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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Gouffran doesn't create anything or score many from out there, so he clearly isn't fine. It's too early to conclude that IMO. Not that I expect any of players to be given any time like. I've a lot of time for his effort but we don't really play a 4-3-3, we play more like a 4-5-1 and he doesn't really offer much as LW. Doesn't dribble, doesn't cross. They're not really his attributes.
  2. Doesn't create. Did he get any assists last season?
  3. 30.06.2015 according to Transfermarkt. Wiki has him to 2014 unless i'm reading it wrong....
  4. Is it true Etienne Capoue has 1 yeart left on his contract? Would think it well worth moving Tiote on and spending the money on him.
  5. I suspect that around 55% of the fans - at least - share your views. Ashley is in for a shock when the 3 year ST period runs out unless he pulls off something spectacular before the season starts because I can see another wasted season if this squad is what the club intend to rely on until Christmas......MINUS Cabaye, of course.... We have a good set of players, the threat of relegation's off our back for now, a new season is starting. I'm surprised everyone isn't looking forward to the kick off. Aye, the Kinnear thing has been an embarrassment, but once the football starts we can forget about that. I don't see any reason to expect another season like last. Nothing has changed for the better so far though Ian. A couple of fringe players have left and a raving lunatic has been brought in. We still have the exact same personnel as last season who underperformed so spectacularly. There has been no one brought in so far in boost the squad, give them a bit of confidence for the coming season. So far there is just nothing there to say the coming season is going to be any better. Things have changed for the better though, mainly a break to refresh, the chance to regroup, and the spiral of decline broken. We have the same personnel as last season, but the new signings only played since Jan. Also, they are the same personnel who finished 5th as well. I'm not predicting an amazing season, but I don't believe we'll be as bad as last either. The level of negativity is staggering at times. Teams to tend to get judged on what they did the season before, not on what they did a couple or a few years ago. There does tend to be a good reason for that too.
  6. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Basically this. The Sissoko quotes are more worrying to me. "he needs more goals if he's to play number 10". He's not a number 10, anywhere near one, did he not even read his scouting report? It's just scarily incompetent Aye, that one is pretty bad. I just find it incredible he wouldn't have a defined idea of where he needs to play. He's pretty much saying, I don't really know, he'll have to figure it out. Thats not great to hear What he could be saying is that it's upto the player to force himself into this plans. By either playing better than either Tiote/Cabaye, scoring (the No. 10 reole) or making sure he gets assists (RW). Maybe he's challenging Sissoko to prove himself.
  7. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    His biggest problem is going to be sorting out the left side. We need attacking threat but was also need someone who offer enough protection to Santon because he hasn't looked that clever as a defender tbh. That's the problem with having Marveaux there. He's better inside for a start so he'll probably drift in, and he won't be forever shadowing the FB when we haven't got the ball. One option might be to put MYM at LB as he's solid there and just leave Marveaux to drift in and out of the game as he does, popping up and doing his stuff now and again. Lacks a bit of structure though so i can see why that wouldn't be popular with the coaching staff!
  8. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Yes, that was odd! Everytime i saw him play in France, and i mean everytime, he was on the right. Must have only seen him 10-15 times though so i suppose it's possible he played on the left or in the middle all the other times. Doubt it though. I'm sure Mole can tell us
  9. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Wonder what the plans are for Anita and Marveaux. Bit part roles? P45?
  10. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Reading the Sissoko quote it does seem to suggest the formation won't be a 4-3-3. My guess would be a 4-2-3-1 again. Depends on who we sign or sell though i guess.
  11. Jealous of them for a couple of reasons but signing Bony for £12m isn't one of them.
  12. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Was what i thought. He was told to resign or just face being sacked.
  13. We should have had Moses when Hughton had the deal lined up during the Championship season. That was one of those deadly Dekka pulled the plug on due to being a short-sighted gimp. Thank f*** he's left the club. Didnt Moses say he turned us down as he would get more games at Wigan? Not according to Dave who (i think) actually spoke to his agent. Think he said that Moses really wanted to come but that DL was an obnoxious arsehole who f**cked about. Dave, gloss over my inaccuracies in an effort to make Llambiarse look even worse please... Ah now you mention it i do remember Dave saying that We just need to pad it out to make it look even worse. Like he tried to touch round the 'front' or something....
  14. We should have had Moses when Hughton had the deal lined up during the Championship season. That was one of those deadly Dekka pulled the plug on due to being a short-sighted gimp. Thank f*** he's left the club. Didnt Moses say he turned us down as he would get more games at Wigan? Not according to Dave who (i think) actually spoke to his agent. Think he said that Moses really wanted to come but that DL was an obnoxious arsehole who f**cked about. Dave, gloss over my inaccuracies in an effort to make Llambiarse look even worse please...
  15. I think Sammy might be a late developer physically. Might take him a while to gain some strength and stamina. As for reading the game, he needs to be playing. He also needs good coaching. If he gets those then i guess it will be upto him what level he attains.
  16. Who's the better player out of Scott Sinclair and Tom Ince?
  17. Not defending S. Ameobi here but Carroll was also p*ss poor in the Championship with Preston. And he's a player that you absolutely adore so, i guess players can turn out better than expected in some cases.
  18. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    How is Gouffran not a senior striker? Just because we play him somewhere else. Where was he playing when we played Bordeaux? On the wing?
  19. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew is so interested in how he's perceived rather what he actually does. He's such a disingenuous tosser.
  20. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    I thought the other fella had taken over Derek's role. Forget his name now.... Lee Charnley, that's what we were talking about. Am i dreaming this? I thought the club announced that someone internal was promoted to fulfill Llambias's financial role and i'm sure it wasn't Charnley.... You are right, the other fella does the internal finances, sponsorship stuff i think i read but Charnley does the transfers. Oh. Was the delineation as clear as that?
  21. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    I thought the other fella had taken over Derek's role. Forget his name now.... Lee Charnley, that's what we were talking about. Am i dreaming this? I thought the club announced that someone internal was promoted to fulfill Llambias's financial role and i'm sure it wasn't Charnley....
  22. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    I thought the other fella had taken over Derek's role. Forget his name now....
  23. Lotus

    Loïc Remy

    That very much depends on what the club's intentions are.
  24. Christ, how porous would that be...
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