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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Chris_R

    Plane spotting

    The takeover? Someone posted the flight manifest on here with Staveley etc on board, wasn't that the first we knew of it?
  2. Chris_R

    Loris Karius

    Gets my vote. Imagine the shithousery we could get up to with two goalkeepers on the pitch. Arteta would have an aneurysm before we even got to half time.
  3. Chris_R


    He'd have a larger audience if instead he just went downstairs and told his mum.
  4. Chris_R

    Safe standing

    I believe in the UK it's 1:1 initially but most places on the continent get more people in their safe standing areas than can normally sit there, and surely that'll happen here eventually too once the concept is proven. So the 2 are not mutually exclusive, introducing safe standing can and probably will increase the ground capacity of and by itself.
  5. Chris_R


    Those things are just outright lies though, on a Trumpian scale. It's like if I started insisting I was taller than Andre the Giant. When we were in the same room. To his face.
  6. Not wanting Kane is a pretty incredible take like. He's the best English striker of his generation and very likely to go on and break the PL goalscoring record which has stood for 17 years, so turning your nose up at him whilst he's still in his prime is somewhat bold. I love Wilson, but Kane would be an instant upgrade on him in almost every way and would take our forward play to another level. Not that there's a cat in hell's chance we sign him, but that's another story.
  7. Thought we wanted players to bring squad age down?
  8. This. Strikers can be successful without scoring goals. Emile Heskey got 7 in 62 for England but was vital for the overall play of the team. Without Wood last year, we could have been in a world of shit. Also considering Wood has played 35 league games (Not all starts, obviously, but many were) over the past year for a team who have consistently had top 4 form for that time, are any of his detractors seriously saying that they think if we'd just not played him we'd have done better? Or even the same? Or even close? Or if you think we should have signed someone else for that money who would have done at least as good, who? Who would have come to us rooted as we were to the foot of the table? Long or even medium term, I want us to move on from Wood. He's not going to score the goals we need or want for where we want to be. But he did a necessary if unglamorous job over the last 12 months and I bear him no ill will at all*. (*I confess I may have screamed some obscenities for a good 30 seconds when vs Sheff Wed he launched Joelinton's perfect through ball past the orbiting International Space Station)
  9. Re: Maddison Summer, and you're absolutely right. Though her surname is "Summers", apparently, and now I need to send an apology email to our IT department.
  10. Chris_R


    Their arguments boil down to: "If we had more fans than the mags, we'd have more fans. We also had bigger attendances than them in the years where our gates were bigger, which proves this." Honestly you can have a fucking aneurysm just reading RTG and attempting to unpick the logic.
  11. Chris_R


    For the little it matters (It doesn't, but let's just add some context) that's our worst attendance average since we rebuilt the stadium, yet the last time they beat that was in 2001/02 despite 12 of the seasons since being in the PL, and them having 2 of their own promotion seasons from the Championship - Firstly 04/05 when they averaged 28,821 and secondly in 06/07 when they averaged 31,887 So I've no idea what point they're attempting to prove.
  12. Chris_R


    "Our abhorrent, backward views and constant contradictions are making us a laughing stock online, everyone's taking the piss out of us" "Should we maybe not post such bullshit?" "Nah, let's just hide it" Absolute state of them.
  13. Given how they've gone about their transfer business, I hope nobody gives Chelsea any serious money for their unwanted players. They'll be hoping to shift Sterling and others for silly money to cover their spending spree but they've dug this hole they're sitting in the bottom of, and the players who aren't going to get a sniff of game time ever again are going to be increasingly destroying morale there whilst costing a fortune in wages.
  14. We clearly deserved to win, but scoring so close to the end makes it feel like you were lucky. We weren't.
  15. Chris_R


    That's a fucking atrocious "challenge". Could end someone's career with that.
  16. Well maybe he's aiming a bit higher now?
  17. 1 million fans per turnstile does seem a lot, to be fair.
  18. Chris_R


    So murder is similar to streaming a football match, because they're both breaking the law? Got it. There's a scale. Drink driving is far more dangerous than speeding, per person per mile, that's beyond any doubt because it's not even close. To form an equivalence is dangerous, because everyone speeds. And therefore there's nothing you can say to stop people speeding because we all do it. You included, if you drive. Therefore forming an equivalence risks impressionable people thinking they're both similarly dangerous, so if they can speed safely (in their eyes) they're ok to drink drive safely. Drink driving is massively worse than speeding. Though of course speeding is wrong.
  19. Chris_R


    That's a shit argument if you're trying to suggest speeding is worse than drink driving. If everyone speeds, as you suggest, but only a tiny percentage drink drive, then of course speeding is likely to kill more (I haven't checked). If 100 people speed as "normal" drivers do, and 100 people drink drive, I'd expect waaaaay more accidents from the drink drivers.
  20. Chris_R


    Their display will be just in time for the console release date on Wearside.
  21. Chris_R


    They can re-release it very soon with the words changed to "60 years of hurt". Just kill me now.
  22. Chris_R

    Garang Kuol

    From what I've seen of him over the past months on Youtube etc, he seems to have a lot of talent but is raw as fuck. He'll infuriate, but also pull off some fantastic moves. He needs a lot of coaching but could come good if he gets it.
  23. Chris_R


    That's not how it works though. You may well be swerving all over the place after 1 pint, but you'd blow under the limit because it's a blood alcohol level. How drunk you feel is irrelevant. My mum's like this, she's borderline alcohol intolerant and can be wasted after one small glass of wine but after ploughing though a zebra crossing full of children would blow, under which is terrifying. I'm the reverse, personally I like a beer and perhaps I could drive fine after 3 but despite that I'd probably blow over the limit. But the rules are the rules and there's nothing to be gained by driving as close to the limit as you can, it's obvious alcohol impairs you and driving a couple of tonnes of metal is not to be taken lightly. I'd never drive after 3, you're a fucking idiot if you do. 1 is my limit if I go out for a meal, maximum, but ideally 0. It's not difficult.
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