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Everything posted by Mikky

  1. As a Muslim I find that totally offensive and not something I want to see on this board
  2. The bloke that lays down in a wall - has anyone ever seen that player been hit via a free kick? Don’t think I have…
  3. Miranda is very much the Matt Targett type - not for me if I am being honest Big fan of Di Marco - but that isn’t happening
  4. Yeah but one of our RBs was out with a serious injury and still hasn’t returned so we had zero cover for Trippier - a RB was a must in the summer Its nonsensical to sign a LB unless we sell one
  5. I am still all in on Todibo - think he has way more upside Guehi wasn’t that great yesterday - albeit in a poor side - but he still has a lot of potential - it’s the English premium that will mean we won’t go for him With Sandro out - I really hope we get a midfielder in - will be hard in Jan though
  6. I can’t see it We have 3 left backs already
  7. Mikky

    Jacob Murphy

    I knew the old Murphy would return after the break God knows what was wrong with him at the start of the season.
  8. £3m for an airline partner is quite good imo Fun88 was worth what £8m as front of shirt sponsor? Might even double some of these deals in a few years
  9. Will be at Leverkusen for a few years I reckon - they won’t sell him so soon Was he not at Brighton’s other club?
  10. Yep totally agree - the final place in the midfield where we have no natural cover
  11. In fairness every story seems to link a player to them - probably nothing to do with them
  12. He’s not going to Barca ffs - what a pointless rumour Barca ain’t spending 70m when they have Frankie playing the same role
  13. Mikky

    Dan Burn

    Deserved - he’s been excellent
  14. He’s kind of like Ousmanne Dembele - very two footed - can dribble - his link up and general decision making seems better than Dembele’s - add Howes coaching and he could be a gem
  15. Right or left - very two footed which is a huge bonus
  16. Mikky

    St James' Park

    hopefully can do something that maximises the matchday income side of things - ultimately I think that’s going to be key - even the basic stuff like getting fans in quicker - serving food/drink quicker etc
  17. This would be Valencia under Hector Cuper? One of the most defensive coaches in that era (although his Inter team thumped us 4-1) For me the worst final was Juve vs AC Milan - literally the most pointless 120 mins of football ever
  18. Todibo for me A Silva is way too expensive - Benfica are notorious for their high prices
  19. But that’s his game and makes him the player he is - he isn’t going to dribble past 2/3 players - hit screamers from 25 yards - it’s his tactical discipline that sets him apart - it looks easy - but it isn’t
  20. Yep defo agree with this - I think this summer just gone was about completing the squad - now it’s about the marquee type signings that are really going to push us forward even more
  21. Basically the board they assembled post Overmars was incompetent - went against their tried and tested philosophy - pretty sure a few sackings have taken place this last few weeks they’ll be back next season
  22. Mikky

    Match Atmosphere

    It’s actually a clever tactic - really intimates the opposition especially when the crowd go bonkers
  23. Ray just doesn’t work without Messi - I remember his being in tears after an incredible Messi goal Actually NUFC are an exception as he’s one of us
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