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Everything posted by huss9

  1. digging his own grave, literally munching out the soil with that massive gob of his.
  2. just disgusting, and heartbreaking all at the same time. crewe have questions to answer - set up their own review, comments from a previous director also - hope its not all just swept under the carpet.
  3. its rare a manager would come straight out and slag a player off to the press. think poch must have had a few words with him over recent weeks but the shitehawk hasnt responded with any effort. on loan to palace in january hopefully.
  4. just think it breaks the rhythm of the team - physically and mentally. better to be on a roll and take each game as it comes.
  5. same here. great player but seemed such a nice bloke, without a hint of arrogance. loved shearer as a player but he seemed a touch cold and arrogant. so it was always gary for me and my brother.
  6. still gutted this morning. would rather have had the 3 points than beat hull. perhaps i'll feel differently tuesday night. been years since i've been desperate to win every match even it was a friendly. finally been unpardewed and rafanated and it feels wonderful.
  7. not denying that at all. but we were discussing the current scandal and roger speed had been asked about it and commented on it in the public domain.
  8. just think he really needs to challenge in the air. so may times not even an effort was made ti get off the ground. not sure if it was a ploy to try and win free kicks.
  9. poor/slightly average all season other than qpr away. just so disappointing as seemed to have so much promise and a great attitude. real cult hero in the making.
  10. Which can be done behind closed doors with the family and the police. No need for speculating on forums, social media, and the press. it wasnt speculating. just a fact that had been brought up about one of my toon heroes in a discussion about abuse in football. may as well close the thread then.
  11. nothing salacious, its about finding answers and getting closure for them.
  12. Won countless amounts of flick ons apparently won a couple, but time at time again stayed rooted to the ground when the ball was hit at him.
  13. roger speed confirming that gary had been one of the kids staying over at bennel's home in the past but saying he is convinced he wasnt one of the abused as bennel had denied it when asked.
  14. what the fuck is it with this idiot that he refuses to even try and jump to win the ball in the air.
  15. murphy's just had a run out with the reserves and is no where near match for for the first team.
  16. pardo and parrish are buddies. think it would take a lot for parrish to even contemplate sacking the cunt.
  17. need to go full strength to build up a decent lead at the top so that any shelvey suspension wouldnt have too much of an impact even if we lost a couple and drew.
  18. ah, that's canny. it's nee shearer "contintental", i grant you though.
  19. is it true that venkey's werent aware of promotion/relegation when they bought the club. thought it was a premier league franchise or something.
  20. gotta watch that fenton kid. if anyone is gonna derail our championship bid, its him.
  21. fine with the way they do - after all the shit i've had to watch away from home under the likes of sourness, pardew and carver! think there should also be some kind of point scheme for attending cup matches
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