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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I don't think there's any need to be buying players on £200k/week. If we've seen anything over the last year, it's that there's plenty of players who are willing to come to us for half that wage who will improve us massively. Right now it's about breaking into that top 4, either this season or next or whenever, not about displacing Real Madrid or PSG. Those kind of transfers are for years to come when we need to make that step.
  2. Ultimately, fans of other clubs want Newcastle fans to be more angry about the ownership of Newcastle than they themselves are willing to be about the Saudi Grand Prix or Saudi boxing fights. Because ultimately it's not about concerns over sportswashing at all, it's just about knowing there's nothing they can do over our ownership and likely future investment and so they're wanting us to do what they can't: To force our owners out, to shoot ourselves in the foot so they can pull the ladder up again, and so that we can go back to where they think we "belong". When we refuse to do this, they get angry. I get it. I've been angry at every "suger daddy" takeover in the league since Jack Walker. But let's recognise their anger for what it is and dismiss it accordingly.
  3. Where do you think the Saudi Prince got his money from? It's only different in scale, and perhaps more importantly in impact to the supporters of other clubs. Ultimately hardly anybody cares about any takeover provided it doesn't negatively impact their own clubs' finishing position. See how little uproar there's been about them "sportswashing" by having a Saudi Grand Prix - A few noises were made, but ultimately nobody really cared because nobody's "team" was negatively impacted even though the intent - to sportswash their country's reputation - is identical to their reason for taking over at Newcastle. So why the comparative silence? Same with boxing fights being held there, a little noise but nothing major. Same reason. The overwhelming amount of noise is just fear that their team will be "unfairly" pushed down a peg, maybe out of the CL places or maybe out of the league. Supporters of teams we cannot affect - Championship and down (excepting the mackems because they're terrified of seeing us win stuff) don't really care to anywhere near the same extent. If there was equal uproar from the same people about all Saudi sportswashing projects, then fair enough, I could take it seriously. But it's targetted mainly - often exclusively - at us and there's a very good reason for that, and it has very little to do with human rights concerns. And because that targetted criticism is so provably disingenuous, it should be treat with a certain level of contempt. This doesn't mean us being taken over by the Saudis is good. It isn't, on many levels. I'm very clear that I'd far rather have benevolent owners IF everything was fair across the league. But given the ownership models at every other "competitive" club at the top end of the league, this is the only way I'll ever get to see Newcastle challenge for anything, so bring it on. I welcome it, openly, for pure football reasons. I'm 45 now and in over 30 years of going to matches I have seen us win the square root of fuck all. Meanwhile, many other clubs have been bankrolled by foreign investment and have pulled clear of us. Now they want to pull the ladder up and keep their little club just for themselves. Fuck them. I want to see us lift a trophy or two. I want to enjoy those same good feelings they've had. I'm sick of being told we don't deserve it. That we're nothing. That existing in the same league, fighting for scraps from their table should be enough, and that I should be grateful for that. On a different note, I also have a hope on some level that the sportswashing works both ways. Ultimately, if we shun states and make them pariahs they can just do whatever they want behind closed doors a la North Korea, China and Russia. But if Saudi Arabia owning Newcastle means they think twice next time they want to do something abhorrent, like chop up a journalist or behead someone for being gay, then maybe some good can come of it. If they know that these actions will be blown all over the press because of their ownership of Newcastle, or that it might even ultimately jeopardise that ownership, then they might moderate their actions somewhat and that is surely a good thing. Those that think this is a pipe dream should remember that the Saudis paid £1bn to their mortal enemies Qatar to settle the piracy dispute, just so they can push this takeover through. They want it to be a success, and they're willing to go to great lengths to make and protect that investment. They'll absolutely want to behave themselves going forward and keep their noses clean. Also, by exposing the Saudi populace to our culture and way of life, you can in a small way start to make them a little more liberal. As someone who has been to Saudi 10 times for work, often for over a month at a time over the last 10 years, I've seen a gradual liberalisation there. It's come on so much from how it was back in 2012 and I hope that continues. Maybe in a small way, ownership of our club can help accelerate that. Ultimately though my fifth paragraph is the main one for me. If we're not going to be allowed to compete "fairly", I'm more than happy for us to be bankrolled. I'm not a politician, I'm a football fan. I'll judge the owners of my football club on how they run that football club, not on what else they do. That's for people in those fields to look at. And if the government are happy to work with those owners, I don't see why I should lose a single moment's sleep over them running my football club.
  4. Always liked Schar, classy defender and I'm glad he's now playing in a good team. Having Botman next to him must be fantastic, having a really solid defender there to rely on allows him to just relax and play his game.
  5. How can you be in negative numbers? What does that represent, giving the ball away which creates an opposition chance?
  6. Sorry, why would he leave us for Chelsea?
  7. Love all of them at the minute. Got to say Bruno, he's just a class above everyone and plays with such a smile on his face. He's the best midfielder I've ever seen in a black and white shirt, maybe even the best I've ever seen. Honourable mentions to Trippier, Wilson, Almiron, Botman, Pope, Joelinton and Schar. So basically most of the team.
  8. I live on the south coast and I'm sorely tempted to get a ticket for the home end. Anyone know where the away fans will be sat? If I do, I'd like to be close to our fans. Also, to anyone who has gone to away games in with the home fans, what's the etiquette? - cheer when we score? - cheer when THEY score?! - just keep your head down and almost ignore our goals? Not sure I can do this, which is a worry. - will I be ejected if 'discovered' - anyone ever had any bother from locals when in with their fans?
  9. Chris_R

