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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Epic NUFC photos

    just need to photoshop Atalanta's Ederson into there with the custard cream champo kit on
  2. the premier league also needs to get a grip on the loan system. ridiculous hoarding of the brightest young talent by a couple of clubs.
  3. PIF didnt spend £300m on a premier league club to have it mid table, with other middle east owned teams in europe taking the piss out of us.
  4. huss9

    Kieran Trippier

    scored the winner
  5. if Isak makes it 3-1 we have a 2 goal lead to defend in the second half. money would still have been on city to at least get a draw
  6. i mean saudi tax law. isnt henderson a bit fucked if he come back this january - or is that to do with uk tax law.
  7. come on man. even you dont believe that shite. i'm sure they were both favours for agents and nothing more.
  8. huss9


    this lad was a massive miss yesterday. his intercepting, his retention, carrying the ball etc is great, even his passing is improving.
  9. the tax issue is massive but would it count if it was just loans. and how much of those bastards wages would we pay?
  10. i know he loves KK, but even KK had his critics over our tactics and the lack of defensive nous. but even he had batty, brace, venners etc.
  11. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    people think if its a home game and we're not at it for the full 90 minutes, then its a shit atmosphere. which means every other home ground i've been to in the prem is worse (apart from luton as i didnt go so dont know) unless their team is winning. our home atmosphere is canny compared to other teams. its not the70's and 80's anymore. and the ground is acoustically shite.
  12. if he had brought a defender on, krafth could have been an option rather than lascelles as we werent being bombared in the air, and he's able of carrying the ball. but he do you bring off? Isak?
  13. i think he means psychologically for the players. makes them drop even deeper. still could have tried it though, but if we'd still conceded he would have got pelters.
  14. huss9

    Anthony Gordon

    the hassle he got from the everton fans must have really gotten to the whole family. relief to to get away from all that, to a club where he's adored, and a city thats just lush to live in.
  15. fatigue seemed to set in at 45 minutes. offered absolutely nowt secind half. a week off, should have at least made it till 60minutes before looking fucked..
  16. was fucking awful, man. being told you're not a proper fan. worked out for the best the best though .
  17. me and the bairn were among those handing out the red cards - i think they were red - got a lot of abuse outside and inside the ground. one of the reasons we moved our seats to the gallowgate.
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