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Everything posted by toonarmy

  1. "It's like a library here from the Sunderland fans, so quiet"
  2. I disagree at this point. The point of these games was never to win (though obviously that's always something you want). The point was to figure out who will figure in the team going forward and to get them acclimated. For example, they were doing extremely intense 2-a-days for the last week in training. Knowing full well it might mean players were going to be too tired during the actual game, but he wanted to see who would be able to handle the intensity and who can play the way he wants to play even under adversity. These kinds of things take time - I'll be worried if qualifying starts next year and we still look so ramshackle. Until then, in Jurgen I trust.
  3. must be nice to replace welbeck with chicharito
  4. would have been a penalty, but he was offsides
  5. toonarmy

    Erik Pieters

    Honestly, it was foolish to wait this long to let Enrique go when we've known for so long. Even if we had a replacement lined up and signed today, you'd hardly expect him to be ready to go in 2 days time against Arsenal. Can only hope we get someone in within a few days so he can be ready to go in a week or two and not lose the entire season to "settling in".
  6. The part between 00:00 and 2:14:42. guess my plans for the evening are gone then
  7. Having not listened to it yet, and not being bothered to read this whole ridiculous thread, any part of it I should listen to in particular?
  8. I'll be damned. I had no faith in us winning this, I'm shocked and happy
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