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Everything posted by huss9

  1. he was poor saturday mind. may be better as impact sub.
  2. Lazaar imo too pretty. too much hair product and design.
  3. huss9

    Isaac Hayden

    much improved from the weekend.
  4. think he's possibly even better looking than darlow.
  5. One loss, and essentially one draw against Premier League opposition, and everything is bad forever again not what people are saying. chance missed of getting to a semi-final.
  6. It's a massive decision, though. He shouldn't be changing the keeper in a game as important as that imo, especially not when he's looked unreliable at best since signing and vastly inferior to Darlow. exaxtly. wtf is the point of playing a weakened team at the weekend then bringing this bellend back in for this game. rather he had played sels against blackburn and darlow today.
  7. huss9

    Matz Sels

    no. wrong. if we got rid of every keeper who did it as often as sels, we'd still have a keeper to play.
  8. i think he deserves the blame for tonight. plenty were saying that sels shouldnt have been brought back into such an important game. its not a case of being wise after the event. and then against blackburn - changing 3 of the back 4, and refusing to make subs. other than that he has been great but he does deserve a little criticism where its due. he's not perfect, i still love him. but sometimes things need saying.
  9. huss9

    Matz Sels

    ship him out back to belgium on loan in january and get another in. he's s***. who the f*** scouted him?? hours after he signed there were plenty on here warning that he flapped and slapped at balls rather than catch them. 2 minutes is all it took on youtube. never want to see him in our shirt again. short memories?? darlow and elliot were never this bad for this long.
  10. Sorry, I can't help but laugh at that. It's like something you'd hear on Phoenix Nights. Classic. My exact thoughts when I read it You know, I should be fuming reading s*** like this. But I actually find it funny how clueless and misinformed he is. As for darts beign played by 'proper men' Saying it as if they're all hard b******s. Most would probably have a heart attack if they got into a fight that lasted longer than 20 seconds. Oh and Huss, sorry to read about what you have been through. sent u a pm
  11. the one about not bothering to look yourself in the mirror is absolutely the worst of all those tweets.
  12. one of the poor lads was on the victoria derbyshire show had admitted the abuse had made him question his sexuality and he ended up trying relationshops with men. its all f***ing so awful and then this c*** bristow comes along with views that i bet a number of people hold.
  13. Follow Eric Bristow MBEVerified account ‏@ericbristow Trouble is nowadays u cant tell the truth what do u feel out there tweet me
  14. ha ha. brian moore getting involved. bristow u tit.
  15. i'm so angry right now with bristow. i was emotionally and physically (thankfully never sexually) abused growing up even into adulthood.. he's in his 80's now, a little wrinkly old man. i'm still absolutely terrified of him, cant look him in the eye, scared stiff and still on the verge of a panic attack when in the same room as him. thats just without the sexual abuse. god knows what those victims go through day in day out.
  16. Eric Bristow MBE ‏@ericbristow 31m31 minutes ago Bet the rugby boys are ok ha ha
  17. this is the kind of shit that stops a lot of abusers coming forward, the thought of being humiliated. bristow u fucking cunt.
  18. Eric Bristow MBE ‏@ericbristow 15m15 minutes ago U got to sought him out when u get older or dont look in the mirror glad i am a dart player proper men
  19. solitary confinement for life is the only just punishment. whats the point of being allowed to die humanely by lethal injection??? if it was my abuser, i'd want to them suffer every day for the rest of their lives.
  20. you reckon? honestly i think they'd rather see him suffer, and force him to answer for his actions and admit his wrongs.
  21. will be fucking seething if that cunt manages to kill himself.
  22. thats what i mean. with all the s*** coming out he should have been in police custody. of course he was gonna try top himself rather than got to court and jail all over again.
  23. shit. was just about to post that i hoped he had been arrested as i was worried he'd top himself, the fucking coward. police have a lot to answer for if he manages to do that.
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