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Everything posted by huss9

  1. he's back saturday isnt he??????
  2. seeing that is just as good as seeing those clips of the players coming in after a game. all looking out for each other. and it seems you fuck with one of ours and we'll never forget. just wait till we get you back up at ours. class. family.
  3. ive got 150+ points but a lot of that was shitty away days during the ashley era.
  4. booked our ST seats in the gallowgate. my brother got his in the milburn paddock. he wants to sit near us so i rang box office and they said tickets had already been printed so i couldnt cancel or switch his. but they were adamant he could book an extra ticket next week when goes to member sale. if he manages, i may have a spare for the milburn paddock
  5. huss9

    Dan Burn

    it really does need sortting, mind.
  6. huss9

    Dan Burn

    fuck the pel, how the hell did she get network reception inside the stadium?
  7. huss9


    fuck me man. KGC83 said: Do they still hate us? Dangermows: As I said, no, they were saying yday they still love us.
  8. also what was the banner in the gallowgate towards the milburn stand, next to miggy's? couldnt see it properly from where we were.
  9. the Howe surfer went down as teams were coming out - did the team and eddie get a good look at it?
  10. huss9

    Nick Pope

    well done Popey. knew mitro had double kicked it and was straight off his line letting the ref know.
  11. huss9

    Dan Burn

    got to stop his habit of grabbing and shirt tugging, would have been a red card had the ref given the pel. could have been a pel at arsenal too.
  12. get the fuck up man, maxi!!! getting to be a regular call. but i think he did canny today.
  13. agent mitro joins the ranks of agent chopra, agent jenas and agent cabaye. congratulations aleksander.
  14. mitro went to hit it to his left and it looked as if pope would have saved it, but it delfected off his left foot and changed direction to go in down the centre of the goal instead.
  15. dont know if its been mentioned already, but todays announcer was even fucking worse than the regular guy. espacially at full time. harsh but he does need sacking.
  16. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    eh? have you seen some of the treatment hes had from the opposition. never shirks a challenge and always puts his head in where it hurts.
  17. dyer? on the hoardings at gallowgate end?
  18. huss9

    Dan Burn

    the right sided version of BDB back in the day.
  19. huss9


    he wont get booed. and there's no need to suspend him. public apology. fine 2 weeks wages. nufc community service.
  20. its not uplifting or inspirational - just fucking small time. what is a geordie? we all know what a geordie is. we dont need telling how great we are. and the rest of the world arent bothered. once on a special occasion was enough but getting it repeated was fucking ridiculous and self-indulgent. really put a downer on things.
  21. i'd be pissed off if ST holders didnt get priority. the whole family have one and it costs us. put up with all the shite after Rafa left just in the hope of a takeover. knew i'd never be able get anothe ST if a takeover went through as the demand would be huge.
  22. tbf thats really what the Trust should be there for. they need to step up. worflags shouldnt be under any pressure to become some kind of pressure group - not fair on them.
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