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Everything posted by huss9

  1. absolutely right. playing the same formation every game rather changing/adapting to each team we face. we are not liverpool. and what is the obsession with "two up top". its like he wants a medal for it or something. its fine if one of the 2 is miggy or the like but not AC7.
  2. not taking the piss, but genuinely asking which players are playing for him? even last season it was only really ASM.
  3. brentford will be fucking delighted. easiest draw they could have had. pressure on them though.... they'll be hot favourites. we'll be playing a complete second string as survivng relegation and getting out that bottom 3 will be the priority for us by the time this match comes round.
  4. but that jamminess only gets you so far. wont get you a trophy or even a top 10 finish. pardew's 5th place was inspite of him not because of him.
  5. then u get replies like "Rafa always blamed the so called lack of investment for his down falls. Bruce just gets on with his job and that's why he got more investment. Look at the so called saviour now, he is doing shit in a league he should dominate." unfuckingbelievable.
  6. huss9


    he had a few touches and managed to keep the ball - against a league 2 team that was tiring. didnt really create anything. wasnt a disaster though.
  7. he's been Bruced. pale, clean shaven, longer hair - he's not the absolute adonis that Rafa had honed him into.
  8. ashley will never sack him, but Bruce is starting to show signs off cracking. those comments about "tactics" ffs. wouldnt be surprised if a few more bad results and continued criticism causes him to resign.
  9. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    he was ok , better than fraser and miggy. still dodgy final ball/shot most of the time but a couple of balls whipped in between the keeper and their backline, just begging to be tapped in.
  10. him collapsing when barely touched, especially in the pellanty box is becoming desperate and embarrassing.
  11. "In my opinion we deserved to go through after a difficult first half. (On tactics) I agree we didn’t play well enough, but now all of a sudden it’s questioning tactics. I find the whole thing disappointing. We don’t go out there not wanting to play well."
  12. Sweet, cheers. Be sure to let us know of any other made up rules you concoct. He said "End of" Them's the rules. According to the sort of idiot that says "End of", anyway. Wanting your team to lose isn't normal. It's weird. sometimes the team has to lose so that the club can win.
  13. again, the media (especially locally) need to call him him out on this shit. remind him of our stats during the last games of rafa's reign. the amount of money (NET) he has spent and the fact he's been here 12 months and gotten half a new team in. it cant just be left to all us "keyboard warriors".
  14. This is an outrageous take. You've seen the way Carroll's arm moves as he lands too, right? It's almost identical. as i said earlier - its just a devil's advocate take on the situation. i couldnt believe it when it was given - was actually disappointed tbh as we deserved nothing from the game and it distracted slightly from the post-match analysis of the performance. and the number of fans saying they would have taken a point before the game, and that we were now sitting with 4 points confirmed a sound beating would have been better. tbh, bruce hasnt shyed (spelling?) away from the performance - he's just started to imply it is rafa's fault.
  15. actually i've watched the replay again. Dier doesnt jump with his arms up. he flings his right arm up after he misses the ball. yup. knew what he was doing.
  16. i dont know. jump. keep your arms up in the air so if the ball does come back it hets accidentally blocked. straws being clutched at i know but it is possible. "i missed the ball - will keep my arms up to make sure it doesnt come back in".
  17. That was my view. Pique did similar at the last World Cup (far more blatant like) but it’s easy to do and make it look accidental. yeah. seems roy keane is thinking the same way.
  18. still can't get my head round it. can sit outdoors for a concert, indoors in a pub, restaurants and even a thatre/cinema ffs. but not outdoors in a stadium 10 feet away from anyone else. why not more media pressure for the government to explain the discrepancy?
  19. makes me happy that he at least reads the social media criticism though. he'd be even more insufferable if he avoided it all and thought he was doing a great job.
  20. so despite over 12 months in the job, £100m net spend, over half of rafa's team replaced (joelinton, lewis, fraser, hendrick, ASM, Carrol, Wilson)... the cunt is still inferring that its rafa's fault.
  21. did Dier not jump and put his arms up hoping that if he was beaten to the ball, then it would "accidentally" be blocked from going back across the box by hitting his arm? just really really trying to be devil's advocate here.
  22. huss9


    do one for shola like that and we could have sold him for £100m.
  23. lets just go back to the VAR of the 2018 russian world cup.
  24. think we played stoke home one season when jack butland had an absolute 10/10 against. we hammered them but just couldnt get passed him.
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