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Everything posted by Ronaldo

  1. Scottish football, man. What a bunch of talentless idiots.
  2. Isn't it lovely that an unknown reserve has better ability on the ball than a player with 300 apps for us? Just shoot the useless cunt.
  3. On the subject of our keepers, the last 2 times i've seen Forster play he's been an absolute bag of nerves.
  4. I'd rather go for Anelka if he's being shipped out this summer. Anelka is 32, man. Cisse is 29. Anelka's the better of the two, and his age will be reflected in his price. Cisse will be awful when he loses his pace, plus he comes across as a bit of a prick. Since when? Not this season or last.
  5. Ronaldo

    Players in public

    No chance, sounds like she can pick a pass.
  6. Ronaldo

    Players in public

    A likely story if ever I heard one.
  7. Will this end Dresden? Let's hope so.
  8. West Ham. Good ridance to bad rubbish, hope they never see PL football ever again.
  9. He's worked doors in the Durham area for the best part of 10 years. Good bloke.
  10. West Ham essentially down as it stands.
  11. Shite, i'll just have to stagger on with that lingering threat. Swansea don't really play an attacking game, and Billy Davies is nothing like Holloway - unless you're talking about men who manage football teams who've ended up in The Championship playoffs.
  12. Every sentence in this post is hugely misinformed crap. Incredible.
  13. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/27540_126855743997768_9347_n.jpg Didn't think it would take 40 minutes, like.
  14. Total prick, like. How did he refuse? Did he run screaming to the referee?
  15. The fact he's never got 2 yellows in one game suggests he CAN consciously tone his play down at bit. Which is what Pardew might have to suggest to him. There's got to be a happy medium available here. We obviously can't have him reluctant to make challenges.
  16. Ronaldo

    Shola Ameobi

    Steak and Guinness.
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