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Everything posted by merlin

  1. Why would anyone on here be surprised at these kind of stories..? Does anyone seriously think Ashley is going to appoint someone who may want to put his own stamp on the club..? Ashley despises NUFC fans and those with half a brain despise him - there is never going to be a resolution to this situation until Ashley goes and that could be over a year. Expect nothing from this regime unless they think it benefits them and them only... they will obfuscate and deceive about everything as long as it means they get enough mugs to buy STs, at a knock-down price if necessary. Get used to it.
  2. merlin

    John Carver

    Did the Grauniad bother to look at Allardyce's record and how the side were playing when he was in charge..? Did they suddenly and conveniently forget how WHU fans were campaigning to get him removed until recently..? Pardew gives the fans 'their greatest season in recent history...?? Did they bother to watch any of the games and did they conveniently 'forget' about his record after that..? Nothing but a two-faced, Marxist rag - wouldn't have even been used in my Grannie's outside toilet just after the war.... If this laughable imitation of a newspaper(not that any of the others are much better) was consistent in its views, they would be castigating Ashley for the Zero-hour capitalist that he is... Just another London/Manchester media scum. I quite like it You'll learn as you get older - ALL the media stink.
  3. merlin

    John Carver

    Did the Grauniad bother to look at Allardyce's record and how the side were playing when he was in charge..? Did they suddenly and conveniently forget how WHU fans were campaigning to get him removed until recently..? Pardew gives the fans 'their greatest season in recent history...?? Did they bother to watch any of the games and did they conveniently 'forget' about his record after that..? Nothing but a two-faced, Marxist rag - wouldn't have even been used in my Grannie's outside toilet just after the war.... If this laughable imitation of a newspaper(not that any of the others are much better) was consistent in its views, they would be castigating Ashley for the Zero-hour capitalist that he is... Just another London/Manchester media scum.
  4. merlin

    John Carver

    Most fans care a great deal about the club, but hardly any would deem themselves a candidate to manage it - esp with all the problems that are so obvious to most intelligent people. What Carver feels about NUFC is immaterial.
  5. Definitely a 7 and if a loss this w/e, moving up to an 8. Usual Ashley chancing with Carver....his luck will run out big-style one day and this decision has all the hallmarks of a reckoning....
  6. I think most of us are well prepared for that, Brummie - you would have to be an excessive optimist, even by NUFC standards, to expect anything else from the people running Newcastle United, especially at this stage of Ashley's ownership. He has said himself that he may sell in 2016 so he isn't going to break the piggy bank to get a decent manager now. I have followed the club for 50 years and I cannot recall so much mutual detestation between any of the previous regimes and the fans as there is currently. Ashley clearly treats the fans with contempt, views them that way and his feelings are returned with much higher interest than you can get even at a Bank in a Third World hell-hole. This is NOT a recipe for even a modicum of success and more likely to result in relegation. "Ashley clearly treats the fans with contempt" I've sometimes thought about if he sells up, and a hypothetical scenario of having two consortiums submitting offers that peek his interest. 1. A consortium whose interests lie in the business of football, and results - and harnessing the club's potential. 2. A hedge fund type (or investor) who may look at the club's profit margins, and view Ashley's way of running a club as a blue-print for success - sit on the television rights money, reap the returns, do enough to ensure top flight survival and give nothing back in return (hope) His grudge against Whelan was taken far. This spiteful individual would take a small loss on the chin to deliver option 2 to a supporter base he hates. Exactly right - this would suit him down to the ground.
  7. It's one month today since the club knew he was off and they remain sluggish at best while Rome burns at an increasing rate. My standards aren't generally that high but the longer they take the better the manager needs to be tbh. You can't take over a month (probably 5-6 months realistically) all the while talking a good game then deliver Gordon Strachan. IF, in the unlikely event of the club trying to get a really decent manager, they are prepared to wait until the close season for him to arrive, surely it would be a far better bet to bring in someone experienced until the end of the season on a short contract ? Even Venables would be a safer pair of hands on the tiller than Carver and he does have genuine coaching ability. Of course, anyone as reluctant to spend money on the club as Ashley is would rather risk relegation than do that....
  8. I think most of us are well prepared for that, Brummie - you would have to be an excessive optimist, even by NUFC standards, to expect anything else from the people running Newcastle United, especially at this stage of Ashley's ownership. He has said himself that he may sell in 2016 so he isn't going to break the piggy bank to get a decent manager now. I have followed the club for 50 years and I cannot recall so much mutual detestation between any of the previous regimes and the fans as there is currently. Ashley clearly treats the fans with contempt, views them that way and his feelings are returned with much higher interest than you can get even at a Bank in a Third World hell-hole. This is NOT a recipe for even a modicum of success and more likely to result in relegation.
  9. merlin

