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Everything posted by huss9

  1. just like his mum said - his sweetness is my weakness.
  2. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    got a good burst of pace but his distribution from the back last night was awful. saying that he put in 2 or 3 of the best crosses i have seen him play so he must be practicing.
  3. Norwich time wasting and the amount of stoppages for kicks off's between players and the ref failing to control said incidents. there was that head injury too. not sure which of our players it was. down by the gallowgate/milburn corner. that was 3 minutes in itself.
  4. just getting in, FUCK YOU to those that left at 1-3 and FUCK YOU to the lad in front of me screaming "Rafa, you cunt!! when we were losing.
  5. they just scraped past burton 2-1 at home. no need to be afraid of this lot.
  6. league cup/promotion double this year. win the europa league next season and thats us into the champions league the year after. rafa's plan falls into place perfectly.
  7. just goes to show how the general atmosphere amongst most supporters has changed for the better. even after the home defeat by wolves, my kids werent suicidal (there were tears at various games last season). i asked my boys if any of their friends wanted to come tonight and i've now got eight 8-10 year olds with me tonight in the gallowgate end and they're all so bloody excited. i'm the leader, i'm the leader of the gang (sorry, inappropriate gary glitter joke). love rafa and love this cloob.
  8. to be fair though, the booing was rather muted compared to previous losses so its a step in the right direction. the more the team gels and improves, i think the rare losses will be better tolerated. we been served shite for years and its got the fans the way they are - the anger of recent seasons hasnt totally been washed away by rafa, but it will be.
  9. huss9

    Alan Shearer

    saw the statue up close today before the match and have to say its very good. the photos on the internet dont really do it justice.
  10. missed goufrann today. both in defence and attack. wow, never thought i'd say that.
  11. think when he got his final warning off the ref it was due some horrendous overacting by the wolves player - it really was a nothing challenge.
  12. think wolves had to put that performance in. zenga had been really critical of his players, and they really put a shift in today. players let us down today, not rafa.
  13. yeah should have been diame/perez off rather than hayden/ritchie. think he was right to keep shelvey on as at least he was trying to get things going. subs should have been much earlier though.
  14. huss9

    Chancel Mbemba

    tbh today it was even his short balls that were going straight to the opposition
  15. huss9

    Chancel Mbemba

    dont know how he ended up scoring the own goal - straight forward clearance seemed to be easy enough as he had gotten in front of the attacker. the other big problem was him handing over possesion at least half a dozen times with poor forward passes. hopefully all just a blip.
  16. huss9


    still, have to hand it to them for getting behind that kid bradley with the tumour. there's a another kid called frankie with same condition (my kids u9's involved in fundraising) who is toon daft but their family have had little support from nufc.
  17. wrongly had a goal disallowed for offside anarl
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