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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Chris_R

    Steve McClaren

    It's the hope that kills you.
  2. Chris_R

    Steve McClaren

    And that's the reason they're NOT announcing he won't get the job, so that more people are happy when McClaren does get the job.
  3. Chris_R

    Steve McClaren

    I've very little interest in McClaren getting the job. It reeks of doing the absolute bare minimum, as always, and it'll be utterly underwhelming.
  4. I agree. It'd be nice to have a rich sugar-daddy owner but ultimately I think we should be run at a profit. All clubs should. Ashley should make money from owning us, as every club owner should. However try to pinch every penny possible, have no ambition and fail to recognise that the manager is the single most important individual at a football club and consistently refuse to pick a competent one. You want Ashley to make money from owning us? WTF? Tell me one reason why the club shouldn't be a not for profit? All clubs should be run at a profit. They're businesses, and running at a profit is what stops them going under. Every club in every league of every country should, ideally, be run at a profit. They're not, and that's why the likes of Chelsea, Man City and PSG have ruined football for 95% of teams. From a selfish, trophy-wanting perspective I'd love someone to come and spunk money at us, sure, but that doesn't change it being fundamentally wrong. Me saying Ashley should make money from us doesn't mean I'm pro-Ashley. I'm categorically not. And saying he should make money from us does NOT mean I think he should milk us dry for every penny he can whilst hawking his tatty chav clothes shop all around the place for free. He can make 1p per year and still be, as I suggest he should, running the club at a profit.
  5. Chris_R

    John Carver

    I think we're in a Mexican standoff with Derby. We want McClaren, they don't. They know if they sack him, they have to pay him compensation. We know that unless we wait for them to sack him, we'll have to pay them. Sadly it might be a while before either side blinks and it'd not surprise me if as soon as we either confirm Carver or appoint someone different, Derby almost immediately sack McClaren.
  6. I agree. It'd be nice to have a rich sugar-daddy owner but ultimately I think we should be run at a profit. All clubs should. Ashley should make money from owning us, as every club owner should. However try to pinch every penny possible, have no ambition and fail to recognise that the manager is the single most important individual at a football club and consistently refuse to pick a competent one.
  7. Clearly Ashley is rattled by the AO campaign, otherwise there's not a hope in hell he'd have broken his lifetime media silence by giving an interview to Sky Sports. It's quite mad to state that him doing that proves he doesn't care, it's quite the reverse. He's a precious little so-and-so, seems really quite fragile emotionally from the few bits we've seen of him. Spits his dummy out really easily and is massively prone to huffs and petulance. He has made a rod for his own back by speaking out. Yes, it buys him a little time in some respects because he's made some promises but now those promises have to be kept. Previously, there were no promises, nothing to hold him to because all we got was silence which made it hard to say he was failing. We could disagree with how he was running the club, but we couldn't say he was failing as he was seemingly achieving everything that he personally wanted. Now there are metrics against which he can be judged which we agree on as common aims: Investment, an attempt to be a good competitive club, even the talk of trophies. If his aim is to continue doing what he's done for the last 8 years, I'd say this statement is a massive fuck-up by him. This statement is only a good move if he genuinely does want to change, but that in itself doesn't convince me that those are his intentions because he's got an absolute mountain of bad work to undo before I'll be even remotely convinced. My position is that I'm still "out" and it's business as usual for me until he actually does things that bring me back into the fold. My expectations of that happening are perhaps now slightly raised, but still phenomenally close to zero.
  8. Things like this show that we're getting to him. It's great, carry on.
  9. Yes, every question seemed like it was scripted and Ashley knew what was going to be asked. The answers were similarly scripted and he sounded like a man trying to remember his lines at times rather than a man speaking freely and honestly. I'd love him to change his behaviour with us, but I'm only interested in actions, not words.
  10. Chris_R

    Steve McClaren

    Derby would be mad to sack him before Sunday with us seemingly so desperate to take him on. The sensible move is to keep him on and see if we'll offer compensation, and then only sack him on Monday (if indeed that's what they want to do) after our fate is decided.
  11. Chris_R

    Steve McClaren

    Well we're used to being managed by a number 2.....
  12. I could barely give a shit about what happens at the weekend. If the club don't care and the players don't care, why should I care? Let them get on with the mess they've made, either get out of it or don't, it's frankly none of my concern. I'll watch from afar on a Sky feed I've not paid for with dispassionate interest, because to be fair I am interested in what happens - how can I not be? - But I'm not investing a single shred of emotion, effort, passion or money into what happens because they've got precisely no intention of giving anything in that regard back to me. Relationships need to be 2-way. This one hasn't been for years and anyone who continues to hope for improvement has the worst case of battered wife syndrome imagineable.
  13. So glad we binned this lazy turd off so that we can give some real grafters a chance. Just look how well we've done without him, it's a joy to behold. So proud.
  14. Not once would it ever cross my mind to write anything remotely serious on anything other than a computer. What the fuck do they take us for?
  15. Chris_R

    Lee Charnley

    Since when is it illegal to make a phonecall? Utter fucking melts.
  16. Chris_R

    John Carver

    They don't even need to replace him, they just need to get rid of him.
  17. Chris_R

    John Carver

    Since it's not my money, I'm failing to give a single s***. In fact thinking it through, it's the money of a person who is spitefully destroying our club so I'm strongly in favour of our relegation. Mike Ashley doesn’t have the monopoly on spite. Fuck him, his tatty charva clothes shop and his money.
  18. Chris_R

    John Carver

    No wonder Ryder is mates with Carver, pair of useless wage thieves.
  19. Chris_R

    John Carver

    Is incredible that investigative journalism to Lee Ryder involves watching Sky Sports and reading this forum. Such an utter melt, that bloke.
  20. Chris_R

    John Carver

    Incredibly rank.
  21. Oh, now you leave you sackless cunts. Should have made that decision about 3 hours ago. Arsewipes.
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