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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Could send them out with season tickets instead of the pointless tat we usually get? Surely wouldn't cost much more.
  2. Ban hammer needed if this fall's through.
  3. Personal terms but apparently Lyon are skint and unable to agree a fee apparently, could work for us either way if the Dembele rumours are true https://tbrfootball.com/newcastle-and-everton-boost-lyon-agree-azmoun-terms-but-2-5m-fee-not-enough/
  4. Azmoun available from Zenit for like 3/4m apparently. Saw a report the other day we were interested. Very functional player, looked decent Vs Chelsea in the UCL.
  5. Boo Hoo Ralphy, thought you guys wanted a winter break.
  6. This has annoyed all the right people. Lovely.
  7. Insigne off to Toronto on a free transfer?
  8. Will Liverpool get another striker in Jan or will they hope Firmino/Origi will see them through the ACON?
  9. Hicky Taglafico Trippier Ake (loan) Azmoun Breraton Diaz Kamara
  10. Or the single worst Twitter post I've ever seen... any fucker who runs or works for any iteration of 'LAD' this or 'BIBLE' that needs to be placed on a register like
  11. I think we've forced this which is great. Got to have that mentality of fighting for every inch.
  12. Taglafico linked yes please
  13. Watford losing 6 players soon for the ACON including Sarr AND Dennis. Don't know how much they'll have to spend in the window. Will probably bring in some unknows in from another Pozzi club.
  14. Jared Bowen is marrying Danny Dyer's daughter, Danni Dyer
  15. Regarding Ragnick I think this may be similar to someone like Benitez at Madrid. Clearly a tactically aware and a good manager but unable to manage the personalities at a club of that size. Long may Man United's struggles continue.
  16. Lovely goal that. Howay hammers.
  17. Honestly think Bruno must be pig sick at Ronaldo turning up. He has to cope with that circus at the national team already. No escape from it.
  18. I can never get over how truly shit these fucking apes are
  19. Isn't this just late stage capitalism in its absolute purest form?
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