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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Awww, Poor Mike Ashley feels he's not been supported and has been stabbed in the back. Well now you know how Rafa feels, you absolute fucknugget.
  2. That photo explains why the article says her husband is recovering from an aneurysm.
  3. Got a link? http://www.nufcblog.co.uk/2018/09/12/nufc-reporter-reveals-what-mike-ashley-has-now-told-friends-about-a-takeover-good-news/ Aye right. This time he must be telling the truth. Exactly. We stop once the sale is completed and not a moment before.
  4. Indeed. The only time I'll believe he's selling is once we're actually sold. Not a single second before
  5. Chris_R


    He didn't turn up for work for a fucking month. Not sure how much more of a breach of contract you want? Try doing that at your workplace whilst ignoring all their attempts to contact you, then swan back in and see what happens. Whilst you might get away with it if you had a great record and they thought the sun shone out your arse before doing that, if they instead wanted you gone then believe me you'd be gone and even a phonecall to ACAS would only result in them laughing at you for being a fucking prat. Much though I hate to say it, I think sunderland are in the right here. Though clearly I still hope they get taken to the cleaners and sued for millions. Employment law in our workplaces and employment law with footballers are 2 very different things. There are footballers who have been jailed, done for drink driving, done for drugs, done for assault and went on strike yet they all kept getting paid their lavish wages. If me or you had done any of them things the likelihood is wed be signing on very soon You're completely wrong. Employment law is no different between our jobs and that of footballers. If our bosses wanted to keep us after doing the above, they could. Fact is we're generally very replaceable so they'll easily go and get someone who can do the job just as well without any of that baggage. So we get sacked. So whilst the employment law is the same, footballers are different than us as employees. When you've paid £10m or £20m or whatever to get someone to sign for you, and they're one of the best in the land at doing what they do, ripping up their contract isn't something you want to do. You have to go and spend another £10m or £20m buying their replacement, for starters. So you cut them some slack. The fact remains though if you WANT to get rid of them, you still can, under exactly the same employment law as the rest of us operate under. In this case the player is not a massive benefit to Sunderland, and instead of them having to replace him with an equally-expensive player instead they're just desperate to get rid of the crippling wages he's lumbering them with. Accordingly, they're using exactly the same legislation as they would with us to get rid of him. There's not some magic divide between footballers and the rest though, it's a sliding scale. If you work minimum wage and fuck up, you'll be out the door because there's millions of equally-qualified people they can get in tomorrow to pack those boxes just as well as you do with half an hour's training. If you're a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist, you're harder to replace so you can get away with more provided you're still good at your job. It's possibly not fair, but it's life.
  6. Chris_R


    He didn't turn up for work for a fucking month. Not sure how much more of a breach of contract you want? Try doing that at your workplace whilst ignoring all their attempts to contact you, then swan back in and see what happens. Whilst you might get away with it if you had a great record and they thought the sun shone out your arse before doing that, if they instead wanted you gone then believe me you'd be gone and even a phonecall to ACAS would only result in them laughing at you for being a fucking prat. Much though I hate to say it, I think sunderland are in the right here. Though clearly I still hope they get taken to the cleaners and sued for millions.
  7. As I said in the Mike Ashley thread, but was shouted down... He's the thinnest-skinned cunt alive, and a devious, manipulative shitbag as well. Never doubt that we're getting to him. Never doubt it. And never believe anything that comes out of his mouth or the mouth of anyone connected to him in any way.
  8. Chris_R

    Kevin Keegan

    It's not that. Shearer was a magnificent player for us and our all-time top scorer, but when I say I'd prefer to see Rondon out there next weekend it doesn't mean I think he's a better player than Big Al ever was. Times move on.
  9. I don't care if only a fraction of 1% of the drop is to do with the protests, we still need to keep the pressure on. Any tweet, anything they do or say, it needs to be jumped on constantly. No waiting for the next organised SD protest. I'm sure most of us still are, but it just needs reinforcing. His business life needs to be made unbearable until he realises owning us is a massive hassle for him and all his cronies and has a directly negative impact on SD's performance.
  10. Wouldn't be surprised if he did show up, but was putting out rumours he won't to stop angry Newcastle fans buying one share and making the long journey of they think they'll just see his empty chair. My money is on him being there still and this is just spin.
  11. These photos are just making me angry. What a fucking mess we've made of the best managerial appointment we've had in over a decade.
  12. We're uncertain of the WiFi facilities there but we are certainly looking into this. I'll try to remember that update you all on here if I hear owt. Just use a mobile phone as a personal hotspot. No need for Wifi at all.
  13. Exactly. It's a public meeting. He can come himself for all I care. In fact, imagine the scenes.
  14. Chris_R


