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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    i know burnley have spent fuck all, but who else has spent less than us this summer?
  2. but, but, but villa were in the champo just a couple of seasons ago. what is this madness, steve bruce?
  3. meh. i hate manu fans (not as much as liverpool fans though), but even we'd be the same in their position. all fans are the same. christ, i remember the whingeing when Sir Bobby only managed to finish 5th. was hell on.
  4. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    I’m sorry, but any case?
  5. canny striker, but really needs to work on his heading.
  6. as much as i hate bruce, as long as he wins us the carabou cup and gets us top half, he can keep his job.
  7. Missed out Cabaye schar
  8. huss9

    Jeff Hendrick

    needs a few more games centrally to really judge him properly.
  9. huss9


    still needs to show more urgency and desire to get into the box but slowly improving his general play.
  10. burnley got away with few nasty kicks/elbows/challenges as usual tonight. dorty bassas.
  11. haway - we can corden off sections and limit numbers. every bugger;s name will have been taken. zero tlerance for future tickets. our stadium holds over 50k ffs,
  12. sherwood talking absolute bollcks. him and merson contradicting themselves continuously. and again...success is surviving relegation - you're never going to get top 4 or 6. best chance is to play carrol and wilson and to lump balls up to them to put pressure on the opposition. so fucking angry can barely type.
  13. fuck me. Royal Albert Hall being opened for 3000 spectators (nearly 60% capacity) but still not a fucker allowed inside a football stadium. wtf?
  14. if the dopey fat cunt had kept quiet, there would have been absolutely no pressure on him. no crowds to jeer/abuse him and fuck all in the media. he really has fucked it up for himself. there was just no need. its simply because he hasnt got a clue what to do and is starting to panic. going to bring even more scrutiny on himself now.
  15. a flat back four, a flat midfield, flat wingers, and a flat strike force.
  16. fucking brilliant. no class, humility, or self awareness at all. shame he couldn't have picked up the positive footballing knowledge from Fergie at the same time.
  17. "I can tell you our team just met Mike Ashley's representative last week on the process in Paris again." that could be any fucking fraudster. even Rocky Chops.
  18. master vs the apprentice. Bruce would kill to be able to play 442 hoofball as well as Dyche's Burnleh. just wait for the love-in between Dyche and Bruce and Skysports.
  19. again, it's just a positive that he knows he's getting stick. it would be more worrying if ignored social media and was completely oblivious. Ando was on Radio Newcastle last night spouting shit about the abuse Bruce gets. saying fans would rather have Bruce sacked than win a trophy.
  20. What an absolute knackered man. Wonder how long he'll keep blaming Rafa for? at least the replies on that feed are calling him out on his bullshit, even if the journalists aren't.
  21. absolutely right. playing the same formation every game rather changing/adapting to each team we face. we are not liverpool. and what is the obsession with "two up top". its like he wants a medal for it or something. its fine if one of the 2 is miggy or the like but not AC7.
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