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Everything posted by huss9

  1. surely if another alleged takeover falls through again, the anti-protest brigade will finally wake up and start to kick off. highly doubt it though.... "he tried etc , but they fucked him around just like stavely did. not his fault. howay lets get behind the team and make sure we stay up....ah shit perez, you useless wanker... booo!!! should have buried that... get him off Rafa!!! anyway,yeah lets not protest as it will have a negative effect on the te.... aaaaargh Joselu you useless c*#t, why the the fuck rafa spunked all that money on him, I'll never know!"
  2. so it seems only kenyon's party looking through the books, but the money isnt there yet. other interested groups not even at that stage yet. how can such a big deal really go through before the end of the year and then significant funds be released immediatley by the new owners for january transfers? if it really is all going on as ashley stated, it looks like it could drag on for months and we have fuck all to spend in january. any further loss of form, we drop into the bottom three and the fuckers drop all interest.
  3. rafa knows. “I was talking with [managing director] Lee Charnley and the message is clear it is business as usual,” said Benitez. “We have been in this situation in the past but have to carry on."
  4. I was there mate along with a copper, a plasterer, a PR consultant and a sailor - to cite a handful. He was shitting himself. There were fans inside the select committee with him and pressuring as he went through security. We were feet away from him. First time anyone has given him shit organised and in person in 11 years and long overdue. The sky sports stuff may have been planned already of course. good on you, mate. its a big "thank you" from me.
  5. yeah, but at least they supported the team and didnt get involved with the stupid 11 minute protest thing....oh wait.
  6. Dave's locked it due to some stupid language by some posters. i apologise. i think it was my use of the "m" word. i was very angry and very drunk last night. sober now but still livid.
  7. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    mongs, the lot of them.
  8. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    another one; 3 wins on the bounce, confidence and momentum building up ,Rafa asking for everyone to unite behind the team ......and we decide to stage a fan protest!!! Absolutely ridiculous. Poor atmosphere in stands quickly spreads to the pitch and we were flat on a day when 52k should have been behind the team from the start. More of the same next we and we can kiss another 3 it's goodbye. Do protests work? NO, and they will come back to hurt us. Far more likely to drive out Ra fa than Ashley and could well damage on going talks by Kenyons US consortium which are rumoured to be going well. We've enough problems trying to stay up without self inflicted damage.
  9. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    a couple of fan comments from the chronicle; So what did that 11th minute walk I protest achieve? First of all it contributed to the defeat. Secondly, it very much dulled the usual excellent SJP atmosphere, especially riding one 3 wins in a row. So well done for achieving absolutely nothing. Ashley, who wasn’t even at SJP, has already got your money and was probably laughing at you lot. We win 3 in a row, on fire and confidence is brewing, and a majority of our world class fans decide to boycott until the 11th minute, well done to them part time supporters for setting the tone today and bringing the atmosphere down, you walking in on the 11th minute will really make Ashley sell....complete morons.
  10. had a decent set up against burnley - but we then changed it.
  11. early chances - we miss all ours - they put away their only one. we chase the game and they sit back and keep catching us on the break. they could have had 3 or 4 more.
  12. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    "we need the points". i keep asking people why they say this. is it so we stay up and then spend fuck all and face another relegation battle next season? wtf are people on? it beggars belief.
  13. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    its the whole hypocrisy about "i'm here to support the team", then loudly abusing players like perez. thick cunts.
  14. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    we cant give up now. even if it means fans starting to have a go at each other, creating a bad atmosphere.... its all newsworthy and keeps it in the public eye.
  15. huss9

    Ki Sung-gone

    real quality. felt sorry for him today. tried his arse off.
  16. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    not sure i get what you mean.
  17. it really just highlights the stupidity of our fans. dont protest, abuse those that do - then spend the game slagging the likes of perez and manquilo. you stupid cunts.... have a think, why are we having to play perez at 10, and a reserve RB at LB in the first place?
  18. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    were people actually giving protesters abuse outside the ground?
  19. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    so demoralising. we took our seats in the gallowgate on 11 minutes. fans asking us why we were late. when i mentioned the protest, a few of them didnt have a clue what i was taking about. as someone mentioned above, the reaction of the fans was worse than the performance/result. its gone past respecting other fans making their own decisions with regards to protesting. they way i feel tonight is that those not involved in protesting are an absolute disgrace. fuck the lot of you.
  20. the play acting and exaggeration is getting a bit annoying now.
  21. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    barely touched Lennon for that last minute free kick.
  22. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    those last 2 wins have been a hammer blow for the protests. we'd have been better off losing/drawing. i just think getting rid of ashley is more important than avoiding relegation. anyone happy to stay up even by goal difference will be facing the same situation next season. this cannot go on, man. we really need to boycott even if it negatively impacts the team. the club is more important than the team.
  23. there's enough mong fans to side with ashley when rafa leaves. trawl twatter and facebook and listen to some of the comments in the ground. plenty think rafa's a moaner, too negative, too stubborn, has made poor signings and should be doing much better with what he's got.
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