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Everything posted by huss9

  1. just flew back from majorca yesterday into newcastle airport - prominent NUFC advertising hoardings one with sissoko, one krul and the other showing gini.
  2. We ended up with Ashley because John Hall wanted his 30 pieces of silver, no other reason. The accounts were much worse for any buyer than they were for Shepherd, because the stadium loan had to be immediately paid off in the event of a takeover. yup.
  3. fuckin hell well thats how much we've been damaged over the years. I know - it breeds pessimism the way we've been treated. I've been worrying about the heart attack risk too - he works so hard and is still carrying weight. f***ing hell, man. you really need help!!!!! ''Twas a joke
  4. huss9


    just hope he's well. talks shite a lot of the time. was quite disparaging about us and keegan back in the early 80's when his fulham team put 4 past us. still a legend to me.
  5. huss9


    remember seeing supermac before the Reading game. he'd just climbed the steps behing the SBR statue. he looked absolutely awful. though he was gonna collapse. was bending over breathless and grey. pointed him out to my kids describing him as good as shearer in his day and they were absolutely shocked. was about to ask him if he was ok but he pulled himself together and moved on. is he in bad way at the moment?
  6. Freddy Shepherd as a PL Chairman in today's financial climate would've been suicide. He gave Souness £50m to spend. aye but i just think he may have eventually stumbled onto a decent manager and started taking advice from people who understood football. may be i'm hoping a little too unrealistically that he would have finally learned from his mistakes. its all irrelevant though.
  7. Think once the tv money came in he would have got shot of allerdyce and gone for some flashy foreign manager and started to spend big again. wouldnt have put it past him to beg KK to come back. think we would have struggled a couple of years but have been better long term than under Ashely. anyway onward and upward.
  8. fuckin hell well thats how much we've been damaged over the years. I know - it breeds pessimism the way we've been treated. I've been worrying about the heart attack risk too - he works so hard and is still carrying weight. fucking hell, man. you really need help!!!!!
  9. nah, dont agree about shepherd running us into the ground. he was starting to rein it in with regards to spending. hopefully a couple of years of mediocrity would have then led to investment and ambition once the tv deals started to balloon.
  10. SBR, KK and now we have Rafa, who hopefully match what they achieved for us on and off the pitch and outdo them both and win us something.
  11. fuckin hell well thats how much we've been damaged over the years.
  12. set this club back 25 years - on and off the pitch. made a fortune out of us - no net spend, and free advertisisng. turned us into a tacky, tawdry club with no ambition or self respect - in some ways Rafa has brought us some long-lost dignity back which is almost as important as what he is building on the pitch. terrified to think what would have happened if we hadnt have the gini/sissoko transfer money coming in. he is only here as he is still making his money and get his free advertisisng. rafa is not costing him anything.
  13. supermac in the chronicle; I was invited into Rafa’s inner sanctum after Newcastle’s win against Brighton and it was a real eye-opener. So refreshing. There he was with his coaches holding court. He talked to every single person in the room including a lot of fans and I’ve never see a manager do that straight after a game. He was open and honest, asked their opinions, and listened to their answers. How often does that happen with supporters? It was a wonderful piece of PR. If only his boss Mike Ashley would do the same! Chris Hughton came in and was welcomed warmly by Rafa which was good to see. Two good managers chewing the fat. Rafa was relaxed, enjoyed mixing with fans, and then took a helicopter back to Merseyside. Good job done on the pitch and in the lounge afterwards.
  14. huss9


    these lot are really gonna struggle now they wont get their guaranteed 4-6 points off us this season.
  15. have to pay colback in this - the closer he gets to exhaustion/injury the better.
  16. aye, just like when the blackburn fans were in stitches when we PAID to take Sourness from them
  17. i've taken some footage of my two boys aged 8 and 10 playing football together in their toon strips in the remote hope of them one day making it together for the toon. unlikely as the older one is rather s****.
  18. we are desperate for a LB, even just an average one.
  19. if he does get into the champions league then good on him. he deserves his chance. been a decent player for us and a great lad. met him a couple of times with the kids and also spoken to others that have. really sound, down to earth and humble. he loves it here.
  20. huss9

    Matz Sels

    concerns are that he'd already been identified as a bit of a flapper rather than a catcher in belgium, before he had even played for us.
  21. but they also have to be willing to play in the championship
  22. just seen the highlights on channel 5. what a really shit programme that is.
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