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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Looked miles off edit: maybe not
  2. I don’t think Howe cares about niche records, he’s just an ultra competitive guy who will want to finish 3rd.
  3. As for JWP I think he falls into the “good player but not good value at the price they’d want” category.
  4. I know it probably doesn’t mean much but Frank was pretty categorical in his post match that Raya would be their only sale.
  5. Well as long as we don’t put seven or more past Leicester than they could catch Everton on the final day as have a better goal difference. Everton beating Bournemouth isn’t a given.
  6. I think we’ll put a strong team out against Chelsea, even if we don’t need the points. I didn’t realise Chelsea’s last three games are City, Man U and us, brutal sign off for Lamps.
  7. Just a player for whom Howe arrived to late to save. Clearly talented and could be a difference maker as we saw under Rafa. But he was just too willing to coast along when the coaching was bad and rarely took the initiative to improve his own situation.
  8. He was previously a Real player as a youngster wasn’t he? Fair play to him
  9. Our new signing puts the pressure pen away. Good sign.
  10. Don’t really want Bayern as they’ll do a big protest against us most likely. Real would be my preference, was gutted when Partizan drew galactico Madrid the year we went out in the qualifiers.
  11. If Everton beat Wolves at the weekend we would relegate Leicester with a win. Two extremes for both clubs.
  12. They play Southampton at home on Sunday so your assuming if they were prioritising that as an easier game.
  13. They did the replay on the level seven screen straight away and you could see he was on.
  14. I mean he was always gonna celebrate ffs, scored one of the most important goals in our recent history. Only time I think you shouldn’t is if it’s a really bad goal for your former team (ie you are relegating them and your goal isn’t decisive) other than that fill your boots.
  15. There was a point in the first half were it felt like I was watching a pressing drill in training with those Brighton goal kicks
  16. If we get out of second gear it might be our day, our month or even our year.
  17. Villa play Brighton last game and if they beat Liverpool it basically becomes a winner takes all for a Europa place?
  18. Can criticise what you want mate, for me it’s a minor footnote to a great night.
  19. Wilson is in white hot form and being rightfully rewarded. Isak attracts defenders, can still be very effective even if he isn’t delivering the killer blow himself.
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