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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. GeordieDazzler


    Not according to the Arsenal fans on Twitter. They're calling him worse than shite @Detective82 Marco Silva: The 'inside man' who brings zero original stories, repeats Goal.com headlines, and claims to be ex footballer. I smell a liar.
  2. Pretty sure on the Arsenal forum the other day they were slagging him to high heaven (Marco Silva that is not Gervinho).
  3. Tino in Aspers yesteday afternoon, playing roulette and blackjack
  4. The Sun aren't even putting any effort into these transfer rumours. Lazy.
  5. GeordieDazzler


    Of course, could be anyone if true, but the fact of the French fixtures does make a lot of players eliminated particularly those guessed at so far. It's true. My first thought was that it was the kid from Lens but my brother checked his pic and said it definitely wasn't. Then I thought Gervinho but if he's still got the dreads it wasn't him. So we are trying to suss it out but it's obviously a little bit tricky given there's more than a handful of black, french players. My brother has been looking at the pics of most players we've been linked with that fit the bill and we've not spotted him yet. He was a similar skin colour to Tiote and had the build of a DM / CB. Apparantly he reminded him of Essien but unfortunately for us it definitely wasn't him. Which is a shame. Emana? http://images.sportinglife.com/09/04/330/AchilleEmana_2210334.jpg
  6. You're wrong,look through this thread and it's certainly more than a 'handful' and I seen one even claiming he was worth 75mEUR in one post. He wouldn't be leaving CL football for lower half PL football if he had anything about him,I'm absolutely certain of that. That was some one referring to a section of his Wiki page that stated that he allegadly had a 75m Euro release clause in in his contract, not claiming he was worth that amount. Learn to read son.
  7. Is there any decent Lille forums?
  8. GeordieDazzler

    Joey Barton

    People seem to forget that JB's agent is Mckay, he's an old hand at this shite. People are anxious to see if the club are going to spend the Carroll money so he's come out early doors and has said this stuff about him not being offered the contract he wants, before we see if they spend the money. This gives people a chance to bash Ashley and the club and is an attempt pressurise them to renew on his terms. I'm not panicking just yet, I still think he'll renew.
  9. Wolves have just secured promotion? What a badly written article. Lucky for us that the Metros track record is akin to Tribal and Caught offside. Just a month ago we were signing Cavani.
  10. stupid amount of goals since he joined porto like
  11. I'll always remember the 'we should have switched you off' chants at Roeder. Good riddance West Ham.
  12. Avon Barksdale should have been sent off for Wham
  13. Wigan knocking on the door now, few good chances
  14. The commentator seemed to think that Tomi still played for Leeds, pisspoor research, he's had about 7 clubs since then and is now with some random icelandic team
  15. Bet the scum are bricking themselves for the Derby next year... two Ameobis!
  16. 606 is awesome listening atm
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1357334/Levante-launch-1million-bid-forgotten-Manchester-City-striker-Felipe-Caicedo.html Caicedo avaliable for £1m, would be a canny little buy 9 in 12 at Levante so far.
  18. A quick google brings up a year old article saying Man City were planning a 40m bid for him.
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