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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. People cite Injuries, but hasnt our best form this season come when we had the biggest injury list?
  2. And we've played some wonderful stuff this season Alkmaar at home, Reading at Home, Pompey at home (In the Carling cup). Three good performances this year that were really entertaining to watch. With a little bit better luck with injuries next year I'm sure we will see more of that. So three matches then out of 50+ games? glad to see we have high standards.
  3. Was massivley pissed off when I got told to sit down at the Alkmarr game, was sitting in Leazes L7 and there wasnt a single fucker sitting behind me. Madness!
  4. - Shearer, Harper and Given at Scalinis in Jesmond - Titus at the Cinema in the Gate and at Fitness first in Benton - Krul on Newton road with his lass - Matty Pattison and David Edgar in City Vaults - Parker in HMV - Robbie Elliot on Benton Road - Dyer at the Silverlink (Who hasnt?) - Alan Obrien in Eldon square
  5. Nope an ITK brought it up a week or so ago...
  6. GeordieDazzler


    Aye Canny Goal like
  7. http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w139/jordii_bucket/Picture839.jpg Innit Blud.
  8. http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4494951
  9. Troisi http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,5434343,00.jpg http://www.theworldgame.com.au/media//1190troisih.jpg
  10. http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.i1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4313974
  11. Kazenga: http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4505984 http://eur.i1.yimg.com/eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4494940 http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/7587/untitledgd7.jpg Doninger: http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.i1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4505958 Donaldson: http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.i1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4505835 Cook: http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4506012 Carroll http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.i1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4506002 Godsmark http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4506019 Cowen http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/ng/sp/empics/4506108
  12. Glory-Glory.net I think...
  13. How many for Carroll this season now?
  14. http://classifieds.goalhanger.com/products/images/5/Tyldesley_detail.gif
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