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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. I get that but surely just that fact would make any legal defense of it paper thin. You'd have effectively created a law to sanction one club, who've not even done anything yet.
  2. I've watched it like 10 times, it's like poetry
  3. Obviously it's targeted at us but how does this affect say Leicester, kit and stadium are for the owners company. Seems you we would win any legal battle quite quickly if they are allowed to continue?
  4. Premier League right now We're just all their chickens coming home to roost
  5. I know it's just paper talk but I'd fucking love him here. He's got everything you want in a striker. Out of contract soon too.
  6. If the Saudis wanted to make a real statement of intent
  7. We'd need to be a few years further down the line for Conte. He's a bit like Mourinho he likes to take over a stellar squad and improve it. At this level anyway, I know he managed some smaller clubs pre-Juve.
  8. US owners are private individuals not a sovereign state. They are different things. The US federal government haven't bought a Premier League team.
  9. Eh? all he's saying is if you don't want to have this conversation don't click on the thread.
  10. You think they may be put off by the falling short of this approach with Lampard and Ole? Liverpools owner's don't have the cushions of the Chels and Man U to get it wrong either.
  11. Didn't realise when I got my free drinks in Blu Bambu that it would all be downhill from then!
  12. Boycotts don't work for NUFC as have been shown time and again. Probably the most effective protest would be to target a televised game and block team coaches etc getting to the stadium. You wouldn't need to convince 50k people to attend (or not attend) and if successful would naturally grow.
  13. Hope they stick with Babyface Bruce, he's taking them on a road to nowhere.
  14. He can't be stupid enough to realise he's nothing but a client journalist these days. "Just reporting what I've been told" lads.
  15. Two great assists for Immobile in the Rome Derby, so calm.
  16. Juve getting beat by Spezia. Christ.
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