    Lee Charnley

    As the Echo are usually a Boro-Mackem cheer-sheet, this is an excellent article from them, and hits the nail on the head like a fairground mallet ; a better analogy to the Ashley regime I could never have imagined...the trouble is that the mass of fans CURRENTLY packing SJP are as brain-washed as many of Kim Jong-Un's regime, if not more so.
  10. merlin

    NUFC finances

    All the haggling over debt or no debt is unnecessary...all we need to know is that NUFC is a convenient cash cow for Ashley - nothing more, nothing less. If people are happy to buy into that, good luck to them.
  11. merlin

    Lee Charnley

    Until these deceivers practise what they preach, I agree with everything written here - the facts speak for themselves and I prefer to stick to the mantra of ' By their actions shall ye know them..' These people have conned the support base ever since KK was appointed and then walked(rightly) ; they mutter platitudes about building for the future but then reveal their true colours by selling decent players and not replacing them until it suits them which sets the club back constantly. They have presided over a decline so great that even a little club(yes, they ARE a little club compared to us)like Southampton can out-spend us, out-achieve us and even make us look amateurs in the Academy field by regularly bringing through good youngsters after selling regular first-teamers to clubs like Liverpool...they are able to attract a REAL top manager in Koeman whereas we are scrapping around after people who are unemployed...we even get managers from Championship clubs saying thanks - but no thanks.... When these people start putting their money where Southampton's is, maybe I'll take what stool-pigeons like Charnley seriously instead of treating their spoutings with contempt....people should remember that old saying 'You can fool some of the people ALL of the time' and they are certainly doing that - don't forget, they have STs to sell and jam tomorrow platitiudes like this are aimed at just that. Too many fans just simply WANT to believe so it so they can justify buying a ticket when their friends have given it up.
  12. merlin

    Lee Charnley

    The people who run NUFC these days could certainly never be accused of over-promising. .....but under-delivering is their default setting..
  13. ....which is why the club will always be crap - any owner knows that the idi - I mean, fans, will accept any rubbish put in front of them and any humiliation dished out from Wearside.
  14. Its def a 7 if a proven manager is not appointed within 10 days and probably a 5-6 even if that DOES happen...we are only a kick in the pants from Feb and we have difficult games coming up - even KK took 8 games to turn things around in 2008 and not many have his motivational qualities. It is going to be tight....
  15. Whilst you couldn't accuse the players of not trying, there was definitely an impression of them drifting through this game - there was very little urgency until too late but there is also a blatant shortage of power and ability up front. Perez did his best - as always - but apart from one brilliant attempt out of nothing in the first half, he never really threatened them. Gouffran looks as if he is on a jolly, laughing at everything(although who could blame him where NUFC are concerned...). As Ashley is unlikely to let any new players of consequence be signed, the club are going to struggle for goals for the next month or so. Only Haidara really showed any improvement on past form and Colback kept things ticking along...and that's ALL that happened, the side just ticked along. They hardly troubled Forster at all apart from a late flurry of corners and I can hardly recall him making a save of any major importance. This all reminds me of when we were looking to replace managers in the 70s....first it was Joe Harvey in 1975, then Gordon Lee in early 1977 after he realized that the board were not going to give him enough to replace Supermac properly(he wanted to sign Trevor Francis from Brum) and went to Everton when they came calling - the side just drifted although they did try hard for a few months after Lee left in order to get Dinnis into the job - look how that turned out... The world moves on, NUFC just repeats and rinses ; that is the only consistent thing about the club. Should Carver be confirmed in the permanent role, we will be definite relegation candidates
  16. Agreed - they will take the Carver(cheap) option if they can possibly do it and they don't really care how things work out as long as he keeps the club in the PL. Any other form of success is of NO interest to them. Ashley is a proven chancer so will take the gamble if Carver picks up a few points before the end of the month.
  17. Yes, this is my era too...we failed to build on the Fairs Cup win and we failed to build on the KK era - after that it all went downhill with just a brief respite under SBR although we were never realistically going to win the PL under him. The total disappointment is likely to persist for a while yet unfortunately and I think it highly unlikely that we will ever see the likes of the KK/Terry Mac years again...even under a decent owner, the cups remain the most likely silverware.
  18. You don't know Mike Ashley do you? You can well imagine Ashley being peeved that his cloak and dagger preferred modus operandi has been exposed by Garde or one of his advisors....he is likely to dump the candidate just because of that. I still think Carver is a shoe-in...hope I'm wrong.
  19. merlin

