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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Palermo got relegated didn't they. Josip Iličić & Abel Hernandez on the cheap?
  2. GeordieDazzler


    Fine state of affairs when Rihanna is acting as the headteacher to the unruly mob of mackem imbeciles. Also, great picture on Twitter of sunderlands finest ladies having a collective p*ss in one of the sol urinals.....'Classy' link http://twitter.com/cjw_17/status/347990350100561920/photo/1
  3. GeordieDazzler


    Went with my lass and had seats below the upper tier. Some fucker was spitting off the upper tier onto people's head, fucking rank. Serves me right for going to Sunderland I suppose. There were loads of scraps and some idiot climbed on of the rigging towers. Think ill restrict my visits to the the away derby game in the future, less hassle.
  4. Not being aware of a player should never be an excuse, Carr finds the players (ie being aware if them in the first place) - he's the scout. Once he's identified them managers, DOFs dinner ladies can find out what they need pretty fucking easily. Nearly all clubs use http://wyscout.com/ which will put together every available bit of footage on what ever player you want (like a better version of YouTube lol) Newcastle use this as they are listed in the client list so all old Joe needs to do if go to a computer and type in Douglas and he can find whatever he wants on whoever he wants. If we are really turning down Douglas on a free to pursue James Tomkins, we want shot.
  5. Mier starting for Mexico was linked to us last Jan in the Mexican press
  6. I think the tune of black Betty would work. Abamayang-a-yang...
  7. Does anyone have a link/stats for the longest serving managers in the other big European leagues? Would be interesting to see how they compare.
  8. Still think you shouldn't be allowed to loan to the same division. He's shown he's a top top prospect and the fact he can play and possibily score against everyone apart from Chelsea is wrong.
  9. I've only just realised its a sound effect, thought Townsend had a blocked nose. Awful from itv as per.
  10. Went on Subside during the game to have a look at Benfica tops and they had the current kit in the sale for £34, refresh just after the final whistle and the they've removed all the tops except one which is back up to full price. Bastards.
  11. Lost in translation apparently. I'm pretty sure that he will have given the interview in Spanish not some ancient barely spoke dialect, I think the translation is pretty accurate.
  12. Another spot on article from Eurosport's Early Doors
  13. Couldnt see this posted anywhere... http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/mike-ashley-watches-newcastle-united-1754859
  14. Hasn't got a bad bone in his body man. Unlike his opponents who's bones are shattered to peices by his reckless play.
  15. You can see Carver say the words 'Shithouse Tackle'
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