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Posts posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. How old exactly is this French Rightback? I read earlier in the thread that he is actually 30.??


    That would have been Habib Beye, the other fullback from the french league we have been linked with.

  2. Canal + France is reporting that Bakari Sagana is in advanced talks with us.it  was an hour ago on their Sports News


    Any update on this?


    17/06/2007 - 12:46

    Newcastle: Ça se précise pour Sagna

    Après les mots, place aux actes. Newcastle, qui a manifesté son intérêt pour le jeune international tricolore, Bakary Sagna, ne compte pas en rester là. Le club anglais aurait proposé la somme de 9 millions d'euros au club auxerrois pour convaincre ses dirigeants de la laisser filer Outre-Manche, selon The Mirror.


    Babel fish say...


    That is specified for Sagna After the words, places at the acts. Newcastle, which expressed its interest for the tricolour international young person, Bakary Sagna, does not hope to remain about it there. The English club would have proposed the sum of 9 million euros to the Auxerre-native club to convince its leaders to let it spin Outre-Manche, according to The Mirror.



  3. http://www.megastore.whufc.com/stores/westham/_artwork/english/home/tlm-a.jpg





  4. You put ya Argies in, Ya Argies out,

    The Iceman comes and kicks the gaffer out,

    Ya selling Reo-Coker & ya going down

    That's why we love to shout.......

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh shitty, shitty West Ham,

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh shitty, shitty, West Ham,

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh shitty, shitty, West Ham.

    Misfits, has-beens, ha ha ha!!



  5. How about that tw*t Materazzi for a year or two?


    Certainly, I suggested him before the world cup and people laughed at me. He may be a cunt but he's a fucking excellent defender. Would never leave Inter tho.

  6. Who does that Tomaschuk (sp) the Ukraine midfielder play for? He's always looked classy whenever I've seen him. Saw him in the Euro Qualifier versus France a few weeks ago and he did well in midfield.


    Zenit signed him for some massive fee a few months ago, would've been a good signing from what i saw of him.


    Manuel Fernandes is the obvious choice, if Ashley wants to invest in the team at some point this is who he should look at first.



  7. / He had only one proper friend when he first came here.


    What a loser.  :lol:



    I'm not the one getting whooshed now am I?

    Just imagine how hard it was for him. Moving from your home in Nigeria at the age of 16 and everyone you know behind you. Settling down at Reggina to go to Inter Milan and playing 3rd/4th choice. Then, again leaving the people you know to another new country! He made friends with a fellow muslim Emre who I now believe he is roommate with. You have to consider what is going on off the pitch and in my opinion he has had the toughest season off the pitch and one of the best on it. 


    He was taking the piss mate.

  8. Dead cert to leave Juve, 109 goals in 181 games (Domestically - he's got 140+ in total) and he's 29. Worth a shot?


    From Channel 4...


    After he scored in the 3-2 defeat to Spezia this afternoon at Turin’s Stadio Olimpico, Trezeguet made a very clear gesture towards the VIP section where President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli was seated.


    He made a number 15 with his fingers – the goals he has scored in Serie B this season – and then a gesture that in Italian means “I’m out of here.”


    This has done nothing to calm the tension between club and striker, who is now 99 per cent certain to walk away despite their return to Serie A and the arrival of Coach Claudio Ranieri.


    It’s open warfare between David Trezeguet and Juventus. “This club does not respect me. I will leave and take my 140 goals with me.”


    The Frenchman is renegotiating his contract, which expires in 2008, but caused controversy during this afternoon’s 3-2 Serie B defeat to Spezia.


    When scoring his 15th goal of the season, he celebrated with an offensive gesture to the President in the stands, making the Italian signal for ‘15’ and then ‘I’m out of here.’


    “This club does not respect me. They made a proposal that made me understand they have already made other choices,” said Trezeguet to the Press after the Serie B trophy presentation.


    Since joining in 2000, the former Monaco man has become Juve’s all-time top foreign scorer with 140 goals.


    “I have done what Didier Deschamps asked of me: 15 goals. I was here for seven years and in that time earned the trust of over 14 million fans all over the world, plus the confidence of my teammates.


    “Unfortunately, the club has a different viewpoint to mine, so I will leave and take my 140 goals with me, safe in the knowledge I have always given my contribution.


    “There is no margin for negotiation now. If they had just told me I wasn’t wanted that would have been better than offering me a ridiculous contract. Perhaps someone has doubts over my abilities. I wanted to carry on with Juve, but the club doesn’t want me.”


    This was a day of goodbyes at the Stadio Olimpico in Turin, as the Bianconeri celebrate winning the title and earning promotion, but there were emotional scenes with Trezeguet singled out for embraces and applause by his teammates.


    “I am truly sorry for the fans and my companions, but I hope I earned a place for myself in this club’s history. I don’t know what will happen in the future, we will see.”




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