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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Happy Face

    Today's Matches

    I thought Ronaldo had sorted his hair out.
  2. You can say you're not interested inthe job without it being an absolute. Take Roeder for example. Shearer probably knows his own mind a bit better than Roeder, and sticks to his word. Traits that would make him a better manager than Roeder was.
  3. Happy Face

    Today's Matches

    don't forget, we got beat off one 5-1 last season.
  4. Sun headline tomorrow "Shearer: I want Toon job" you think that would do us any favours? You think all his old team mates are going to bust a gut to save Allardyce if they could get their mate in? And if he's said in the recent past he's not interested, why does he need to say it again? As for going to another club, I think he's got a connection with this club that would attract him more than any other.
  5. Because he'd be interested but doesn't want to put any pressure on Allardyce. Seems to have the best interests of the club at heart by saying nowt.
  6. The guy is actually defending our right to complain the way I read it. I think we all see the sarcasm mate. The point is, no-one has said the fans can't complain. Nothing article. You yourself have posted loads of articles where journos say we're impatient and it's our fault there's a crisis. But he's not slagging off the media, he's slagging off Allardyce. "Sam scores an own goal in blame game". No-one's blaming the fans other than the pundits that whip up the storm in the first place, just from a bit off booing at a poor performance.
  7. The guy is actually defending our right to complain the way I read it. I think we all see the sarcasm mate. The point is, no-one has said the fans can't complain. Nothing article.
  8. Hardly laying the blame elsewhere or throwing a strop at the fans.
  9. Absoloute shite if you ask me. Sam has repeated several times what's been unacceptable, and defended the fans' right to say so to the hilt. He's been arse raped by the media in comparison to Souness' dragged out demise which his best buddy pundits never got on his back for. What has Ashley sitting with the fans got to do with any of it? Has Allardyce said a word about being annoyed by it. Cheap reactionist journalism whipping up a frenzy from the fans who won't think for themselves so they can later point out how fickle we are.
  10. I don't mean he has one game literally, I mean if we get knocked out of the FA Cup, that'll be him gone whether it's after that or in May, there will be no turning back for him from that point on. I honestly believe his only way out of this would be to win the FA Cup. That's the only thing he could give the new owner, Chairman and fans as a peace offering to bide himself the time he clearly craves and needs. He has to do what the club hasn't managed in 50 odd year or be sacked? deluded level of avariciousness.
  11. The FA cup isn't about who's got a chance of winning. It's never been won by a team out of the top 4 for 12 years, and only by 2 outside in 21 years, so it's fairly cut and dry. It's about the upsets on the way. Rarely anything but a banana skin to Premier league teams outside the top four so from his clubs point of view he's right.
  12. Carpet football would be nice, but the fans are an obstacle to it. The groans that go up when a player passes backwards are ridiculous, and woe betide any player passing back to the keeper. If a simple forward pass isn't on this leaves players in a catch 22. Hoof it and we're bereft of ideas, pass back to retain posession until there's an opening and the crowd are on your back. Of course it's up to Allardyce to reassure them that he can see when passing back is a good thing and won't let the fans sway him, but also to improve our position and movement off the ball to create opportunities for clinical forward passing. He just doesn't know enough about that himself, needs a cleverer number two than Terry Mac to fill that knowledge gap.
  13. Give over man. Last season Wenger couldn't beat Roeder...and he lost to Souness the season before that. That's a "my dad's bigger than your's" answer if ever I've seen one. But Jol had them in the bottom 3, he wouldn't have lasted here as long as he did at Spurs.
  14. 100% shit on the right or 50% shit on the left. Sam was right, he evidently prefers the left himself.
  15. Probably his position as executive on the league managers association. A position which he takes quite seriously by all accounts and always contacts sacked or recently employed managers.
  16. What do fans know. We've been going on all season about Milner playing on the right instead of the left and since being moved he's had his 2 worst games.
  17. Thought I'd wind up a few of the reactionists on here with it. Bit entertainment for 20 minutes before I go out. TT is a bit quiet. Too sensible over there.
  18. Can't believe that result like. I thought this twat was talking shite but he might be right.... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml;jsessionid=NMYU3MLKS1SITQFIQMGCFF4AVCBQUIV0?view=DETAILS&grid=A1YourView&xml=/sport/2008/01/03/sfnhen103.xml
  19. I'd be happier than the days we brought in the 'proven quality' of messrs Souness and Allardyce.
  20. "A spokesman for Newcastle United said the club was not making any comment. " Dignified silence?! Wouldn't have happened with Freddy at the helm.
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