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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    More words. Blah blah blah Guessing there isn't a line to dissect in this interview to slate him for and since it's positive it's ‘blah blah blah’. If he's negative, it's an excuse, if he's positive he's talking s***. Just ignore his quotes in the press if you’re just going to slate them everyday. Alreet pardew slurpa...we all know whose windows you lick. Window licker because i don't come on here and slate our manager and players? Sorry for getting behind them especially a day before the first home game of the season. Sorry but that's bollox. You're casting yourself as some sooperfan who, alone set against a tribe of trolls, will cheer the lads on. Come matchday, everyone wants a win. Period. Your patter though is about endorsing the utterly shite way in which we're run as club. And you're getting pulled up on it.
  2. They still really lite up top though. Can't see WBA scoring many tbh.
  3. I don't think he meant it to be a double negative, the daft plank. He usually saves those for the team sheet.
  4. He hasn't the first f**king idea how to organise his thoughts!!!!!!
  5. That 1st sentence, man. What the f**k is he trying to say?
  6. Debuchey is the only player we've got who can actually cross a ball.
  7. The thought of playing Anita and Marveaux in central midfield...could our centre be any softer? Wham will more liikely full over divets in the grass than lose the ball to either of those 2. Reckon Pardew will put Willo at CB, MYM in midfield with Moussa and Anita.
  8. I'd be totally chuffed with 6 points. Extremely happy. I'd also be over the moon if we go on a long unbeaten run and challenge for the top 4 again. I won't be disappointed if we don't achieve either of those goals though.
  9. As decent as he looked at Swansea, wouldn't it be better if we had a left footed player on the LW?
  10. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Realistically Kinnear is the man with his finger on the trigger now, no? I wouldn't think so. It's such an important position at the club i would think (hope) that Ashley is the only one who can make those kind of decisions. Certainly not some old tosspot who couldn't a job anywhere else.
  11. 4 points from the next 2 games would be amazing. I'd be content with 2 or 3. Think Wham will be very tough, probably just a little too good. If we can get a point we can get a bit of confidence and hope for a better performance against Fulham. Is this an elaborate lampoon? I'm a vegetarian. And anyway, hunting whales is illegal.
  12. 4 points from the next 2 games would be amazing. I'd be content with 2 or 3. Think Wham will be very tough, probably just a little too good. If we can get a point we can get a bit of confidence and hope for a better performance against Fulham. Hardly amazing, it's West Ham and Fulham, probably least you should expect The least we should expect? Who the f**k do you think we are? Chelsea or something? The least we should expect... Christ. You're probably bi-polar and will be beyond despair if we lose. Just try and be rational and exptrapolate based on the evidence. 4 points would be amazing because our last 20 or so competitive games clearly suggest so. Give your head a shake man.
  13. 4 points from the next 2 games would be amazing. I'd be content with 2 or 3. Think Wham will be very tough, probably just a little too good. If we can get a point we can get a bit of confidence and hope for a better performance against Fulham.
  14. Odd time to bring in a coach. Would have thought if we were after one we'd have sorted that by preseason. Don't believe we're adding to the coaching staff. Think the consultancy for the fitness coach was the extent of it.
  15. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    I think WHam will be just a little bit too good for us. I'm hopeful of us getting a result against Fulham though.
  16. Pardew's been called out before at previous clubs for being too matey with his players (insert joke about wags, etc). He's got to do it imo as he has no other way to get any message across to them at all. There's literally f**k all to respect about him as a former player and nothing in his managerial 'legacy'. There's nothing to him. Nothing to instill a bit of awe/respect. He knows this so he goes for the buddy buddy route. Not helping.
  17. I'll try and bring it back to topic by pulling this back up regarding Vuckic, think it's pretty much spot on. Probably true for his potential in a Newcastle team. Another of those: what would he look like in a team with movement/options around him? Similar to Cabaye, I think he'd look much better elsewhere. Serie A is made for him tbh Said that a while ago. Totally agree.
  18. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Course, nobody is saying that what he's arguing is factually correct. It's just what he has to say. Tbh, i had to put that in there or you or inochi would have straight in there asking me what else he was going to say with loads of question marks and maybe a facepalm or two. You've put me on the defensive Can both sides be on the defensive? I think we're both being passive aggressive
  19. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    I'm not convinced he's actually twigged that he's crap yet. When/if he does i think he'll stop talking. Of course he has, if not he would had quit by now. Any self respecting manager would had quit us by now, over the farce of this summer wit Kinnear coming in and then the lack of transfers. I don't get the feeling you understood what i meant...
  20. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Course, nobody is saying that what he's arguing is factually correct. It's just what he has to say. Tbh, i had to put that in there or you or inochi would have straight in there asking me what else he was going to say with loads of question marks and maybe a facepalm or two. You've put me on the defensive
  21. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    I'm not convinced he's actually twigged that he's crap yet. When/if he does i think he'll stop talking.
  22. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    He has absolutely no control over transfers and it appears he has very little influence tbh. There's not much he can say there, he's being put in the spotlight to answer for other peoples mistakes/ineptitude. That being said, when he says we're still a very good team, i beg to differ because we haven't looked like a team in a long while. It's that i expect him to say we're not a good team, it's just that i don't agree with him. We're not a good team. Teamwork is apparent by it's absence.
  23. He needn't apologise tbf. There's a fair few others that do though.
  24. Lotus

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Different positions. Bigi tends to hang back (unless he's on the f***ing wing again) while Gosling will try and get in the box. Gosling will do f**k all game simply because he's sh*te. Shame but true. Wish we had options
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