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Posts posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. http://www.eatfootball.net/opinion_images/Image/bubble_owen.jpg


    With the welcome news of Newcastle’s Michael Owen returning to fitness, the Geordie club have announced they will be taking no chances with the injury prone player.


    The Magpies have announced Michael will be fitted with a revolutionary piece of new anti injury kit on his return back to the premiership.


    The Human Bubble Ball is not dissimilar to a large transparent beach ball in which the player is placed and sealed in, preventing injury from opposing players.


    A Newcastle spokesperson told EN:


    “This is ideal; Michael is totally safe in the Human Bubble Ball, any rash tackles on Michael will not be felt and the offending player will rebound off the tough durable bubble.”


    To try and understand the workings of the Human Bubble Ball, EN spoke to its inventor, Bert Limpsfield, Bert told EN:


    “It works on the same principal of a hamster wheel you see, the player, in this particular case Michael Owen, will run within the bubble and it will pick up speed, he can also direct the bubble by leaning to the desired direction.”


    The ground breaking piece of equipment has shown interest with other Premiership players, it is believed Chris Kirkland, Harry Kewell and Joe Cole have all tested the H.B.B.


    Although on closer inspection of the H.B.B, it does seem to have its safety issues. A Newcastle grounds man agreed to speak with EN as long as he remained anonymous, Mike Winklestack of 32 Green Lane,Newcastle told EN:


    “Its bloody dangerous like, I saw Michael testing it on the training ground like, and the wind caught it like, and it blew across the field out of control, Nobby Solarno saved the day by diving on it, Michael was a bit shook up like man you know.”


    Further allegations on the safety of the H.B.B come from Arsenal’s wonderkid, Theo Walcott. Sources from the club claim Theo’s bubble bust just after the World Cup.

  2. If we're talking about Portugese wonderkids...




    He's got a season of Prem experience behind him, and Everton look like they wont be able to afford him on a permenant basis.


    He signed a new deal with Benfica just before moving to Everton on loan.


    So? They gave everton a chance of a permanent deal and Fernandes has fallen out with the Benfica board as he wants to play in the EPL.

  3. If we're talking about Portugese wonderkids...




    He's got a season of Prem experience behind him, and Everton look like they wont be able to afford him on a permenant basis.

  4. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2002390000-2007240369,00.html


    ROMAN ABRAMOVICH will no longer throw his billions at Chelsea to make them successful.


    The Russian owner has told the club they must operate without his money and run as a proper business.


    Abramovich will remain as sole owner but has told club directors he is not interested in remaining as a key decision maker.


    He made his decision known to directors Peter Kenyon, Eugene Tenenbaum and chairman Bruce Buck at a board meeting last Monday.


    The summit was called to decide strategy for next season but boss Jose Mourinho was not invited to attend.


    Abramovich’s move to pull the plug on his unlimited funds could now see Frank Lampard and skipper John Terry leave the club.


    The two England stars have failed to agree new deals with the Blues and Abramovich has laid down the law that there has to be a wage cap.


    Neither player is willing to accept a deal less than they think they are worth and could now sit out their current deals, which have two years left.


    Lampard is currently paid £118,000 per week and could stay another season at Chelsea before they would be forced to sell him for a nominal sum with just a year left on his contract.


    Chelsea’s only other option would be to try and cash in on him now — though so far no club has made a firm offer.


    From now on, Chelsea will be limited the same as every other club and will have to generate its own budget.


    The Russian owner has fallen out of love with the club and is intending to spend more time abroad and with his new girlfriend Daria Zhukova.


    It is unlikely he will attend as many games as he has in the past and wants only to be informed of important issues regarding Chelsea when it is thought necessary.


    The club will sign three new players this season — but hardly a penny will be spent on transfer fees.


    Steve Sidwell has signed on a free from Reading and Claudio Pizarro will do likewise from Bayern Munich. Brazil’s PSV Eindhoven defender Alex is already owned by Chelsea and will arrive for a fee of one dollar in July.


    It is a far cry from the first days of Abramovich’s reign as the club’s owner when he spent £74m on seven players in his first two months.


    Since then, more than £250m has been spent on transfers in total and the waste of money is partly to blame for Abramovich’s disinterest.


    For instance, Hernan Crespo cost £18m from Inter four years ago but has spent only two years playing for Chelsea.


    Half of his £90k-per-week wage is still paid by Chelsea while he has won two titles in Italy on loan at AC Milan and now Inter.


    Players like Adrian Mutu and Asier Del Horno were signed for £12m and then sold on at a fraction of their original price.


    And that is without even mentioning the likes of Juan Veron, Mateja Kezman, Jiri Jarosik or Khalid Boulahrouz.







  6. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.



  7. I was awe-struck by him when he hit that amazing run of form with Inter, but since then he seems to have been in one of the biggest slumps in form I have ever seen. He is strong and has an amazing shot on him, but the fact he is so left footed makes him very predictable to astute defenders, just force him onto his right and your sorted.


    His private life is also very worrying, he is a notorious party animal, regually turns up to training hungover and if rumours are correct he was spotted in a nightclub at 2am on the day Inter were playing Juve in the 05-06 season. It was also reported on the C4 website that he beat the shit out of an American basketball player in a milanese nightclub a month or so ago.


    Other Brazillians have had this problem, like Ronaldinho who at PSG regually missed training due to his partying, but he managed to sort him self out and get focused on his football. Whether Adriano could do the same remains to be seen.


    His price tag would be too big for the risk involved.

  8. http://www.gazzetta.it/Fotogallery/Tagliate/2007/05_Maggio/23/MIL/4.JPG













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