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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. It’s probably not supported by the facts I always feel the play off winners esp if they were 5/6th have a great chance of staying up as they are usually more used to the scrap and slog of the league. Whereas runaway winners can often have a nasty surprise when they go up and have to change the way they play as they can’t dominate games like they have in the Championship. If that makes sense.
  2. Felix signed a new deal with Atleti before the loan didn’t he. They’ll get rinsed if they actually want to sign him.
  3. Feels like Napoli could play for 1000 minutes and not score
  4. “Is it Milan’s experience here that’s showing here?” “Yes” Majority of this Milan team hadn’t played CL football before last season. Lazy stereotypes die hard I suppose.
  5. Could be a second pen here not given, great tackle
  6. Christ Milan could of been two up here, despite Napoli dominance
  7. Proper tough atmosphere to hold your nerve in pen wise
  8. Yeah, Liverpool could finish the season strongly but they’d need the form of the 4 teams above them to absolutely collapse.
  9. Has any Prem team lost consecutive home games 1-5?
  10. I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!
  11. Because we were flying when PIF bought us
  12. he’s throwing shit at the wall and seeing if anything sticks like
  13. If the one Burn conceded (Brentford I think) is a pen I can’t see how that isn’t.
  14. Lens are second in the league mind and a win would take them within three points
  15. We’ll make a few tactical adjustments soon I think
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