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Everything posted by huss9

  1. you still gonna try it on tonight?
  2. said he nearly didnt play. had the shits all week.
  3. yeah clearly not match fit. he's great when he's not injured.
  4. i havent read the whole thread but thats disgraceful if true. no harm in questioning his decisions but bloody hell not personal insults like that ffs.
  5. so from going its deffo not a pen during the game, all of a sudden its nailed on. sky, man. the only angle that remotely shows it may have been is from behind. the front and side abgles show its clearly him making contact with dubs.
  6. eddie's reaction at the end just goes to show he must have really feeling th pressure lately. such a release of emotion.
  7. that stuff about BDB playing so that he can sit back when tripps attacks looks to be bollocks. he's forever needlessly bonmbing forwards and being caught out of position.
  8. some of his were fucking outrageous like. did he ever get lamped?
  9. VAR now encouraging players to dive. #rememberanfield
  10. i have. i think they dont pay commission to dhgate. never used them though
  11. benitez never got much stick in the stadium at all - the odd one i recall re his negative style. but as mentioed we could have finiched bottom and i would have loved him just for making me care again. again howe personally hasnt had any stick - more along the "chanhe something" shouts rather than direct stick. online abuse is a different beast though
  12. gzjjgc bizarre but thats his name https://www.dhgate.com/store/21911074#st-navigation-storehome
  13. After a brilliant 2022/23 campaign, the opportunity to build on their success has consistently been taken away from them because of injuries to key players. Though there are still 45 points to play for this season, the Magpies are currently 13 points from the Champions League spots and with the teams above them in better form. Howe’s positive outlook will ensure that he’ll keep pushing his squad to give their maximum week in and week out, and if they are able to put any sort of late run together, they might just sneak into the top four at the last possible moment. That has to be the squad’s motivation at this stage, with Howe looking at different ways in which to get the results he needs. One of those could be to move defender, Fabian Schar, into a midfield role. “He had been toying in recent weeks with going to a back five in matches,” The Athletic’s George Culkin said on Pod on the Tyne. “We saw that happen at Villa. He had been toying with putting Fabian Schar in midfield at various points. “It will be very interesting to see what happens next, because at the moment they are way too open.” Though such a move might be seen as a little too drastic, it’s worth remembering that Howe was the man who turned an ungainly Joelinton that was lacking confidence into a marauding, first-class midfield dynamo. The manager therefore deserves to be afforded some respect from the St. James’ Park faithful as he tinkers with his systems.
  14. huss9


    hmmm. so is that being leaked by his agent or someone negotiating at the club?
  15. its hard to argue with some of the points being made but its the vitriol and the manner in which its being done. there will come a time when its acceptable for our expectations to rise beyond a team that just tries. we will eventually need to start winning things or at least be there or thereabouts. maybe just a bit too soon for it all now though.
  16. not acceptable but i can understand people's frustrations being 4-2 down home to luton before any changes got made. especially when BDB was struggling against their winger all game. as someone mentioned in the villa thread he also waited till after villa scored to change it. its gonna start happening as the honeymoon period is over for many and the expectations rise. still the man for the job here. yes he could be a bit more pro-active but he knows a hell of a lot more than us minions.
  17. huss9


    Those saying he wants parity with Bruno obviously are just guessing, unless Dick Gomez is on here.
  18. both medium from Derek Hall Gate blue just fits, but maybe get Large if you have abit of a tum. striped a little larger and roomier.. both lush
  19. huss9

    Dan Burn

    despite having him and and botman in there, the still easily outjumped us twice for their first goal.
  20. i think we did go for it - a few great balls into the box. lutiom managed to recever the ball though and kept it for 3-4 minutes and completely took the sting out the game. really well managed by them, wothout having to take it into the corners
  21. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    was there a new longstaff song against luton?
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