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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9


    2 tickets available in the milburn paddocks - email me as pm doesnt seem to be working for me
  2. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    don't know whether to laugh or cry.... Pardew on talksport this morning telling them about his shock at the bombshell that there is another african cup of nations in 2013. deadly serious.
  3. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/feb/06/demba-ba-newcastle-united-papiss-cisse "Taylor is expected to make a swifter recovery from soft tissue damage to his right shin sustained when he was caught by Stephen Warnock's studs. Although eyebrows were raised that what seemed a wild lunge as the Villa left-back endeavoured to block Taylor's shot went unpunished, the FA will not review the incident retrospectively as it it says it was an "on the ball" challenge" WTF?
  4. huss9

    Papiss Cissé

    “I want to be part of the big football nights here at St James’ Park and I want to show what I can do."
  5. just wish ashley would come out and say a few words or release a statement. we all need to move on.
  6. richard branson would have asked MA about his views on the future for the club when he was negotiating the sponsorship deal. must be good news that he proceded as MA must have convinced him that he had some kind of ambition ..... I hope.
  7. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    itv getting a bashing off alan brazil on talk sport this morning over their lack of coverage of the ben arfa goal and the time spent discussing Ince's son
  8. sean thornton scores for Aberystwyth - this kid's one to watch
  9. I like that idea. any way of suggesting it to the club?
  10. would be nice to see a huge print of Speed dropped down over the back of the gallowgate like that shearer one
  11. huss9

    Alan Pardew

  12. bit too soon for shearer - maybe the likes of hughie gallacher or better still joe harvey - always thought the east stand should have been named after harvey soon after the milburn stand was named.
  13. huss9


    Lambias is a twat - however, although he was pissed, he didnt slag the fans off or the geordie women. this could have been a whole lot worse - part of me wishes it was but we dont need a good season disrailing.
  14. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    tactics spot on today but his hair not as slick as normal - especially down that right hand side
  15. yeah perch could have had a red - but stoke could have had 2 - that assault on raylor just before half time and then the cunt huth with his forearm in the second
  16. contract offer is on the table. he's been on a canny whack since he signed so may be able to accept slight cut in salary - unless he wants a shot at champions league footy. no matter our current position, liverpool still more likely to finish 4th.
  17. That could be a p*ssed up me, tbh. I have an annoying habit of shouting HIT IT ... HIT IT ... HIT IT! (He then hits it) .. Should've took a touch. wrong thread?
  18. huss9


    huge picture of CTB on front page of today's sunday herald with hiseyes blacked out!
  19. huss9


    Anybody who's favourite player is Alan Smith doesn't know anything about football and frankly doesn't deserve to follow this sport. The only people excused here are Alan Smith, and his mother. mike ashley proves this point
  20. huss9

    Shearer's bar

    the three squared?
  21. he looked frustrated and angry at times yesterday. hopefully we make a few quality signings in the summer because i think jose is starting to get alittle pissed off.
  22. not as good as nolan's overhead vs mackems
  23. huss9

    Joey Barton

    Get away man, he won the ball fair and square and his momentum made him slide into Diaby. It was a 50:50 ball which was there to be won, he won it it and Diaby bottled it and then lost his rag. exactly right. diaby didnt even go for the ball - just left his leg there - poor positioning - was always gonna det caught. cant blame joey for diaby not trying to make an effort.
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