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Posts posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. 3 in 11 games (although obviously that should be four, given the unfairly ruled out goal at your place). But that's only part of the story, his all round contribution is immense. I've seen him play more impressive passes with his chest than most of the rest of the squad can play with their feet.


    Baros was a shirking waster who contributed nothing.


    Was never a corner in the first place tbh  :D

  2. I think that before people should answer this question, we should actually know circumstances around what happened. Look at everything that circulated about how Zidane was such a POS for what he did to Materazzi<sp?>, then we come to find out he called his mother and sister terrorists.




    No he didn't.




    Oh, I guess your 1 of like 50 people that believe what the scuzzball says as to what he said. Quite funny really. Too bad reality doesnt back it.


    You've totally contradicted your own point mate, you should know the circumstance of what happened, shouldnt you? You've made an assumption that he called called them terrorists, which Zidane has never confirmed. Anyway every one wasnt going on about what a POS Zidane was, it was more people desperately trying to justify the fact that Zizou had just nutted someone in the World Cup final. :lol:

  3. in the papers this morning they were after johnson and arteta for £30 million.


    it would be lovely if all these players signed then they got relegated for the tevez thing.


    That story was complete bollocks lifted from a forum.


    This one seems silly as well but if they really do want to pay £15-18m for Johnson then more fool them. I'd snap their hands off. He's good but certainly not great. We could get Fernandes and Nugent or a good foreign striker for that money.


    1878, how do rate Fernandes? Is he worth the quoted £12m? He seems like a player that nufc should be targeting when the takeover goes through.

  4. Tuncay-Emre-Barton-Milner


    My midfield would outclass that midfield over a season imo


    But mine would only cost around £5m


    Who's the holding player? Teams would just walk straight through the center.

  5. Dein tops Ashley's wish list


    Newcastle's would-be new owner Mike Ashley has targeted his first big signing - former Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein.


    Ashley, who is set to take full control of United, possibly this week, wants friend and neighbour Dein to run the club and deliver his dreams of glory.


    Publicity-shy Ashley is loath to involve himself in day to day matters at St James's Park.


    Instead, the billionaire wants to install a dynamic, experienced operator in the dual role of chairman/chief executive long performed by current Newcastle supremo Freddy Shepherd.


    And Dein - the man who took Arsene Wenger to Arsenal in 1996 - fits the bill perfectly.


    During 24 years with the Gunners, Dein forged a reputation as one of European football's key powerbrokers.


    As well as establishing Arsenal as a formidable force on the pitch, he became vice-chairman of the FA, before representing the Premier League on the FA board.


    Dein was pivotal in the FA's successful bid to land Sven-Goran Eriksson as England coach and was one of the panel who chose Steve McClaren as the Swede's successor.


    He was also chairman of the G14 group of European super clubs until leaving Arsenal last month amid a row over his support for a proposed takeover of the club by American tycoon Stan Kroenke.


    Dein and Ashley have homes literally yards apart in London's exclusive Totteridge Common, and know each other well.


    But it may need much persuasion for Dein to come on board at Newcastle, with the long-time Gunner harbouring long-term hopes of a return to Arsenal.


    It is understood that Kroenke would look to reinstate Dein in an executive position if he goes on to win control of the London giants.


    However, if Dein was to take charge of Newcastle, it would place a further question mark against the future of new United boss Sam Allardyce.


    During his days at Bolton, Allardyce was fiercely critical of Dein's influence within football.


    And that raises the distant but tantalising prospect of Arsene Wenger - who was dismayed by long-time ally Dein's exit from Arsenal - being targeted for the manager's job at St James's Park.

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