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ross magoo

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Everything posted by ross magoo

  1. ross magoo


    Strachan is an average manager at best. I used to like his funny quips but 2 years at the Infirm seems to have drained the humour out of him. He's won two SPL titles against a very poor Rangers team. Walter Smith won 7 and did nothing at Everton. Martin O'Neill seems to have been found out at Villa aswell. No point in replacing Roeder with a manager who probably won't improve the situation. We need to be moving forward not making a sideways step.
  2. The Scottish Sun has been reporting that he's going to Celtic. They'll do anything to try and sell papers.
  3. You'll love it. I've always had a soft spot for Newcastle because my big sis lives there but i'd never been to SJP until last year. I have to say i'm hooked and i've travelled down from Dundee to about 6 or 7 games this season. It's my favourite city (better than NYC imo). The people know how to have a laugh, take the p!ss out of eachother and generally don't take themselves too seriously. For pre/post-match drinks I usually go to Rosie's and/or The Strawberry but remember you can also get a pint inside the ground (all very civilised). I have a season ticket for a Scottish club but unfortunately we'll never be allowed to drink in the ground because of "those two"
  4. "Football's a team game". Oh right. I've always wondered why they all wear the same fu(king clothes.
  5. Always thought it would look good if we put the players number on the other side, so it doesn't look unbalanced. aye that would look smart, never though of that - all the shirts now just look poor with a logo/badge in the middle and one to the side, the number would balance it quite nicely expect that never to happen then Probably against league rules.
  6. I think we missed Sibierski's presence when he went off - not a lot was sticking up top after that and their centre backs got too much time on the ball. Good all round performance though. We'll need to score at least once over there but after seeing their defence I don't think that'll be a problem.
  7. I get disillusioned watching Dundee United but that's only because they've gone from being one of the best teams in Europe to being total sh!te, relegation candidates almost every year for 15 years. I always moan about "cant be arsed" when we're losing but a couple of victories gets me excited again. That's just the nature of football - you've got to suffer the bad times to fully appreciate the good times.
  8. How much did you lads pay for season tickets last season anyway? I'm considering getting one next season.
  9. Le Guen didn't realise what he was taking on at Rangers. Old firm fans expectations are unbelievably high - you've got to win almost every game to avoid being under pressure. Results have been poor domestically but I really don't understand the fans taking Ferguson's side - he's the most overrated player in Scotland. He looked a good player in his first spell at Rangers due in no small part to Ronald de Boer carrying much of the creative burden in midfield. Since he has returned he has been shown up for what he is - a run of the mill, 7 out of 10 player.
  10. I'd rather set my pubes on fire and beat the flames out with a rusty axe than sell Given - he's one of the best keepers in the country.
  11. Did anybody see that fat Rangers fan being interviewed on SSN? bluelaugh.gif
  12. Wasn't actually a trick. I think it was he outmuscled 3 Man U defenders, and rolled the ball back to Milner near the touchline (2nd half). The closest thing to a trick was him stepping down hard on the ball to trap it, which deterred the Man U defenders from going near him! Ah, OK. I just assumed he'd done a trick because everyone went Wahey! From where I was sitting it looked like he used both feet at the same time to flick the ball up with his toes so that it went over the defender's foot.
  13. Well I thought that was a thoroughly entertaining match - chances at both ends. I don't get to many games so it was good to be treated to such a good one today. Thank fcuk Solano was in the right place at the right time at the end. That was better than Scotland v France for me. Oh, and I pity the poor bugger who borrowed my Dundee United season ticket today - we got humped 5-1 from, wait for it.....Falkirk blueeek.gif
  14. I'll be going to this one. Got a shot of my mate's season ticket while he's offshore. I didn't go to the Watford game, electing instead to go to Dundee United's majestic 3-2 win at Motherwell. But i'll be at the games against Spurs and Man Utd. Newcastle 4-2 Spurs.
  15. Sounds like lazy journalism to me. The press up here were linking him to Dundee Utd based solely on the Levein connection and with no consideration given to the fact that Utd can nowhere near afford his wages. Anothe case of the Sun putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 518473149554.
  16. Mark Hughes is a twat. He was at the Manchester United school of decision analysis. The curriculum taught at this school is based on 2 fundamental principles: - 1. Any decision against us is a f*cking disgrace. 2. Any decision in our favour is what we deserved because of all the f*cking disgraceful decisions that go against us. He's just making an arse of himself and when their appeal over Henchoz's suspension fails (and it will) his suspension should be increased just to make a point. He must honestly believe that he's hard done by. Cnut.
  17. He did indeed play in Europe for Hearts and would therefore be cup tied. Hearts were paying him in the region of £6k-£7k per week. Romanov wants to sell Craig Gordon, Paul Hartley and Tynecastle for a net profit against the club's debt which he transferred to his Lithuanian bank account last year. He will then close the club down and walk away. All of the Lithuanian loan players will return to their clubs. Pressley's wages were eating into that potential profit. Pressley's contract stipulated that if he played 25 games for Hearts this season then he would have to be offered a one year extension. He' already played 20 so Hearts decided to get rid. The papers up here are saying that he might go to Rangers.
  18. The guy is so anti-Newcastle it's unreal. Tried his best to make a case for offside after Oba's first and then tried to say that Henchoz should only have been booked. Every controversial incedent he came down on Blackburn's side. The man is a fcukin balloon. He shouldn't be allowed on T.V.
  19. They drew Aberdeen out twice. I really don't see the problem. Just make the sheep-shagging tattie howkers play twice.
  20. I've got a sneaky feeling Real Madrid might win it this season.
  21. Just a note on defending corners. When I was at Hampden for the Scotland v France game France employed a tactic when defending corners whereby they left 2 men upfield but they each stood on opposite touchlines to stretch the defenders that Scotland left at the back. It never came to anything but I thought it was quite a clever ploy by Domenech - maybe something that other teams could try out...
  22. I reckon he'll join Levein at Dundee United.. I would have him back at Tannadice in a minute. However, I think he's on 6 or 7 grand a week at Hearts. We punted McIntyre, Brebner, McInnes, Fernandez, Ritchie and Miller because they were earning too much money and they were on half of what Pressley gets at Hearts. He's the best centre half in Scotland imo and could do a job at Newcastle but only in the short term.
  23. Nae bather mate - tbh we've been having similar problems at Dundee Utd on arabfever.co.uk - some fuckin clown thought it would be a good idea to have the site sponsored by Setanta - now we can't post links to match highlights. Pure nightmare like.
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