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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Would be interesting to watch. Also Delaney looks like he actively hates Pardew. Well to be fair to Delaney, he has met him.
  2. Do the media ever admit there's such a thing as a bad manager? Has anyone ever been declared to be bad at their job? It's as if they just won't ever say a manager is not up to scratch, it's infuriating because plenty are shit but it's never said.
  3. I'm glad he had a good start at Palace last season, so that now things are going bad and their fans are turning on him we can shout back "But under him, you were fifth!"
  4. He needs another year at Palace. I want him to win a few to climb to about 12th so the pressure eases, then he'll Pardew the end of the season with a series of LLLLLLs that leave them 17th after the last game. In the summer he'll bring in loads of new players who aren't yet Pardewed and start off OK again, then nosedive into oblivion. That'll do me nicely.
  5. The winner. Was thinking of Simpson when I was reading the last page. Who'd have thought that inept anti-footballer would be a league winner? Life's mad.
  6. Our poll was something like 99%, wasn't it? I'm sure I remember it tracking at 100% for ages until some clown clicked "Stay".
  7. That's not a difficult decision. If I was in a room with both of them and 2 bullets, I'd shoot Pardew twice.
  8. For the record, I didn't ask for an illegal link. Just a link. Wasn't asking for anything illegal.....
  9. Chris_R


    Yeah there's plenty to laugh at without knocking them getting 44k to watch that shower of shit, paid or not. If be very interested to know how many were free tickets though but that's more out of morbid curiosity than an attempt to denigrate those who went. They still went, and that's a good crowd for a televised game when your team is dreadful.
  10. Chris_R


    The defending for the goal was shocking. The defender just didn't attack the ball at all, if he'd made any attempt to do that he clears the cross easily. That'd have been shit defending if it were in a Sunday league match.
  11. What if Spurs sell him soon though, we'll get next to nothing.
  12. Chris_R


    I often wonder if your keyboard is just loads of big keys with random words on and you just hit them in any order Right on, I don't even think we've had 12 million minutes since the world started 2016 years ago. I often wonder if your keyboard is just loads of big keys with random words on and you just hit them in any order Right on, I don't even think we've had 12 million minutes since the world started 2016 years ago. We have like ? Doubt it, we are now in 2016 After Dinosaurs so I can't imagine we've had that many. I'm missing something. It's about 20 years isn't it? 22.8, to be approximate.
  13. Yes, he's got new players in who will probably play well until he Pardews them and gets them down to his normal level. Naturally the media will claim he's personally turned it all around, when in reality he's just not had time to turn the new players to shit. Once he works his normal magic on them, they'll be straight back to spelling out new Welsh towns in the form tables. Then he'll try to cling on, get more players in the next transfer window and repeat the cycle again. It's the same shit all the time with him. It's absolutely astonishing that he's yet to be found out on a wider level but every club he's been at for any period of time can tell the same story.
  14. This. I want someone fast, who can beat a man and get a good cross in for the strikers. Sometimes it'll come off, sometimes it'll not, but I want someone in that position who at least has the ability to do it occasionally and the desire to do it all of the time.
  15. At least Hitler could organise a decent attack.
  16. People saying he'd be ok for a championship club are possibly forgetting we could well be one next year. Might have been worth keeping until our fate is decided.
  17. My stream's gone down. Feel relieved and I'm not sure I can be bothered to find another.
  18. DNA and fret. What a fucking melt.
  19. Happy with that. I assume we'll line up with: Mitrovic Perez Wijnaldum Sissoko Anita Shelvey Which could, IMO, work OK.
  20. The difference between Anita and Colback is that Anita is a footballer.
  21. Easy to tell if it's Tiote. Could you see others mouthing the word "Shoot" whilst the ball appeared to be bobbling apologetically away from him towards the corner flag?
  22. Of course there is, i'd be shocked if there isn't. This really. 100% expected an optout clause, I'd have been astonished if there wasn't one.
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