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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    aye, the amount of attacks started by schar and tripps.
  2. everton or spurs away, i would have been happy for him to play a weakened team. i know we're desperate for points but it may have helped is in the long run. luckily Eddie, like KK, isnt built like that.
  3. huss9

    Lewis Hall

    we were 3 nil up and he was just so desperate for the ball and a chance to impress.
  4. aye, the classic 4 destroyer seems to have been forgotten.
  5. ref really didnt get much wrong tbh. yellow to red correctly. jamal tried to push his way past raul and caught him. we;d have wnted a yellow maybe if it was the other way around.
  6. huss9

    Lewis Miley

    unfair and also unneccessary. just be glad we've got 2 local lads coming through and doing well.
  7. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    possibly his arse rather than his hamstring.
  8. think he got caught in the face during the celebrations
  9. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    he looks like he's running on close to empty too. kept seeing him grimacing and trying to stretch and loosen up his legs in the second half..
  10. its because we'd been singing it for ages towards the end of the game. "this year to save me from tears, i'll give it to jason tindall!"
  11. its more important to abuse the away team rather than inspire and support your own??? wtf. good job they have sensible owners now.
  12. huss9

    Alexander Isak

    still wont be enough of an explanation for some on here - he's lazy apparently.
  13. not the first time either in the last couple of weeks.
  14. huss9

    Dan Burn

    why bring him on instead of a fit Hall?
  15. Why does he dive horizontally under the ball? Bizarre technique.
  16. starting to get a bit twitchy about this game now. no way we'll go full strength.
  17. nee chance for 5th champo league place for the PL then? or is it still on?
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