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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    Charnley's an easy target. other than irving he's the only high profile Ashley yes man that lives up here with his whole family. The likes of Pardew, Kinnear, Llambias and Wise could just pop up now and again for a few days then disappear home. shit's getting real now and hopefully this is all the beginning of the end for Ashley.
  2. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    I'm not on facebook but my missus is. have persuaded her to share some of the negative charnley articles on her account. she's got a few mutual friends with mrs charnley.
  3. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    had his face plastered across most of the front page of the chronicle on Wednesday and he hated it. his wife's none to happy either but she's had to accept he gets paid to do whatever Ashley tells him to. they live close to us and are getting nervous about all the attention he's getting.
  4. seem like the only thing could delay garde's appointment is waiting till the transfer window shuts. only thing that could possibly stop it altogether would be his wage demands or his choice of coaching team.
  5. http://hereisthecity.com/en-gb/2015/01/10/richard-keys-asks-key-question-of-newcastle-united-fans/ However, former Sky Sports presenter Keys wonders if the 48-year-old will be accepted by the Newcastle fans. “Alan Pardew's first press conference as Palace manager was fascinating,” he wrote on his website. “Not for what he told us about Palace, more for what he hinted about at Newcastle. Remi Garde wants the Newcastle job? I'm sure a lot of people do. But do Geordies want him?” Richard Keys. What an absolute fuckwit.
  6. huss9

    Alan Shearer

    Partisan Belgrade - what a time to change technique.
  7. huss9

    John Carver

    now blaming the players for saying they were injured for the cup game.
  8. hasn't he already scored goals for the reserves?
  9. huss9

    John Carver

    and if sissoko's got tight hamstrings then carver needs to be asked what the fuck he is doing flying to fucking paris.
  10. huss9

    John Carver

    just give the cunt the job ffs. lets get relegated, get Ashley out and move on. the sooner the better. there are no other options. tbh I couldn't give a fuck if we got relegated if it meant Ashley leaving.
  11. should just change it to "mike Ashley, get out of our club".
  12. subs bench is disgusting. not even willing to risk perez for 20 minutes at the end if we need a goal?
  13. huss9

    Shola Ameobi

    Ameobi/Beardsley dream team. Can seriously see this happenining.
  14. to be fair, i've changed my opinion of colin murray and even that Adrian durham to an extent. they've consistently defended toon fans against the lazy clichéd jibes levelled at us. murray was again having a go this morning at those calling us fickle.
  15. hope that LIAR LIAR LIAR banner gets an airing against burnley. 2 down, 1 to go.
  16. huss9

    Tino's Been Back

    bet that fist smells like grimsby
  17. huss9

    Remy Cabella

    either that or he'll shipped off on loan to an italian club with a 3.5m euro permanent deal at the end of it.
  18. f*** it's not even January yet. I shouldnt be getting hopes up like this yet Ashley appointing de Boer? Can't see it. don't know, like. he may have looked at Southampton (another sell to buy club) and koemen and think it fits his blueprint.
  19. and brings in their own coaches.
  20. needs to be on the front page of every fanzine and sackpardew.com. no other words needed.
  21. sheep sat around me in the milburn with their expressionless faces accepting the s*** on view. was all getting too much for me so I started some abuse towards pardew. the venom and threats that started coming towards me from these supafans was alarming. apparently I'm a disgrace and not a proper fan. felt really threatened. really is quite frightening.
  22. any clips of ayoze handing terry his arse the first half?
  23. yeah, if maniac means "cunt".
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