    John Carver

    No surprise to me -have been predicting this from the start, the likelihood is that the misery will go on for some time yet. Maybe Ashley is telling the truth about 2016....
  20. Its entirely possible that Pardew will get Palace to a safe position in the PL and then have a decent season(which mean mid-table)with them next season...after all, that is his default performance when joining a new club. We all know what happens after that..... Personally, I think its now time to forget about this egotistic individual and air-brush him from the history of NUFC - he will be forever associated with the Ashley regime and sooner or later, that is going to come to an end. We need to focus on what happens at NUFC next, especially with the replacement for Pardew ; I say 'replacement' because it is still a huge doubt as to whether we get a NEW manager. Carver wants the job, it is highly likely that Ashley & Co want to give it to him but the results so far are not in their favour. This means that they will drag the whole thing out until the transfer window closes and until the results are not as dire when they can say Carver has started to 'use his influence' on the players. There is much talk of Garde, Tuchel etc....fine, unlikely to happen, but better than being obsessed with Pardew - he's gone, never to return to us, and its time to try to forget him, hard as that is....!
  21. Absolutely this - club is just there to make up numbers and it will be in a lower division if the clowns running it don't get their act together soon.
  22. Absolutely - and we won't see the like again...ever.
  23. That's a load of bollocks, most of the lads I went to games with under Keegan and Bobby stopped going under Ashley and I include myself in that. It wasn't the older ones asking Pardew to give them a wave. Since when do 'most of the lads you went to games with' outweigh the thousands - still going to SJP every week - quite clearly older than 28 that offer absolutely no support to anything opposing the current state of the club? Do you go to the game on magic mushrooms, mate? Many of these were probably on the 20,000 waiting list and couldn't get a ST for love nor money when KK was manager....they didn't witness it all at first hand and probably didn't have the money at the time - Ashley has reduced, dramatically, the price of STs today if you take inflation into account so these people can probably stretch either regular of occasional visits to SJP from their Benefits or Minimum wage incomes. You should be asking how many of these people actually bought the Bond on top of STs when KK was manager in 1994....I bet most of them couldn't afford it and those who could are more discerning and have deserted the club because of Ashley's policies.
  24. merlin

    John Carver

    The strange thing about this thread and Carver is that nobody has yet tried to use his name in conjunction with 'Charver'...! What word would better describe his behaviour at Saints..?
  25. Labaddia would be a disaster. Has been sacked at at least 3 clubs in Germany. He'll really stuggle to get another club in the Bundesliga after his f*** ups at Stuttgart and Hamburg. Sacked at 3 clubs..? Sounds like Ashley's ideal candidate to replace Pardew.....remind me, what was Pardew's history at 3 other clubs....
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