    Miguel Almirón

    I didn't predict this, no. And of course a right winger would have been great But there was some serious knicker-wetting going on which was utterly disproportionate after what was otherwise a great window.
  10. Chris_R

    Miguel Almirón

    "tHe TrAnSfEr WiNdOw wAsN'T gOoD bEcAuSe wE dIdN't sIgN a rIgHt wInGeR" All of you, apologise.
  11. Chris_R

    Joe Willock

    I was really angry with Willock first half. I was in the Millburn paddock nearest Howe and there were a couple of times he clearly didn't want the ball and wasn't pulling his weight. No idea why, but it wasn't good. However he was much improved second half. Clearly a good player, especially when the game opens up and he can use his pace. Reminds me a lot of Keiron Dyer.
  12. Don't get to many matches these days, being exiled to the south coast, but I'm up north now and have blagged a ticket for this by sheer chance. Be over the moon if ASM is involved. Seriously amped for this, nervous going into a match as favourites because it oddly feels like a banana skin whereas previously I've seen almost every match as a free hit.
  13. Can't believe we're getting that much for a training ground sponsorship mat.
  14. Surely after his interview we kept a copy of his PowerPoint?
  15. I hoped when this takeover happened that NUFC would have a positive influence on how Saudi Arabia behaves. That for me would be enormously positive. I'll be very annoyed if Saudi Arabia instead has a negative influence on how NUFC behaves. That for me would be quite disgusting. This is a hint which way it might be going. As others have said, hopefully it's just a clerical error, or someone forgot. We'll see.
  16. Can't see us winning tomorrow. Too many top players out and Spurs are doing well this season. I expect they'll beat us. One thing's certain though, under Howe we've always got a chance.
  17. Chris_R


    This is it for me. We're 7th DESPITE our injury problems. Would fucking love to see a full squad have a run of 10 games or so. Think we'd administer a few hidings. 7th is definitely on. Maybe a place or 2 higher.
  18. Been pure sex since the goal. I am erect.
  19. You battered our championship players 0-0. Well done.
  20. You mean "a draw by the width of the fucking woodwork"?
  21. Hope we win this with a penalty from a blatant dive.
  22. Since when did black and white tops with black shorts clash with red tops and white shorts?
  23. If teams are to compete fairly, surely we have to factor out those with more global fanbases too? Is it any more fair to return to a time when Man United and Liverpool could outspend everyone because of their global brand? Have a salary cap and transfer cap per team, not based on revenue at all. Then I'll be interested. Otherwise you're not trying to create a level playing field at all, you're just trying to pull the ladder up and maintain the status quo.
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