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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Love how he waits to nearly 6pm then tells us not to expect anything today. Really George? Many announcements normally made in the late evening? Maybe you'd like to point out that the sun's gone down as well and try to pass that off as astute journalistic insight.
  2. Chris_R

    Loïc Remy

    99% of all football transfers are related to money. Everyone who comes here does so for more money. They're not coming here for the trophies or the weather ffs. OK, so we offered less than QPR on this one. Life's a bitch. Boo fucking hoo, move on.
  3. Get him in tomorrow, just Ashley's style to try and get the club doctor to do 3 for the price of 2 on medicals.
  4. They lose any credibility by valuing Danny Simpson at £4.8m
  5. Or right wing. He loves a randomly allocated right-winger. And after all, we've trained with Williamson and Coloccini in defence for ages.
  6. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    You're either about 12 years old or fucking retarded. Or both.
  7. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Have to agree with this. Last time I was almost (I repeat: Almost) pleased when we went down because we could get rid of some of the cancerous dross that was holding us back. If we went down this year it would be heartbreaking to see the likes of HBA, Krul, Cabaye, Cisse, Coloccini, Santon and Debuchy leave.
  8. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Knowing our luck he'd have won and doubled his contract to sixteen years.
  9. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    What if Colo was convinced to stay by the news Pardew was gone? It's a distinct possibility in my mind. While Pardew is sat in the meeting "I can only afford to keep one of you on" etc. Knowing this club, we'd keep Pardew.
  10. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    - Pardew doesn't choose the recruitments. He has no say whatsoever. And rightly so because Carr does an excellent job. - Why would a player want to play for Pardew in particular? His scintilating brand of attacking football? Don't make me spit my fucking coffee out. - As for being able to get a better manager, we could just promote the tea lady. At least she'd probably put the wingers on the right sides and know that Shola's shit. All your arguments for keeping Pardew are irrelevant.
  11. I'd agree that most people are putting out a decent first XI, but I'm somewhat concerned that everyone keeps putting Cisse in goal.
  12. Just anyone who understands the basic concept that left footed wingers should play on the left and right footed wingers on the right. ANYONE.
  13. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    To be honest, all managers say they're not worried about their futures. Means nothing.
  14. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Jonas is a winger. He's right-footed. If he's to play anywhere (Questionable enough) he should play right wing to that he can get a half-way competent cross in to the strikers. Shola is a striker. He's also right-footed. If he's to play anywhere (and that is also questionable) it should be as a striker. But if he is to be pushed wide he should play on the left so that he can at least cut inside and shoot.
  15. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Yes we've had a bad run with injuries, but there's no way on Earth that this side, given the personnel he has had at his disposal, should be in the position they're in. That is Pardew's fault. Edit: Or perhaps it's the fans' fault. Yes, sack us.
  16. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    He shouldn't even get until he gets home tonight. Sack the cunt, confiscate his company car and make him get the metro home so he can apologise personally to some of the poor fuckers who've put up with his atrocious brand of hoofball.
  17. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Against Reading. FUCKING READING. AT HOME. With the squad we've got, we should be looking to stick 5 past that bunch of nobodies. They're a shit team. Why the merry fuck should we, at home, finishing 5th last year with a team full of internationals, be looking to "get a tackle out on the pitch"? Why are we worrying about them? I sure as fuck didn't see them doing too much worrying about us, they were too busy trying, not unsuccessfully, to score goals. Cunt.
  18. I don't care who it is, as long as this tactically inept cretin is gone. Could promote the fucking tea lady, at least she'd put wingers on the right wings and drop Shola.
  19. Fans' fault tbh, insufficiently cheery about the situation Personally I was f***ing delitghted about losing to Reading. Don't know what the rest of you miserable c***s are complaining about. Get a grip ffs. Today has been fantastic, we should be honoured to have witnessed that dross and should have clapped like a ground full of circus seals when he took off the only players capable of making a difference to replace them with cloggers.
  20. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Why doesn't he try to get some positivity from the pitch to spread to the crowd. Just an idea. The f***ing clueless c***.
  21. Tactically, he hasn't a clue. BOTH Reading's goals came from crosses that were put in by wingers playing on the correct side of the pitch. The first from a right-footed cross by a right-footed player on the right, the second (More indirectly, I'll grant) from a left-footed cross by a left-footed player on the left. This is fucking ESSENTIAL if you're going to play 4-4-2 with any level of competence. It's not an option, or a preference, it's fucking bacic stuff going back about 120 bloody years. I'm too fucking angry right now to compose anything coherent about the angles of the balls being played in or the stances of the defenders and attackers when dealing with such deliveries, or the spaces the respective balls can be delivered into. But it's fucking schoolboy stuff and if this clownshoes prat that's masquerading as a Premiership football manager can't realise that it doesn't work then he needs running out of town immediately. We're just as bad under 4-3-3. There you have 2 options: Play people on their natural side or swap them round. Swapping them means you really need 3 strikers, so they can cut inside. Again we don't do this, we tend to play them on their natural side but that means you're playing 4-5-1 which is so negative and dull. We just seem to lack any kind of idea about how we're going to break teams down. No idea at all. It's just left to good luck. "Stick some crosses in" with no real idea of what is a good cross. This cutting back inside shit and trying inswinging crosses has zero success. Zero. Ever. It just does not work. Yet we do it every fucking week. With no sign of stopping. It's horrendous. Fuck it, I'm too angry to type. A child could see what's wrong with us, but seemingly Pardew hasn't a clue. I'm off to get drunk. Fuck this shit.
  22. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Nah, let´s stoop down to the mackems level to get things really fired up! f***ing Shitdrew... Drew? We keep getting beat. Drew would have been an improvement.
  23. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Can't watch this shite any longer. That was fucking dire. I think everything I posted before the match came true: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,93451.msg4161860.html#msg4161860 Get this clueless cunt out. Now.
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