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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Remy Cabella

    looks more like ardiles.
  2. huss9

    Rolando Aarons

    Aarons himself said he was shocked to have been named in the team as he hadn't felt fully fit.
  3. unless qpr or spurs coming begging with a decent compensation package
  4. some of our fans ffs.... The minutes silence, Jonas, Astle, and the17th minute tributes. Then BANG.... out comes the "your support is fucking shit". not just a handful either. heard loud and proud across the nation. I am embarrassed and fucking livid. .
  5. went down about 8 years back and am sure we ended up parking on a grassed central reservation not too far from the ground.
  6. still cant believe they turned down Remy for less than £10m then spunked £16m on balotelli.
  7. still abhor pardew with a passion, but at the moment it is more because of who he is as a person rather than being a negative clueless twat of manager. actually he must be the only manager who could start to turn things around with decent wins at spurs and city, and make himself even more unlikeable. it was a perfect opportunity for him after the city game to reach out to the fans that have turned against him. he could have acknowledged his mistakes/excuses/negativity of the past 12 months and said that he had learnt from them, and also from the protests, to try and become a better manager and person. he could have said he'd realised why some fans had turned against him and come to understand and accept the reasons. instead, all the old bravado and ego has returned with a vengance. for the first time in months i'll be actually cheering us on tomorrow but we could win the league cup and finish fourth in the premiership this season but he would not get a single cheer or applause from me.
  8. Bigi never put in a performance like that for us.
  9. don't think his asthma helps him.
  10. thought I had lost all feeling for this club until perez scored. first time i've cheered a goal online or in a stadium for months. just hope yewtree catch up with pardew, seems our only hope.
  11. another one possibly off to the ACON. do we ever learn?
  12. someone should have asked moncur that in his position as club ambassador and the fact he was our last cup-winning captain, what he though about the club not having any ambition or desire to win a trophy or push on for europe as long as we are safe in midtable. would it have been enough for joe harvey? also should have asked his opinion on trying to keep our best players rather than selling for profit each season so that we can never actually develop a team as we lose players every transfer window.
  13. got myself screaming "pardew out" a few times before eventually being told to fuck off by a pensioner. soooooooooo fucking depressing.
  14. that's the thing, the only joy about going to the games at the moment is the new talent such as perez and Aarons..... but you know not to get too attached as there's no will at the club to keep them and build a team around them.
  15. huss9

    Players in public

    Bit late for lunch got home late. not bright enough to use phone
  16. huss9

    Players in public

    timmy krul at Arlo's in jesmond for lunch
  17. he cant criticise pardew in case someone at the club mentions his 8-game reign in return.
  18. the odd win or draw isnt going to matter to pardew's survival in the long run if we're still in the bottom three.
  19. Hang on, so you are basing your argument on one full game on the bench for Hull means Ben Arfa has fallen out of favour with Bruce? Are you serious? bruce have hba 15/9 and it's un fit now he is sub 2 games and gaston ramirez If hba not play in november why not you says pardew have right hba hasn't played because pardew wouldn't let him train or play with the first team. he has not fitness, so bruce cant play him. pardew does not have right. pardew has cunthead.
  20. linesman had his flag up anyway. makes it a little easier to take, trust me.
  21. end of his career, no ambition, undroppable, wont get another big club, club and owner have no ambition, happy to try and do just enough to stay in premier league and get paid. exactly the same goes for pardew. peas in a fucking pod.
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