as NUFC are bottom half of the PL or challenging for promotion from the Championship, the football authorities are quite happy to let Ashley continue wrecking the club.
  20. This - not worth saying any more, Mick.
  21. Predictable result and more of these thrashings on the way when we play anyone half-decent. Surely, nobody expected much else...I know one or 2 sides have got results there, but even the likes of Burnley have some pride in the club and do their best ; the players at NUFC couldn't give a stuff because they know that the same attitude comes down from the top, i.e. Ashley and his minions whilst the players have zero respect for the manager who is useless. As some have been saying, relegation followed by a season of struggle may be the only way to get rid of Ashley & his hangers-on - perhaps even the idiots who purport to be knowledgeable NUFC fans(that's a laugh) will then get the message and stop turning up to watch unambitious dross. The club has NO future under these people and it is in as bad a situation now as it was in the early 80s before KK arrived as a player. The club and everyone associated with it are a TOTAL disgrace and have brought shame on a once-proud name.
  22. Whether you - or anyone else - likes it or not, he turned us down...not once, but twice. A case can be made for him not leaving Ipswich after their board had been so loyal to him initially when he faced virtual mutiny from some players, esp when he would be joining an NUFC run by Westwood & Co, but not in the case of 1997. We had just finished second in the PL and had plenty of money for players. You know(but probably won't accept)the position he was in at Barcelona - I have made my own judgement on the matter and that's my right. Robson was a fine manager, one of England's most successful, but he was no saint and I refuse to treat him as such just as I don't claim KK was a saint. KK did NOT turn us down when we needed him and he walked out when he felt he had been undermined...I thought he was wrong the first time but absolutely right the second time. Sorry if you don't like it, but tough.
  23. merlin

    Kevin Keegan

    Agreed - SBR was just as interested in money as KK ever was, hence the reason he turned SJH down when he was asked to take over from KK after he resigned in 97....SBR knew Barca were going to fire him and appoint LVG, but he wanted the pay-off. It was the second time he turned NUFC down as he was asked to be manager after Joe Harvey in 1975 when he was at Ipswich but refused again. He may have had good reasons but the fact that he turned us down twice takes away any claim he may have had to be on a par with KK ; SBR was a self-confessed fan from boyhood too but he was past his best as a manager by the time he joined us although he did a great job in stabilizing the ship after Gullit. He was almost as old as Harry Redknapp is now and nobody on here would dream of having Redknapp as manager. You f***ing what? Considering he said it was out of a sense of loyalty, that's a shocker if you can back that up. YOU f===king what.. Can YOU back up your view - and it is ONLY a view - that he was 'loyal' to Barcelona ?? Would you be loyal to a firm you knew was going to replace you if your lifelong favourite company offered you the top job - UNLESS you knew the firing firm were going to give you a good pay-off..? Get real - you need to get into the real world.
  24. merlin

    Kevin Keegan

    Agreed - SBR was just as interested in money as KK ever was, hence the reason he turned SJH down when he was asked to take over from KK after he resigned in 97....SBR knew Barca were going to fire him and appoint LVG, but he wanted the pay-off. It was the second time he turned NUFC down as he was asked to be manager after Joe Harvey in 1975 when he was at Ipswich but refused again. He may have had good reasons but the fact that he turned us down twice takes away any claim he may have had to be on a par with KK ; SBR was a self-confessed fan from boyhood too but he was past his best as a manager by the time he joined us although he did a great job in stabilizing the ship after Gullit. He was almost as old as Harry Redknapp is now and nobody on here would dream of having Redknapp as manager.
  25. merlin

    Kevin Keegan

    The way his second spell ended always left me a bit uncomfortable in the sense the given reason for his leaving was a loan signing not exactly end of the world stuff-of coarse that could just have been the convient excuse for a lot of other things he wasn't happy with and lord knows Ashleys probably not the most pleasant guy to work for but I wish he could have just dealt with it and gave it his best shot but he left and the consequences are still felt to this day as that opened the massive faultline on Ashley which has only been exacerbated since. Yeah, agreed, he should have carried on and become like Peter Beardsley and Bobby Moncur, sucking Mike Ashley off on the back page of the Chronicle every week and telling the supporters how stupid they are for not joining them on their knees. That would have been ace. Absolutely - just carry on under Ashley and his mafia as if everything was OK, and just forget that they lied through their teeth about Schweinsteiger being signed to replace Milner... Yep, KK should have thought about 'the good of the club'....just like Ashley did....!!
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