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ross magoo

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Everything posted by ross magoo

  1. Inter are a bunch of fucking hammer throwers.
  2. Dundee United are fucking magic. That is all.
  3. Everybody's experiences will obviously differ. I find Celtic supporters too "friendly" at times. It's usually loaded with some patronising s****. "You've got a good wee team there big man - I like your number six, wouldnae mind seeing him in the hoops byraway, you lads need the money". There's nothing worse than being patronised by people who i'm exponentially better than. I have no time for Rangers or their fans but at least they just hate you - I can handle that.
  4. The OF are a breed apart tbh. I'm not denying that they have some decent fans. They do. But they just seem to bring this element of neanderthals with them wherever they travel. It's the need to drink in the street instead of in a pub that I don't like and also the need to treat every city they visit as a mass open-air urinal. I just don't like people with no standards. The "tarring everybody with the same brush" argument always gets trotted out the minute somebody challenges this disgusting behaviour but that doesn't wash with me. I live next to the two grounds in Dundee and it only happens when the Infirm are in town. It must be a coincidence on a fucking cosmic scale tbh. You're welcome to them but it looks like we're stuck with them.
  5. If the Celtic fans wanted to comemerate 1916 you lot would have a lot would have a problem. If the Celtic fans don't want to support poppy day they don't have to. If you want to support it then do. I don't have a problem with them staying out of the ground if they don't wish to participate in the minute's silence. That's fine. But they stood outside the ground screaming songs about Keiran McAnespie being killed by the British Army at the top of their voices when they new fine well it would be heard inside the ground when the silence was taking place. Celtic supporters really do take attention seeking to a whole new level. I don't know if they actually feel oppressed or if it's just an ambition.
  6. Or just thrown onto the pitch at Tannadyce. Its just as wet. Tannadice. Dyce is in Aberdeen. They were due their annual wash anyway the fucking smelly tinky gadgie bastards.
  7. Rangers fans should have their bollocks encased in concrete and be thrown into the Clyde with a knife.
  8. Used to play for Dundee. And therefore should be fucked and burned.
  9. Celtic are utterly fucking garbage. I'm actually embarassed that we didn't beat them.
  10. Me neither. People are saying they'll put out their second string but I don't think there are many players in their second string who wouldn't stroll into our starting XI plus they'll all be looking to make an impression. Heroic failure awaits.
  11. To finish second, yes. But finishing second might not be enough to get into the playoffs (even if we win if i'm not mistaken). I think we really need to win to have any realistic chance.
  12. We're playing Holland midweek. We need to win. So no.
  13. I live about three and a half hours away but i've been to a few more than ten games. I'd probably put it at about 25-30.
  14. I can usually do it in about three hours in my old banger with a one litre engine. I'd imagine most of them drive better cars than mine. Just a thought.
  15. Danny still hasn't really shaken off the potential tag yet. A lot of our fans had high hopes for him when he was signed - Levein rated him as the most exciting talent he'd ever worked with but nobody seems to know what his postion is though. He's too one-dimensional to be played in anything other than a three man central midfield trio and I feel he's wasted out wide. His first touch is like nothing i've ever seen before in my life but he needs to perform more consistently. If he doesn't make his mark this season then I can see him being moved on.
  16. Crap game between two crap teams. Our keeper flapped at the ball for Newcastle's goal but the boy did well to take his chance. First penalty was never a penalty - ball to hand. Second penalty was madness from the defender.
  17. It wasn't a shock but i'm still gutted about this - he was one of my heroes. It always made me laugh hearing Keegan and Shearer being referred to as "The Geordie Messiah" whilst Robson just got on with his work. Aside from him being a Newcastle man there was just something about him that I admired and i've never, until now, thought about it in any detail. Maybe it was his ability. By all accounts he was an excellent player and by my own judgement he was a world class manager managing some of the biggest clubs and biggest players in the world. The fact neither England nor Newcastle have since reached the heights he took them to since he left speaks volumes about his influence. Maybe it was his funniness, his ability to laugh at himself and his general persona that could always raise a chuckle. I remember him talking about being diagnosed with cancer; when told that he had a malignant melanoma he replied "The German left-back? No we don't need him". I remember reading an interview with Shola Ameobi who was asked if he had any nicknames to which he said "No". When asked what Bobby Robson called him he replied, "Carl Cort". I also remember him being described as "Having the look of a man persistently worried that he might have left the gas on". All of these things raise a smile whenever I think about them. That said though, he was no doormat. Paul Gascoigne, in his autobiography, told of one occasion in a qualifier for the 1990 World Cup when he had been sent on as a substitute and ordered to hold the left touchline to stretch the opposition. Gascoigne ignored him and drifted inside. In the changing room after the game Robson asked him what he was playing at and Gascoigne explained that he preferred playing through the middle. Robson proceeded to tell him in pretty plain Geordie that "If and when you are lucky enough to play for England again you'll play wherever I ****ing well tell you to play". I think most of all what I liked about him though was his humility. Too often you hear football people being interviewed and all they want to talk about is what they've done, what they've won, who they've beaten etc. Robson was different and was always keen to stress what football had done for him and what a privilege it had been to have earned a good living out of a game that he loved. It's even more refreshing when you consider some of the egos that he worked with during his career. Never has Kipling's line about walking with kings and not losing the common touch been more appropriate. RIP Bobby - greatly loved and never forgotten.
  18. 170 yards away by all accounts http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=tannadice&sll=56.473935,-2.971201&sspn=0.004178,0.009645&ie=UTF8&ll=56.474474,-2.971448&spn=0.004178,0.009645&t=h&z=17 I can see my house! More sticking up for the toon on PieandBovril you! Im going to this. Getting the train up and cant wait! I very rarely venture onto the Other Football forum on P&B tbh - obviously making a name for myself though!
  19. 170 yards away by all accounts http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=tannadice&sll=56.473935,-2.971201&sspn=0.004178,0.009645&ie=UTF8&ll=56.474474,-2.971448&spn=0.004178,0.009645&t=h&z=17 I can see my house!
  20. It's good enough for you animals from Glasgow tbh.
  21. Fuckin delighted with that I'll obviously be in the home end mind If anybody's coming up for it then give me a shout and i'll give you the Tour De Pub
  22. Having a few mates round my flat to watch this after the Utd v Rangers game. I was hoping to watch it in the pub but the place will be teeming with huns and there'll be trouble if they don't win the league.
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