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Everything posted by huss9

  1. just been looking at the relative ages of our current "young" team and the one that got relegated and , fuck me, what do you know?
  2. aye, all three of them - pardew, Ashley and cabaye in cahoots. probably agreed when he signed. "give us a couple of years and the first massive offer from a big club, we'll let you go."
  3. huss9

    Remy Cabella

    would rather drop gouf.
  4. Is there a transcript? eeh howay bonny lad, I was in the car and didnt have a pen.
  5. just listened to colin murray on talksport - absolutely got it all spot on, especially about the bulshit around pardew's family. never thought it would be murray, but at last a non-geordie in the media actually "gets it". got it right about ashley, pardew, the transfer policy, the spending deficit, the free advertising, the debt that isnt being reduced etc - all without a single reference to deluded fan with unreasonable expectations.
  6. decent write-up http://www.espnfc.co.uk/club/newcastle-united/361/blog/post/2067881/fans-are-revolting-against-alan-pardew-as-embattled-newcastle-prepare-to-face-Swansea After yet another week of on- and off-field turmoil, Newcastle head to Wales in search of their first league win of the season with an embattled manager whose reputation cannot be rebuilt in the eyes of fans even by public relations expert Keith Bishop, whose links to owner Mike Ashley have been in the news. As former Tottenham manager David Pleat said on BBC radio ahead of the recent game vs. Hull, Alan Pardew is at the point of no return with the Tyneside public. Even if his side goes on to win its next two or three games, he will be back to square one as soon as the next defeat takes place. The manager did little to improve fans' opinions in his prematch news conference. Just before the season kicked off, he commented: "I feel much more comfortable with the team, and we can play a brand of football which is expected of us." Six games later this has changed to "our fans want to see us play a brand of football that we can't quite put together right now." To be honest, Alan, I think the fans would like to win a football match, regardless of your "brand." It is not their fault. "We are very focussed on Saturday," Pardew continued. I'm delighted to hear that, but surely it goes without saying. Even when he attempts to be positive, it comes out negatively: "It is about fighting and digging in at the moment as a team, and if we do that, something will fall our way." There is no confidence that his work on the training ground this week will help to improve on Newcastle's dire record of five wins from their last 25 games. No, he hopes they get lucky. "It is my duty and job to come up with solutions when things aren't working," added Pardew. In truth, things haven't been working for the whole of 2014, yet the manager has still failed to even attempt to find a solution. His predictable lineup and tactics play into opposition hands just about every week. Will there be much needed changes for Swansea? Pardew says "we'll have to wait and see" but there have to be. For a starter, and this won't be universally popular, it is beyond time that the league's third-worst defence is shaken up. Mike Williamson is not cut out for this level and, although far from ideal, I'd start Steven Taylor ahead of him on Saturday -- although Fabricio Coloccini has been equally as culpable. And here are words I never ever thought I'd write -- Gabriel Obertan has probably earned a start. Against Hull and again vs. Stoke on Monday night he livened up Newcastle's static performance. He is prepared to be direct and has pace whilst his teammates have looked largely disinterested. We all know the Frenchman's limitations but those ahead of him have been tried and have failed. Pardew has always been reluctant to utilise the youth talent available to him. For example, another four reserve team goals from Ayoze Pérez should have earned him some playing time and I'd also like to see Adam Armstrong and Mehdi Abeid given more first team action. Most of all, though not that it will happen, Pardew must ditch his ultra-negative, one-up-top tactics. They're appalling and poor old Emanuel Riviere has no chance. Last season Newcastle went to Swansea on the back of four consecutive victories, playing offensive football. Scared of Swansea's neat passing game, though, Pardew reverted to type and sat back. Newcastle were hammered 3-0. Many thought he would be gone after Newcastle's latest defeat and it made for very uncomfortable viewing watching him fight back the tears when heading towards the tunnel. But no one is forcing him to be there and no one other than Ashley can be entirely certain as to why he hasn't been sacked. Is it in the vain hope that his man can turn it around so he can say "I told you so" or is it because he doesn't want to stump up the compensation that Pardew's ludicrously long contact will demand? Either way, Ashley is once again gambling with the future of a football club close to the heart of hundreds of thousands of people. If he loses again, as he did last time, and Newcastle are relegated -- what is it to him? He is worth billions of pounds regardless. If Newcastle lose again on Saturday and there is no new manager in place by the time Leicester visit St. James' Park on October 18, I dread to think what reception will await the owner and manager.
  7. shouldn't let the likes of ando on national radio. that was an awful interview and sets us I a really bad light.
  8. will stick with riviere alone up front. if we keep losing he'll get sacked and paid off. he doesnt want another striker coming in and doing well as it'll mean he wont get a new one in january if he remarkably is still in the job by then.
  9. huss9


    thought this kind of money lending was illegal in continental europe?
  10. huss9


    wouldnt be surprised if they tried to sell their £16m deal but ask for £32m. b******s. any alternative sponsor would do as my kids are desperate for the new kits.
  11. him colback, tiote and gouffran know it doesn't matter how shit they play as they are undroppable for some reason.
  12. how many minutes for hull for his first assist?
  13. world cup semi final one minute, the shambles that is nufc the next. guy must be truly demoralised and is starting to look extremely frustrated and his form is merging into the shit around him. probably thinking why bother.
  14. hopefully Ashley gets to hear how good he's been for roma and how its going to cost Ashley millions in wages and a knock-down transfer fee. but hey-ho, he's got faith in pardew.
  15. huss9

    Remy Cabella

    but he works hard for the team....
  16. they'll probably do a toon special with fat sam, sourness and pardew and laying into the fans.
  17. alleged affairs with players wives, "the king" bullshit, headbuts, shoves. calling managers cunts, treatment of HBA, lack of any self-awareness or humility. that's just for starters.
  18. NOW he thinks he may need to make changes to the team? fucking playing the likes of gouffran week in week out for close to a year despite hi offering nowt.
  19. If he was that's quite sad really. Stop doing it to yourself, just negotiate a payoff and go. hate the fucking guy, but looking at that gif he really has to walk for the sake of his own health (mental and physical). lifting these (gutless) players in this state is impossible. let your ego go pards, your never gonna turn it round. show some humility and get out. do it for your family at least.
  20. might even bring a decent coach with him
  21. huss9

    Adam Armstrong

    good job the players haven't been scoring the manager out of ten.
  22. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    BTW, Ramage looked bloody good in one game in which he made his name It escapes me now whom it was against. Blyth Spartans?
  23. huss9

    Emmanuel Rivière

    his movement is awful. if you get to watch the penalty that Sammy won against palace yesterday, there a massive gap on the edge of the 6 yard box for riviere to move into, yet he actually makes a move away from the space and towards Sammy. if Sammy hadn't been brought down and had beat his man then there'd have been no one in the centre waiting for a tap in. not explained very well, but just watch the highlights. poor play.
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