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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    John Carver

    never trust or rely on anybody who doesnt have an ounce of humility or self-awareness. only a c*** like carver could be more influenced by his time under pardew, than his time as assisstant to SBR.
  2. huss9

    John Carver

    be worth looking at the first eleven and the subs for each of the games he's been in charge of to see which essential players have been injured.
  3. huss9

    John Carver

    carver again (skysports) "This is a bad time at the moment," he said. "I can't wait for the good time. I'm really going to enjoy myself, because I have had everything go against me." wtf has he had go against him? he's only ever been short of 2-3 players each match of putting out a first eleven. the whole injury crisis thing is a bit of a myth too as its been mainly squad players not first teamers affected. he's been without a left back and a centre half mainly otherwise most of his first team has been fit.
  4. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    mcclaren is bang average at best but everyone knew pardew had a reputation for being a t***, whatever they thought about his managing qualities.
  5. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    that would be fucking amazing. someone should do a mock up.
  6. huss9

    John Carver

    john gibson in the chronicle this afternoon; "John Carver has talked of playing two up top in an effort to score goals, tactically be more direct to grind out points, and just about every other possibility known to man or beast. They are the ramblings of a drowning desperado."
  7. huss9

    John Carver

    Lists a roll-call of complete and abject failure then hits you with that last line. have I missed something? when did carver admit he got his tactics wrong? and what fucking tactics did he have in the first place?
  8. moncur had already mentioned he had spoken to chumpley about spending money this summer. think they've been at him to reduce expectation, hence this time he mentions about the "amount".
  9. more propaganda. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/newcastle-owner-mike-ashley-vows-5546055 Newcastle owner Mike Ashley vows to prioritise cups over the league in desperate bid to win over fans 22:30, 18 April 2015 By Alan Oliver Toon fans were told at the start of the season that cups were not a priority and will stage a boycott for Sunday's clash with Tottenham U-turn: After securing financial stability Ashley will look to target the cups next season Newcastle United have finally decided to try and return to their fomer FA cup glory days - under orders from above. Toon chief Mike Ashley has made no secret of the fact he believes Premier League survival is the order of the day at St James' Park especially with the cash it bring in. Indeed Toon fans were infuriated when managing director Lee Charnley went public at the start of the season declaring that "cups were not a priority." And this from a club who were synonymous with the FA Cup in 1951, 1952 and 1955 wins at Wembley, successes which made the legendary "Wor Jackie" - Jackie Milburn still one of the greatest names in Newcastle United's history. Current interim manager John Carver has insisted that he was under no instructions about what kind of side to put out before the third round FA Cup defeat at Leicester City. This was the third time in a row the Toon had bitten the dust in the third round and in the other two of those defeats at Brighton Alan Pardew most definitely played weakened teams. This is because Ashley, much to the annoyance of the Toon Army, insisted that a top 10 Premier League finish was the only priority. But sources close to the Newcastle owner have told PEOPLE SPORT that after giving the club some much needed financial stability Ashley has decided to make a major U-turn when it comes to the FA Cup and the Capital One Cup next season and his instructions will be handed down to the head coach, whoever he may be. This and the fact that there is going to be major investment on players on the summer is the only good news coming out of a depressed St James' Park. But these will not stop the planned boycott of Sunday's match with Spurs from going ahead by some Newcastle supporters who are calling on Ashley to sell the club.
  10. huss9

    John Carver

    I know people who were coached by him as teenagers. he was right old school bullying cunt often reducing kids to tears by shouting in their faces.
  11. huss9

    John Carver

    so does that include the sunderland match when he's says he's getting the best out of what he has? these cunts spout shite and are never called out on any of their quotes by journalists.
  12. carver saying the club are going to discipline him. yet not even a murmur for coloccini's even more ridiculous behaviour.
  13. huss9


    probabaly get a false attendance announced any way - they'll count everyone buying a ticket rather than those that actually turn up
  14. janmaat and perez need to get the fuck away from here.
  15. Couldn't hear anything from our fans... there were less than 800 there. just caught the typical "your support is fucking shit" nonsense - and on today of all days.
  16. huss9


    even if it doesn't work, it'll get a rid a few myths and lies, and get some facts into the public domain that the local and national press wont.
  17. nowt more than timmy just calling defoe a jammy cunt or something by the sounds of it.
  18. surely he's playing riviere because he's been told to because of the ridiculous fee we paid for him. as for not picking cabella.....fuck knows.
  19. Gary Lineker ✔ @GaryLineker Follow Less than 30 seconds gone, Man C penalty. Shearer screams "my f**king God!" 5:32 PM - 21 Feb 2015 1,641 Retweets 1,762 favorites Gary Lineker ✔ @GaryLineker Follow 3-0. Shearer no longer screaming. Just mumbling "f**k me" 5:52 PM - 21 Feb 2015 2,530 Retweets 2,903 favorites
  20. huss9

    John Carver

    did he get any stick from the crowd?
  21. stoke away had done it for me but my youngest son who has just turned 7 begged me to take to a game. i used my brothers ticket for the QPR home game for him, and the little'uns absolutely hooked. he loves it and has been to every home game since. he loves the atmosphere, the build up and we even have a little match-day routine now. he's hyper after a match - win, lose or draw, he just loves it. all he does is trawl the internet for toon games to watch and smash anything in sight around the house pretending to be cisse/cabella/perez. he has now asked if i would take him to an away game. i'm gutted as was going to cancel my season ticket this month. what's even more gutting is his love of perez and i know for a fact come the summer he's going to be heartbroken when we sell him.
  22. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    Fatty, Fatter and Fattest. All 3 of them are bare faced liars. Fatter talked in his chronicle "interview" about having a 25 man squad hence no new players in - thats now down to only 18 if you exclude long term injuries and jonas/chucky. c***s, the lot of them. that LIAR LIAR LIAR banner needs updating and the chronicle need to pull their shit-stained tongues out.
  23. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    missed him this morning, what did he say?
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