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Everything posted by huss9

  1. ha ha, class subtle tweet. i bet the fat cunt and his mrs are seething. brilliant.
  2. bullshit in the chronicle - kenyon would still be interested if january takeover didnt go through, or even if we got relegated!!!! BAN ALL THE BOYCOTTS AND PROTESTS FOREVER AS IT MAY HINDER ANY TAKEOVERS AT ANY TIME AT ANY POINT IN THE FUTURE!!!!! this takeover is never happening. we've all been set up by the FCB.
  3. huss9

    José Mourinho

    is he pals with kenyon?
  4. got a bit excited in '82 as there were rumours of him being asked to come out of retirement to play in the Spain world cup. came to nowt unfortunately.
  5. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    it wasnt a red but it was stupid, reckless and unneccessary. seen reds given for it, especially the way we have been on the end of decisions recently.
  6. WTF you went to away games for 10 years and have never heard this sung....did you go to away games wearing ear mufflers?? tbf its not been sung often for over 20 yrs.
  7. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    something wrong in his head. that stupid touchline challenge. almost feels like he did it on purpose to get xmas off.
  8. huss9


    that shot today in the second half ffs - the one where atsu had his shot parried and it came backto kenedy outside the box. all the time in the world to to take a touch but just took a wild swing and high wide and not-so-handsome it went. horrific.
  9. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    he got a little stick weeks ago, but nothing since then. he's had his banner up at matches. he hasnt been given abuse at games. how fucking soft must he be if its still affecting him? more likely its just being out, not being immediately recalled after his injury cleared up and realising he's not indispensible. not so long ago he was the first outfield name on the team sheet and the most important player at the club. there was also the fall-out with rafa when he wasnt happy playing as part of a back three. also-i wonder if he's had his head turned by his agent mentioned a possible move.
  10. huss9

    Alan Shearer

    fa cup win over any player, for me anyway.
  11. dont think gates would drop that much. i've heard enough people say rafa and his negative tactics are the problem rather than ashley. think some idiots would genuinely prefer rafa gone in january.
  12. welcome to the tonygreen appreciation society. current membership :2.
  13. So no quotable or verified source ... howay, bonny lad. give him a break. he's hardly gonna name his source is he. he's just saying what he's been told. nowt controversial. I could just as well say i know 2 people who know Kenyon and they say hes not interested / is providing a smokescreen for Ashley / other reason - take yer pick i know, and i'd believe you. i'm that pissed off and desperate for the takeover to be true.
  14. So no quotable or verified source ... howay, bonny lad. give him a break. he's hardly gonna name his source is he. he's just saying what he's been told. nowt controversial. i'm just desperate for anything positive that shows the FCB isnt lying.
  15. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    yeah his brother benefited from staying at norwich a bit longer. he then moved to club where he was almost a guaranteed first teamer so played with little pressure on him. jacob moved to a much bigger club that also happened to be the team the team he and his parents supported. 50k demanding fans in a massive stadium. often having to come on late as a sub and only minutes to show what he could do.
  16. charnley's pointless anyway without someone pulling his strings and telling him what to do.
  17. livid, but not put off I hope? does he seem to have a grand plan for the club?
  18. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    Another club we've added to the pissed off with our hardball list. aye was just about to post that. piss them off to the point that they wont deal with us. wont be ashley's fault, he tried his bestest.
  19. there'll be more people on his back than there are now when the sale inevitably fails. it may only be in the hundreds but there will be more.
  20. I dont think anyone can put this down as an "Ashley wins again" scenario. if he fucks this sale up the backlash will be bigger. the media will call him out, more fans will be on his back and I think TMG will have more support (may be not tens of thousands but certainly more than now). if we boycott wolves game and the sale collapses - TMG loses, the club loses, and Ashley wins.
  21. decent point - but disappointed in the end. that atsu miss...
  22. think it would serve TMG well in the long run to postpone the boycott. can still protest though, just not the boycott. if the sale doesnt happen, they can stand back and say "look, we were reasonable and let things settle as not to damage the chances of a boycott". think you'd get thousands changing their views and agreeing to support TMG in feb. if the boycott goes ahead and the sale falls through it will cause even more negativity towards TMG. Think cancelling the wolves boycott is a win-win for TMG in the long run.
  23. kenyon's serious about buying the club. he's so far down the line but he still hasnt got the money to buy the club. wtf?
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