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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Haidara had only been on for like 5 minutes hadn't he?
  2. This is what pisses me off about the little b******. Intentional or not, after it's happened he knows what he's done yet completely ignores it. Hope the little c***s career fades into nothing. Another thing, sick of hearing these so-called 'expert' opinions on it, fuck off. This. He was fully aware of how badly he caught him. If he was sorry at all he would have been straight over apologising no standing around like a glakey cunt. McCarthy as well trying to tell the ref Massido was acting. The fact that the ref didn't see it is secondary to me, the most important thing is that the offending player is banned for a very long time - I'd like to see him banned for as long as Haidara is out. Regardless if 'he's not that sort of lad' he has endangered a fellow professionals livelihood and whether that was through malice or accident he should be banned for a very long time.
  3. Scored the Winner (Newton)
  4. New smiley? http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/stoke-citys-welsh-manager-tony-pulis-reacts-during-the-news-photo/163453543 Sorry if Giggs
  5. Don't care how shit the game was, ill always love beating that pack of cunts.
  6. Didn't realise this ref had previously sent off John Terry and Steven Gerrard. Obviously knows a cunt when he sees one.
  7. Chelsea really are a pack of cunts.
  8. Didn't we nearly sign Roque Junior but his wife was like 14 or something? Edit; could have been Kleberson actually.
  9. Has no one picked up on the Pards could be here for decades comment?
  10. His second goal is supposed to be a stunner...do bbc still do individual ge highlights for the football league?
  11. Course, see how he develops and smack a 6 year deal in his chops later. Aye the mega contracts will only come after they have proven they are premier class after the mess with giving Ranger a 5 year deal.
  12. Would people take Benteke if Villa went down?
  13. Well Lampard did have a period of scoring a shitload of deflected goals.
  14. Sturridge acting like a cunt. No surprises there.
  15. Fuck them up, get into them. Com'n Oldham!
  16. Probably a massive Giggs but on his NUFC TV interview he says he's really good friend with Cabaye and spoke to him alot over the past year about life in Newcastle. Starting to think Cabaye is our scot rather than Carr.
  17. He needs to sign so we can make a chant to the tune of black betty, Abamayangayang.
  18. If we are after pace we should start targeting Ecuadorians if FIFA is anything to go by.
  19. Com'n St Etienne, resistance is futile. Is the cup final before the window closes?
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