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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Moses has played quite a few games with Nile for England U-19's hasnt he?
  2. Dunno if this has been posted elsewhere.... http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=latif&init=quick#/video/video.php?v=237749045778&ref=mf Baheng, Rap superstar.....!
  3. Watched the fight with a load of 'rugby' lads, which was followed by match of the day, and as expected, for no reason other than to be a prick one lad goes on about how soft footballers are (this always seems happens without anyone slagging off rugby first either) but he quickly shut up when I pointed out that Didier Drogba doesnt keep blood capsules in his sock.
  4. 4 matches as he has already been sent off this season.
  5. http://www.whoateallthepies.tv/wp-content/gallery/coventry-newcastle/pa-8114908.jpg
  6. If this finishes with two full teams it'll be a miracle. Diego must go, qualify or not.
  7. Not my work, but very good... http://i33.tinypic.com/35j9gzs.jpg
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