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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. http://soccernet-assets.espn.go.com/design05/images/2011/0205/tioteceleb20110205_576x324.jpg
  2. To the tune of the Jinky Jimmy Smith chant...
  3. Rememeber reading an article a long time ago where he was being talked as the next big thing, never seems to have quite made it and changes club regularly.
  4. Caught Offside is as accurate as Tribal Football.
  5. How much would Caicedo cost from City? Fits the clubs recent recruitment policy.
  6. My Leeds supporting mate rates him but says he can be a bit of a hot head. Plus would be another Ivorian to keep Tiote happy.
  7. Caught offside is certified shite, can't believe the BBC even use it as a source.
  8. Isn't Fonte the lad who's Mrs Pards rattled?
  9. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_v6SgB3LYD5k/SYGPDzTJPBI/AAAAAAAAATA/TCRJJkTLkeg/s400/Maradonna-Cigar.jpg http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/4738/maratoon5ka.jpg Nailed On.
  10. Caught Offside is just made up rubbish fwiw
  11. Way to ruin my birthday Mike you utter cunt. Gutted.
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1334035/Real-Madrid-stars-bricking-coach-attacked-ahead-Barcelona-clash.html
  13. To the tune of the Jinky Jimmy Smith chant...
  14. Linked with Zagreb youngster Arijan Ademi in the Croat media today apparently.
  15. When was the last time both clubs had local lads start in the England 11?
  16. I think the guy he glassed will have got a few more £ from AC than the two grand in official compensation.
  17. For common assault it's pretty normal, if a bit on the heavy side. He'll also incurr court costs that are probably higher than his fine. They can't judge the fine based on his income, many people think that footballers get lighter sentences because they aren't too familiar with the sentences handed out to us normal folk.
  18. Perhaps the other guy isn't as innocent as many people thought and they've plea bargined? RTG is in meltdown!
  19. City are such horrible cunts. Hope Arsenal shit on them
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