    Hardly. Even if they lose this, they're still in the playoffs, it's really early in the season and they're close to the top spots. They may not walk the league, but they're going to do pretty well in it this year. That's more a reflection of the league than them, mind.
  15. We (or the Magpie group / Wor Flags) should decide on an acceptable alternative to "Fat cockney bastard" which is clearly damaging, and get that put on a big banner. Then everyone can see it and sing the same thing.
  16. I don't think it's amazing at all. If Rafa is, as is believed, a man of integrity who will never walk away from a contract then any kind of clause like this is an utter irrelevance to him. Doesn't matter if there's no clause, a £6m clause, or a £1b clause. He'll stay regardless and see out the contract.
  17. Well maybe you're right, but that's slightly irrelevant now. Assuming it is there, which it is widely believed to be from reputable sources, should Rafa see out his contact or walk away now?
  18. Are you going to pay Ashley the widely-believed £6m for Rafa to walk? If you were in his shoes, would you pay it just over a point of principle and so that the fans could ramp up their protests 9 months earlier? That's a stupid clause to have to work under a known wanker like Ashley I just don't go along with the widely believed view that he will walk in May. He already has said he will see about a new deal later in the season. What's there to see about unless Ashley wasn't here anymore? Are you saying he shouldn't pay the £6m because you've deemed it stupid? Or that he should walk and pay it? Or what? My question still stands in its entirety: "If you were in his shoes, would you pay it just over a point of principle and so that the fans could ramp up their protests 9 months earlier?". Or would you see out your contract, and get paid a year's salary instead of paying £6m to leave? And as for your second bit, Rafa HAS to say he'll see about a new contract. He can't say anything else. Let's face it, there ARE things Ashley could do to make Rafa stay. It's not impossible. He could write something into Rafa's contract saying he'll have £Xm per year net spend to spend on players, that might satisfy Rafa if X was high enough and the contract watertight enough, and Ashley could do that, there's nothing stopping him. But we all know he won't, because 11 years tell us it just won't happen because he's a parasite and a cunt whose only goal is to advertise SD and leach money out of the club and into his own pockets, but Rafa has to allow him to not offer a good enough contract, to give him that opportunity to fuck up, before he walks at the end of his contract with his head held high. Rafa, for me, is playing this perfectly.
  19. Are you going to pay Ashley the widely-believed £6m for Rafa to walk? If you were in his shoes, would you pay it just over a point of principle and so that the fans could ramp up their protests 9 months earlier?
  20. Chris_R

    Shola Ameobi

    Shola has quite likely taken Bishop's pound to spout shit. If that's the case, and it looks like it is the case, he's an abhorrent cunt and deserves everything which comes his way. However if he comes out and publicly retracts his statements in the light of new information, then great, we can go back to where we were. However until then he's on the shit list.
  21. Don't rain on our parade.
  22. I love the idea that somebody in authority, somewhere, has decided that this getting Dennis Wise, Sam Allardyce and Richard Keys to tell us we're all wrong is the best way to placate the angry Newcastle fans. It's almost as if they're trying to make things worse. Maybe Keith Bishop is actually on our side.
  23. I've no idea. I just assumed they meant a part of the ground. But to me that's the Leazes, the Sir John Hall Stand, whatever. Is it the North Stand now? I've not been for a while I admit as I'm no longer local.
  24. Moreso than when journalists went undercover into the warehouse to discover awful working conditions and Ashley was thrown in front of a select committee (where he performed terribly)?. Or when the company was subject to an SFO investigation? Ashley has proven thin-skinned and the 'annoyance factor' may have an impact on him, but it's not going to fundamentally alter the performance of the SD business. Yes, more than that. Because (most) investors couldn't care less if a company is ethical. They invest to make money, not because they love how the company operates. In fact most investors will love that Ashley pays his staff next to nothing and gives them no breaks etc, that just means more money for the shareholders.
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