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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Isn’t he going to Spain or somewhere on a free? If he wins the UCL then he might feel his work in rainy Manchester is done.
  2. When we played them at home last season he was the single biggest shithouse I’ve seen at SJP and he was only on for 20 mins before getting injured
  3. Would give Arsenal extra motivation to beat Brighton as well
  4. This seasons Chelsea beat Milan home and away didn’t they? Spurs inexplicably failed to attack them in the second leg when they were there for the taking.
  5. What are they talking about man It wasn’t a pen you cretins.
  6. yep they failed to to pay, was top story on price of football pod the other day
  7. Oh Rios gonna help out on comms, what have we done to deserve this
  8. Switch on the Football and see Rio’s fucking dial again. Just fuck off man.
  9. Didn’t they both go to PSG and be the Santa Cruz and Benjani of the new era?
  10. Madrid only give 1800 away tickets?! Thats appalling like!
  11. That the ball went out of play on the near side but it was well before the ball ended up in the net
  12. Absolutely thundercunted it into the net
  13. Would Brighton not need to beat us for a chance of doing that?
  14. There’s not intention to foul the player but Johnson has got there first and been fouled. It’s a clear pen.
  15. Great save, don’t think he was offside
  16. They seem to purposely be targeting him this half, all their attacks directed there
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