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Posts posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Decent player, but not one that has aspirations of finishing near or in the waffa cup spots. To be honest most of the names i see people talking about stink of midtable mediocrity - Barton/Jagielka/Reo-Coker/Diop etc. It's all very depressing. Why aren't people wanting players like Manuel Fernandes, genuine class?!


    Can't get 'em.


    Why couldnt we get Fernandes?

  2. All silent on the FAB front? Thank fuck for that, because as a maiden poster with no historical axe to grind, I've been praying to see one of these from you Vic, as the beating you're taking from Wullie et al has been getting painful to watch.






    Feline Advisory Bureau

    Federated Array of Bricks

    Fast atom bombardment

    Fat Aussie Bastard

    Flavoured Alcoholic Beverages



  3. Forget Love, Big Danny Carvalho is where its at as far as CSKA are concerned.


    Brazil squad...


    Doni (Roma)

    Helton (Porto)

    Daniel Alves (Sevilla)

    Maicon (Inter Milan)

    Gilberto (Hertha Berlin)

    Marcelo (Real Madrid)

    Juan (Bayer Leverkeusen)

    Alex (PSV)

    Alex Silva (Sao Paulo)

    Naldo (Werder Bremen)

    Gilberto Silva (Arsenal)

    Edmilson (Barcelona)

    Josue (Sao Paulo)

    Mineiro (Hertha Berlin)

    Elano (Shaktar Donetsk)

    Diego (Werder Bremen)

    Kaka (AC Milan)

    Ronaldinho (Barcelona)

    Robinho (Real Madrid)

    Vagner Love (CSKA Moscow)

    Jo (CSKA Moscow)

    Afonso Alves (Heerenveen).

  4. Tuncays a great shout, espcially considering he's on a free, has said he wants to play in England or Italy, is friends with Emre and has been linked to us before.

    and his names an anagram of "ya cunt"


    See he's perfect :lol: He'll be our best player since Vagina Dildo

  5. he's Zogbia MkII



    He's nothing like N'zogbia


    I was talking about Kingston



    I know you were


    well you're wrong then


    mark my words, he will never make it in a top 6 premiership club, and neither will N'Zogbia


    Have you seen him play before?


    of course


    Then why post...


    does anyone know anything about this bloke Kingston?

  6. he's Zogbia MkII



    He's nothing like N'zogbia


    I was talking about Kingston



    I know you were


    well you're wrong then


    mark my words, he will never make it in a top 6 premiership club, and neither will N'Zogbia


    Have you seen him play before?

  7. We'll most the names I could throw at you (Diego, Arteta ect.) are probably out of league atm, even with the takeover cash, if we can find a dimond in the rough it would be great - Cahill and Arteta are argueably one of the best CM pairings in the league and they only cost a combined 3.5 million, so it is possible.

  8. Manuel Fernandes has to be made the #1 target IMO, he's a class player already and is only going to get better. Benfica are looking for around that £11m, but if Ashley is serious about looking to "revive a fallen giant"(or some bullshit like that), then he should be able to afford that, good players cost good money. And it would prove to be a bargain IMO, a classy DM that has proven he can handle the premiership. If we buy Barton then that tells me we're going to settle for mid table again, he's a nothing player. If HE was Portuguese we would never have heard of him.


    :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:


    Tried to bring him up in the Nani thread but it got lost in the Toon Vs Spurs shite.

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